HELLO FROM BRITAIN Guestbook Archive 003

Thank you to everyone who has sent a comment! We will keep an archive of ALL the comments we get.

GOOD,VERY GOOD!ÎÒºÜϲ»¶ÄãÃǵĽÚÄ¿,ÔÚÕâÀï×£ÄãÃÇ¿ì¿ìÀÖÀÖ!ÎÒÏëΪ¶þ¸öÅ®º¢µã¸è(Ïò³Ì·¼,ÀîÇç)!
ÉϺ£, Öйú - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 12:34:06 (BST)
我是你们的忠实听众.我很喜欢你们的节目,GOOD LUCK!我想为两个女孩(向程芳,李晴)点歌,THANK YOU!
孙斌 <boney_sun@citiz.net>
上海, 中国 - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 11:54:54 (BST)
Dear Maggie and Brian: Hello,I like the "Hello From Britain" best and I love you. 代我向屁股猫问好!
韩臻 Angela <保密>
上海, China - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 06:56:19 (BST)
Dear Maggie&Brian I am back here. I've just got your email ,thank you very much. I will be always with you. May 15th. is my birthday I'd like to share my happines with all my friends.
蔡雪磊 <xuelei-cai515@sohu.com>
shanghai, china - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 03:35:16 (BST)
Dear Maggie&Brian I am back here. I've just got your email ,thank you very much. I will be always with you. May 15th. is my birthday I'd like to share my happines with all my friends.
蔡雪磊 <xuelei-cai515@sohu.com>
shanghai, china - Thursday, April 20, 2000 at 03:34:50 (BST)
After visiting part of your website, I can't help expressing my mind now. I want to say I like your homepage very much because it's so fast that I needn't waste much time to wait and I also find it meaningful. I care for Brians English Corner Articles very much and all the pictures on it. I will visit it often as listening to your program. Thank you two for making so nice website and so nice programme. I know there must be a great deal of things to do. I think you are cool!
Shanghai, - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 10:56:42 (BST)
Hi Maggie and Brian, I love your program. Allison
Allison.Huang <seame@etang.com>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 08:50:08 (BST)
I always turn 0n the radio at 10:00 every sunday. I feel very happy when I hear your voices. It has been four years since the first time I listened to HFB. But, this is the first letter to you. It's a good feeling.
谭玉婷 <tanyuting_sh@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 19, 2000 at 07:35:33 (BST)
I like your program very much!
nicky <jinweico@public1.sta.net.cn>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 10:28:26 (BST)
sytiuw machrone <bogstriuk@sina.com>
shanghai, - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 09:48:06 (BST)
杭州, - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 09:44:01 (BST)
I like your programme very much.I want to know the news of Boys II Man.I will always support you.Good luck to you
胡萌 <chenfeiling@sina.com>
shanghai , china - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 06:28:24 (BST)
sophy------林苏菲 <sophy008@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, April 18, 2000 at 03:59:01 (BST)
Hello,your programme is very great, I like it very much, hope you will all have good luck, bye. EE
Elf.Gao <gaoweijunmail2.online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 13:44:58 (BST)
Dear Magy Brain, Hello!How are you?this time is my frist time write you .I feel very exited.i am a student of ZHE JIANG FOREING ECNONIC RELATES+TRADE SCHOOL.I listen to you program every weekend,and i feel it is fantestic.i love it very much. I don't know the spell of your name .is it right i wrote above .if wrong please correct in you program.ok?I write you in english as Brain can read in chinese.
sophie lin <sophielin82@yahoo.com>
hongzhou, china - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 12:20:33 (BST)
hi 又是我,我对你们节目的评价是:"嗯!蛮好!蛮好!"
