Hello From Britain Guestbook Archive 015

ëñìÓȶñ™ñ™Ë…µ±éÈñÓº†ìÓȶÄãÌǵĸòÄÀÁ»Á»&Mac185;üºõÌÀí“…Üëçܠ좵Ä決ò¶&Mac185;íàÁ£ëñì‘ü¿ñÈëȸÜè•ÌáµÄŨº¢&Mac215;îµãÓ´Á»Á»wsetlifeµÄÁ¶until the end of timeÁá
¶ÁÒÀ <dingchenhz@sohu.com>
>&Mac185;…&Mac185;… , - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 10:56:38 (GMT)

It is a long time that I can not hear this programme.Now the new term has began.So I can hear your voice again.How great is it !
Donotforgetme <estn@263.net>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 07:22:25 (GMT)
Brian & Maggie,I am so happy to leave massage here.I like your program very much.Today I want to send a song to my best friend,I wish him happy every day.I'd like to listen to MLTR's song "You took my heart away".Thank you!I also hope your program will be better and better! _
- Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 06:39:22 (GMT)
我很喜欢你们俩主持节目的风格,轻松,清新,又很得体;所播放的曲目让人耳目一新。 我希望能点一首歌曲,请你们帮我挑选。 我把这首歌曲送给我的妻子菊珍,祝她永远感到快乐和幸福! 谢谢! 能否提前将播出日期和时间用电子邮件告诉我?
黄亦冰 <hzhyb@sina.com>
杭州, 中国 - Wednesday, February 27, 2002 at 02:30:18 (GMT)
梦芸 <mengyun088@sina.com>
jiaxing, zhongguo - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 08:01:05 (GMT)
What a wonderful programme! I enjoy it very much. I began to hear the voice of HFB in Shanghai since 1994.From the very beginning,I liked it. The fluent wonderful English, the sweet music. All these things made me crazy about