Edward wood-------吴涛 <wu3435@citiz.net>
china, shanghai - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 10:49:59 (BST)
这是我第一次上网,来到了你们的网站,因为喜欢你们的节目,喜欢Maggie and Brian 的主持。 我是上海的一名高中生,18岁,是女孩。 以一名新听众的身份support your programme. 第一次上网能满足我的一个要求吗? 我想点播一首歌 MCHNIGHT 的 BACK AT ONCE,他的first name 是什么我不知道,只知道他姓MCHNIGHT。 THANK YOU FOR YOUR HELP。THANKS AGAIN。
shanghai , china - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 09:20:42 (BST)
Thank you to bring many wonderful sings. Every Sunday moring I have a good time. Please keep on your nice programme.
Yvonne <chiwy@21cn.com>
shanghai, china - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 09:20:04 (BST)
Hello, Brian and Maggie, love you, love you, love you! (then Brian should say "thank you, thank you, thank you", as he usually does in the HFB program.:-) HFB brings me so much happiness. Thank you so much! When I was still in JTU, I enjoyed your program very much. After graduation, these had been quite a long time that I did not listen to your program. (Sorry :-). Actually I seldom listened to the radio during these busy years. Two weeks ago, I turned on my JVC mini-HiFi occasionally. Then I found your program, just like I found a long lost friend. Having been living a busy life for 7 years, I am still your fan! Life is not easy for me, but your program really brings me happiness. Thank you again! And wish I can listen to your program for ever and ever! 以下写给Maggie,当然Brian如果能看懂的话,那再好不过!Maggie你好,一开始不知道你是在英国主持这档节目的,看了你的玉照,很喜欢,非常的自然(natural)有活力,而蔡博士讲过,Nature is beauty,所以你很美丽!谢谢你在电波中给我带来的活力。你在他乡过的好吗?我相信你的生活也是很忙,多多保重啊! Fan -- Utopia
Utopia Zhu (朱明) <utopia_c@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, P.R. China - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 04:38:24 (BST)
Hey,thank u for giving us so much good music!
niji <niji_chen@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 03:41:55 (BST)
你们好,很喜欢听你们的节目,我想点一首“tesars in haven"行吗?献给我的最亲的人!祝他们在天堂快乐,幸福! 祝你们开心,能听到你们的声音,我会很高兴的!谢谢! 汪崇理
wangchongli <12345wangcl@yeah.net>
嘉兴, 中国 - Monday, April 17, 2000 at 02:02:28 (BST)
Maggie and Brian 你们好!我很喜欢听你们的节目,不过最近因为星期天也要上班,所以听不到你们的节目了,真是可惜,不知有没有重播?如果有就好了,希望能在节目中听到你们提及我的名字,到时可要记得发个E-mial给我,让我知道,顺便我想点一首歌,911的How do you want me to love you (很可惜这个我喜欢的团体解散了.)这句话是我最想对你们说的,希望你们的节目永远办下去.
Clare(钟晨) <zhch117@sh163b.sta.net.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 16:29:47 (BST)
I am very happy to vist your web, I do hope your programe will be heared by more and more people.
Levi Sun <levisun@public1.sz.js.cn>
Su Zhou, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 15:33:57 (BST)
Very happy to visit this web site.HELLO FROM BRITAIN is the best radio program .
Saven Guo <lovefox_9976@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 10:11:14 (BST)
这是我所见过的,制作的最棒的网页,只不过我什么都看不懂 能提供中文网页吗?我将热情期待 纸河
纸河 <zhihe2000@263.net>
南通, 中国 - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 08:00:04 (BST)
Hello! Wish you continue to the future! zhou 2000.4.16
周辉 <vir@8848.net>
杭州, 中国 - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 07:38:50 (BST)
i love ur program.thank u.and i love maggie's voice and brian's laugh.
crystal shi <cryse@21cn.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 06:42:30 (BST)
Dear Maggie&Brian: I was deeply attracted by your programme for the first time i listened to it. I love it,thanks for bringing such fresh air to me.
liyue <Savio@etang.com>
Shanghai, china - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 06:38:37 (BST)
谢谢你们的节目,I will love it forever!
sarah ray <xinyi1983@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 06:28:18 (BST)
I like your program very much. And I like you two. Cathie
cathie 徐 <anhua@fp.net.cn>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 06:08:54 (BST)
Hello, Maggie & Brain: I am listening to your programme. And this is the favourite one. Thank you very much for bringing so much beautiful songs to me. I will stand up for your programme forever.
葛晓妍 (Grace) <llgrace@public2.sta.net.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 05:13:09 (BST)
i like the FM101.7 very much!!!!
callmejon <callmejon@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 05:12:27 (BST)
陈子凝(eily) <ecnudcs@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 05:01:29 (BST)
It's my favorite program !!!
上海, 中国 - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 04:30:31 (BST)
I like your programme very much.Thank you for taking me to a wonderful music world.Hope that you can choose a little country music.
Chris <hellocrystal@sina.com>
Shanghai, CHINA - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 04:02:44 (BST)
I waited so long to say that I liked yuor program so much. Once occasionally I turned on my walkman, it was coincedence I met this program. Then I was deeply fascinated by the program. I hope it'll last on forever, and keep bringing me joy.
张元昕 <ultrazyx@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 03:54:29 (BST)
I like your program very much!
Jack <fcy@citiz.net>
shanghai, China - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 03:46:37 (BST)
在第一次听到来自英国的问候时,我简直难掩心中的喜悦,这正是我想要的。 我想说,Brian&Maggie,I love you!
柳丹 <bobo1099_2000@yahoo.com>
杭州, china - Sunday, April 16, 2000 at 02:11:47 (BST)
hi dearest maggie and brian.....i love ur programme....its the no.1 in my heart.....could u plz tell me some latest news from kavana in ur programme????thanks a lot!!!!! hope maggie will be sexier and more beautiful.....and brian will be more handsome becky with love.....
Becky <cutee1108@hotmail.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 09:29:10 (BST)
this is my first time to this website. but i have been your listener for quite a long time because i had my university time in beijing where your programme is very popular. i enjoyed those great time with your music in my life. thank your very much for what you have done for all of us listeners and for all the greatest hits you have brought into my life.
amy <amyf@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 09:26:58 (BST)
Dear Maggie&Brian, 这是我第二次写信给你们。现在我即将毕业,加入上班族。 在此我想点一首歌送给同学们及自己,希望大家都能找到 一份理想的工作。谢谢!
高岭 <Lesliegao@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 05:18:12 (BST)
Well done,guys!
YingYIng <engsh@etang.com>
Shanghai, china - Saturday, April 15, 2000 at 03:24:17 (BST)
Very happy see Maggie and Brian. Your WebSite is very good,and I like it
SuZhou, china - Friday, April 14, 2000 at 12:48:39 (BST)
太仓, 中国 - Friday, April 14, 2000 at 12:17:51 (BST)
susan Ê©ÑôÔÆ
ÉϺ£ shanghai , China - Friday, April 14, 2000 at 05:24:08 (BST)
I like the two hours' radio program very much.thanks
vivian wang <wangsnet_2000@yahoo.com>
shanghai, china - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 12:48:16 (BST)
Dear Maggie & Brian, hello, how are you. my name is Claudia.(Nick name,Rabbit) i am a middle schoolstudent in shanghai world forgein language middle school. i am now in grade senven. one year ago, my father recommented me a very good programme which is called "hello from britian".i think maggie's voice is very attractive. so i always e-mail you. but you never read it on air. i am not satisfied with it! you know i work very hard. every sunday morning, i get up early. listen to your programme on time. i don't like the chinese music. i just like backstreetboys, britney spears, christina aquilera, s club 7, 911, five, steps, aqua, moffatts, westlife, steps, savage garden, hanson, a1, spice girls and so on. i like all of these singers. you get into my room, you'll see a lot of the cds in the shelf. i am proud of i have so many cds. i want to order all of songs of theirs. but i know it's inpossble. i like to sing it at school. but my friends say i sing terribly. so i want to order a song from s club 7 which is called "bring it all back". i hope my family will be happy and lucky forever, the friendship between my best friend maria (虞烨婷)and i will forever and forever more!!!and i hope i will hear my name on 4.15 sunday.thank you very much!!! P.S. my father said maggie and brian are husband and wife. really? could you please tell me the truth? cause i want to know. be your fan forever Claudia (please call me rabbit on air)
王加贝 Claudia (rabbit) <xiaotuzi0952@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 11:37:17 (BST)
Hi,Brian and Maggie!你们好!!有你们爽朗笑声和醉人音乐的星期天更 象一个节日!谢谢你们以前为我播的STING的«金色麦田»,当歌声飘起的那 一刻,心情也是金色的。这次我还想为那位北京的网友香水昆虫点播一首她喜欢的«Batman 3--Batman forever»中的一首歌«KISS FROM A ROSE» By SEAL 我在外面找了很久都没能找到这首歌,只能求助于你们了。另外哪位网友能把歌词寄给我。。?谢谢!祝你们永远快乐,顺利。。
huangjia <royali23@hotmail.com>
shanghai, china - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 11:01:50 (BST)
Hello,Brian and Maggie!我是上海交大的学生。Hello from Britain 是我每个周日上午的必修课。懒懒的坐在阳台上,晒着太阳喝着咖啡,听着来自英国的问侯,实乃人生一大享受也。“五。一”我会去北接京玩,我想点一首The Cranberries的歌送给北京的朋友,同时也祝上海的同学,还有你们--Brian and Maggie--快乐!
Echo陈瑜 <cyecho@chinaren.net>
上海, - Thursday, April 13, 2000 at 09:47:51 (BST)
hi maggie&brian 我就是那个很很很很恨喜欢苏格兰风笛的Edward wood,maggie,你忘了吗,你还欠我一首苏格兰风笛的歌曲呢!!!!!! 真希望我也能到苏格兰去!
Edward wood-------吴涛 <wu3435@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 16:38:28 (BST)
Nice to hear ur program! It`s very wonderful:The Hello UK&The homegage! &all the listeners
xiaoyoung <xiaoyoung@cn99.com>
Changzhou, CN - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 13:27:39 (BST)
This is my first visit to your website. Wonderful website!The cartoons are so vivid! And wonderful wonderful... But can you add more pictures? I want to know more about what the studio inside will be when you are doing the programme.Again thanks for bringing me the fun of wonderful music on sunday morning.
- Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 12:29:44 (BST)
In all ,HFB is a not so bad channel,notwithstanding,sometimes she can not coincide with different people in different environment,like last Sunday ,because of your broadcasting,we(my roommate)nearlly break up a war!as you know,some needs quiet,while your radio is so fantastic (though the songs are a little more active than usual)that it caused contradiction.At last we---HFB fans give up to use the earphone!IT is you who put us behind the eight ball!love you after all!
万彬 <strengthbill@email.com>
shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 08:30:46 (BST)
In all ,HFB is a not so bad channel,notstandwith,sometimes she can not coincide with different people in different environment,like last Sunday ,because of your broadcast,we(my roommate)nearlly break up a war!as you know,some needs noon-sleep,while your radio is so fantastic (though the songs are a little more active than usual)that it caused contradiction.At last we---HFB fans give up to use the earphone!IT is you who put us behind the eight ball!love you after all!
万彬 <strengthbill@email.com>
shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 08:22:27 (BST)
Thanks for your wonderful music!
Noah <cziso@21cn.com>
Changzhou, China - Wednesday, April 12, 2000 at 05:16:55 (BST)
Good afternoon maggie&brian!I'm your fan.in my mind your program is so fantastic.I love it so much,I can also learn some news through it .I have been in work for 2months,at the comany there is so many thing for me to learn.I must work harder and harder.FOrtunately I could hear HFB which program I have heard nearly 3years.I don't know if I can submit a song called"believe"?thanks a lot
蔡雪磊 <xuelei-cai515@sohu.com>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 09:27:27 (BST)
希望交一些网友!还想听SMILE的<<蝴蝶>>!THANK YUOU!THANK YUOU!
秦佳伟 <qjw845@sohu.com>
苏州, 中国 - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 07:10:31 (BST)
Brian and Maggie你们好,我是一名忠实听众,能否点一首歌呢?我很喜欢“芝加哥”乐队希望在你们的节目里听到他们的歌声。谢谢
xxd <rickxxd@sina.com>
苏州, 中国 - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 06:21:25 (BST)
Brain & Maggie: Hello. It's my first time to visit you. I like your program. I have Celine Dion's 'Power Of The Dream'. If you want it, I will likely to lend it to you. Next time I will tell you my E-Mail adress. Bye.
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, April 11, 2000 at 04:54:05 (BST)
I will always love you! VIVIAN :)
zhu jian ying <za01@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 12:41:32 (BST)
hello,Brain&Maggia. Enjoy listening to your programme.I promise I'll be your good listener. wish you programme well-receive.
cuitingting <www.melbourn@sohu.com>
shanghai, china - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 11:34:32 (BST)
Hello, Brian & Maggie, Want to describe my sensation as an ordinary audience all these years, but could not tell it clear just in few words. To be summarize, the strong impression I felt is that the program played in furore with sunshine spread. Little time left for me due to the busy daily routine need to settle everyday. Play a role with mask, dream a day dream and find myself sit just beside the felicity. The moment, the right time, a small requirement needs to be satisfied if possible. Playing a song of band TEAR FOR FEAR. Thanks. Looking forward to get your mail and communicate further more. Sincerely Yours, Dai Xiao Lei
Dai Xiao Lei <jiefa@public.shanghai.cngb.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 10:42:27 (BST)
That's greeeaaat!I like it!!!
Shawshaw <shawapolo@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 10:05:58 (BST)
我喜欢你们选的歌,其实很多人都不喜欢美国的咋咋乎乎bimbo感觉的流行乐。欧洲有欧洲的气质,流行的音乐也可以有深度。 我们喜欢爵士和布鲁斯,感性的软摇滚,请你们多多播放! We don't want american bimbo songs, so thank you so much for your excellent job. Long live intellectuals and European music!! Leah,
Leah <editor@i4u2.com>
shanghai, - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 09:03:48 (BST)
hello!Brian and Maggie , I often listen to your program and like it very much.
周琴lucy <lucyzhouqin@163.net>
shanghai, 中国 - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 06:00:56 (BST)
Dear Brian and Maggie: I like your programme very much. The first thing I do every Sunday morening is listen to your programme.I think it can relax my mind.Because after a week's work,I will very tired.And how about the cat now? Now I take English courses to improve it.I think your programme will help me.I'd like to ask for a song named "Tow becomes One".I haven't heard the news of "Spice Girls" .How about them? Thank you very much. My Best Regards Yours Sincerey
Xiao An
shanghai, China - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 05:13:31 (BST)
Brian, What you said on the radio show is sometimes very colloquial. I mean very imformal. I don't think it's situable for English beginners to follow. You know there are a lot of listeners who want to learn English through your program. But I know this is the way radio shows in the west go. Anyhow I still like your programme.I wish you good luck! I mean you both. Best regards Stevenchangzhou
stevenchangzhou <stevenchangzhou@yahoo.com>
changzhou, china - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 04:46:26 (BST)
HELLO! 一年前来到上海上学,是缘让我们走到了一起。非常喜欢你们的节目,它是我每个星期天的必修课。在这里,我想点播CELINE DION的《THE COLOUR OF MY LOVE》送给我远方的朋友余磊,告诉她我好想她。也祝你们HAPPY!THANK YOU!
ekin <ekincf@sina.com.cn>
shanghai, China - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 04:32:23 (BST)
Hi, Maggie @ Brian, I like your program very much, though I seldom have time to enjoy the whole 2 hours' of your program. My favorite band is Ace of Base from Sweden. But as far as I have litened, I have not heard their song in your program. Would you introduce some of their songs in your program? I would like to hear anything about them! Have a nice day! Tian Ye 田野
Tian Ye <tianyechn@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, April 10, 2000 at 02:48:42 (BST)
I like HFB very much. and just want to say hi to U2:Brian and Maggie hope your program will be better than ever!
Mr.Free <maozhfb@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 16:16:10 (BST)
我是HFB的忠实听众,但两周后我就要赴澳留学,不知还能不能收听到你们的节目?不过,我会常来看看的.By the way,I'm a fan of Backstreetboys! And I'll be grateful for hearing their songs before my going.
jessie 龚晓玮 <gongxiaowei@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 16:08:50 (BST)
I very like The hello from Britain this program! I very brian and maggie!
胡亮 <sandy0996_cn@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 13:46:58 (BST)
George,Ñî½Ü <g.yang@yeah.net>
suzhou, ½–ËÕ china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 13:31:52 (BST)
Hello,Maggie and Brian.I think your program is fantastic. I wish your program will be better and better! Wish you two happy and healthy! I love the song "Angels " from Robbie.Willams,can you play it for me and my friend.Thank you very much!
Magaret <ly019164@mail2.online.sh.cn>
上海 , 中国 - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 12:20:03 (BST)
The style of HFB attracted me, especially the hosts- Maggie and Brian, you two bring fresh, easy and exciting moment to me and all of your audience. Though not often do I listen this music program for my busy working and activities, I love music program which broadcasts in English, I love this program and you two. In addition, I think it's true that HFB is born from the wooden house every week, just like the classy wine outflows from the wooden cask. Always be the best audio program, I believe!
Dinbin <dinbin@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 10:37:45 (BST)
Gordon Chou <gordonchou@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 10:08:15 (BST)
Hello, Maggie & Brian, I am one of your listener of your programme in this city. Every Sunday moring, I wake up in your two voices with those nice music. I just want to say, the programme is terrific. When I was 14 years old, I saw Brian in an exhibition, and my father told me that "That guy is from UK, and he co-operate a programme with Radio Shanghai..." So I remember his face as I saw it in this Web Site. If possible, may I also have a song in your programme, that is "she". Moreover, I can not type my Chinese name as I have not Chinese system in my computer. The wooden shed is lovely, but sometimes simple is beatiful, and I like "Word of the Week", some of our local music programme also add the simmilar item. Best regard, Zoe Li
Zoe <toyzone@citiz.net>
Shanghai, PRC - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 06:45:30 (BST)
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 06:31:40 (BST)
Hello From Britain is really a very good programme, I love Maggie and Brian.
Trinity <xshyin@online.sh.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 06:11:55 (BST)
i missed it but i really thank u.
circle zane <circle77@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 05:56:41 (BST)
Hi,Maggie,Maggie,Maggie...and Brian, When i first listened to the fantastic programme, i realized i liked it--quite a lot--which has a style of beauty,of fashion,of extraordinary MUSIC! The United Kingdom is a country which makes classis and fashion become one. Espeically for her buildings, catherals, music , the royal family(Princess Diana and Prince William...),the customs and the scottish bagpipe and skirts.i dream that one day i could be there and live there,in Bamoral,in Scotland. Anyway, you know, the studying life of junior three is extremely boring,but, everytime when i listen to HFB, i feel "Clear"!No matter what,i will support HFB forever!
Christina Frances Feung <chrisvon@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 05:39:05 (BST)
主持人: 你们好,我一直听你们的节目,只到现在才给你们发e-mail,今天我听见有一位听友说他她想听celinedion的《power of dreaming》,你们说没有这首歌,其实是有的,她在1996年的奥运会上唱的,我也是听了这首歌才喜欢上她的,我有这首歌的mp3,你们要的话我可以发给你们。 4-09
赵科峰(atifa) <zhaokf@263.net>
shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 05:28:10 (BST)
Hi,Maggie and Brain.First,I want to say something about Brain's garden.It is very nice and I also dream to have one like it.But I have not now.Second,I think Maggie's cat is lovely,but I don't like its colour.:) At last,I wish your program will be more successful!
Lilycat <lilycat24@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 04:42:09 (BST)
i began to listen to the program from looooong ago. and i miss the voice of Maggie, it seems that she seldom comes out now. i don't know why. but i like her better than anyone else.
yilan <cyilan@hotmail.com>
shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 04:33:44 (BST)
I`m very lovely!
阿豹豹 <sandy0996_cn@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 04:21:40 (BST)
You are the best!!!
kingyear <wowwow@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 04:20:26 (BST)
hihihihi,这是我第二次来你们的站点,作为你们的重视听众,看到这个过于朴素 的站点真是有点失望.Maggie & Brain,you can make it better! 为什么不在节目里征集个新的HFB竹叶设计方案呢?
Adam <adambbs@citiz.net>
shanghai, PRC - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 04:15:50 (BST)
Thank you, Maggie and Brian, thank you very much for your significant program. It has brought me so much joy. Wish you happiness and a brilliant future.
Rachel <kittyrong@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 04:04:46 (BST)
hi Brian & Maggie: You make a good performance popular in shanghai,congratulation!I used to listen to 雀巢咖啡音乐时间&HFB,but now only HFB.Hope What an eternal HFB it is. All the best yours sincerely Leo_jiang
Leo_jiang <jj@kali.com.cn>
shanghai, China - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 03:53:46 (BST)
hello maggie u r a little different from what i imagine but anyway i like u and ur way of talking
rainbow <sarahxy@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 03:47:34 (BST)
Maggie&Brian: 很高兴能在网上同你们问好!HELLO! 我是hfb的老听众,觉得你们的节目真不错。希望你们越办越好,因为这是我领略 世界音乐的窗口。 在这里我想点一首歌,祝我们上海大学98级基础教学强化班的同学在离别的日子各自郑重。愿我们在各自的学院里能再接再厉,取得更好的成绩。
张麟 <linc@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, April 09, 2000 at 00:48:57 (BST)
Hello!Maggie and Brain. Wish you happy everyday!:):):):)......
yaya0905 <yaya0905@263.net>
shanghai, China - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 11:44:08 (BST)
Hi. I like your programme very much. I often listen to it. I want to send Bryan Admans's 'Back To Me' to my friend Josephine and me. I hope we will pass the exams with high marks. If possible, please broadcast it before April 15th. Thank you very much.
Lisa ·½Ô² <lisa14@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 09:27:18 (BST)
I have listen your program for 3 years
shanghai, china - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 09:13:26 (BST)
我是上海外国语学校的一名中预学生。“来自英国的问候”是我每周必听的节目。Maggie,Brian,wish you happy!
Carol 张岚 <z-lan@online.sh.cn.>
shanghai, China - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 05:57:09 (BST)
I'm a freshman from Shanghai international studies university, it's not long since I listened to your program, but I really appreciate it! I can improve my English but enjoy the pop music as well, I like sleep late,but I never miss it! Whis you good luck!
flora <jwflora@etang,com>
shanghai, - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 04:52:33 (BST)
浦彤 <ptbetty@sina.com>
苏州, 中国 - Saturday, April 08, 2000 at 03:42:10 (BST)
I'm still a Jr. middle school student and my English level is by far lagged behind other guests.But I'm trying to drop a line in English. I think your programme is really cool and give great credit to you.So keep on moving. However,there is one more thing I'd like to identify is that I'm a huge fan of HANSON and their new album is coming soon.So I'd like to remind you that don't forget spear just a litte time to them.Looking forward to hearing their new song in your programme.Thank you.
Tom Wei
Shanghai, China - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 15:48:03 (BST)
Maggie and Brian: You're so great! I love your programme and I will always support you!
- Friday, April 07, 2000 at 13:30:57 (BST)
Mr Cool <MrCool@cool.com>
- Friday, April 07, 2000 at 12:50:19 (BST)
I want to listen a song from N'Sync,such as "Bye Bye Bye".Thank you very much!
Jane <cchh88@sina.com.cn>
Suzhou, China - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 12:44:11 (BST)
a lovely girl! and I 'm a Boyzone's crazy fan.
徐彦 <cacholong@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 10:19:04 (BST)
Hello,Maggie and Brian. The first thing I want to say is that I don't think my English name will be the same as many others,because it is made by myself. So, I don't tell my surname. I heard the name of Maggie from my classmate of senior middle school--Jackie. From then on, I began to listen to the radio program produced by you--a group of active people. Although I did not catch every program of yours, I still think it is a good program. I have been keeping guessing how old Maggie is. I know it is not polite to ask a female about this. I just cannot guess it from Maggie's photo and her voice as well. Her English is so good and know a lot about many things, but she looks and hears so young. Also, Brian's voice is very attractive. More attractive than his photo.(If he doesn't mind) Wish you and Maggie's cat good luck. I like lovely cats very much.
Packie <howcan-ca@yeah.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 08:28:02 (BST)
Thank you for your wonderful programme. Every week it can always bring me fresh mood and happiness.I wish that you can play a wonderful song for me.I will be extremly happy about that. And at last I wish the programme will become better and better.
Shanghai, China - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 08:11:18 (BST)
Hello from lois. Do you know i realy love you, maggie and Brain. I know i love you before i meet you, and my love is your love, your love is my love. Because you are so smooth, can you play this song for me? Thank you very very much.
lois.sun <sunleilois@chinaren.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 08:02:25 (BST)
HFB非常的生动活泼.是我所钟爱的节目之一。只希望FHB越办越好。GOOD LUCKY FOR YOU!
上海, 中国 - Friday, April 07, 2000 at 03:10:50 (BST)
我非常喜欢你们俩位主持人的声音与风格,节奏明快又活泼,又有fresh的音乐,真是使我爱不释耳,现在在网上看到Brian的可爱形象,就更喜欢了。希望延长每次节目的时间,好吗,Maggie? Good luck!!
傅莹 <marybn@public1.sta.net.cn>
shanghai, china - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 14:27:56 (BST)
Maggie and Brian, I am so happy to get your e-mail. I told everyone who knows your program. Do you still keep the cat as your pet, Maggie? Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy and wise. As it's getting warmer, I can get up earlier. How about you?
Rachel <Ray_6791@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 12:13:00 (BST)
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ÉϺ£, Öйú - Thursday, April 06, 2000 at 01:53:17 (BST)
Hi,Maggie and Brian.I really really love your programme and hope you'll do better in the future.You know it's odd for a guy like me to be a fan of Hanson,but it's ture.So could you be kind enough to air one song from their new album.I'll extremely appreciate it.Thank you.
Steve Lu
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 17:00:40 (BST)
Great is the only word I can give you for your excellent programme.Sweet is another word I can give to both of Maggie and Brian for your enormous senses of humer and hard working. Well,there is a request from me,a huge fan of Hanson who has been waiting for their coming back for more than a year.Could you just spare five minutes for all the Hanson fans to play one song form their new album THIS TIME AROUND?I will be extremely happy if you really do that.Looking forward to hearing it.
Clara Young
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 16:53:19 (BST)
I do like this Program ,but i am always miss it for I am a careless man. But any way I wil always remember how to spell "Maggie" and "Brian" because you are the best DJ in my mind.
Kevin Hu (Hu Kun) <bigsoft98@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 16:44:13 (BST)
hello Brian&Maggie =^_^= I enjoy your programme very much.too cool Could you broadcast a song "everything I do,do it for you" i don't know who sing the song,but i know it was about Robinson.I want to broadcast for my classmate-- 蝌蚪 thanks a lot.^Q^ You are the best!!!
陈凌 <vole@netease.com>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 13:17:01 (BST)
dear Maggie and Brian: After a heavy week,I am so tired.So I always sleep downto 10:00 at sunday morning.why we call sunday sun---day,I think the most adaptable reason may be this: Today is easy day.we should have sunshine ,enjoy this vaulabe morning ,taste the high or low happened in this week!esspecially ,take up my earphone adjust to 101.7FM,waiting for my favorate HFB,God !what a happy morning like this. By the way ,an advice, maybe too much comments and words in the progamme ,and they take the prats for music ,I think. Finally,God blees you and me,and our earth! MaYinghui
yinghuima <yinghuima@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, April 05, 2000 at 12:16:37 (BST)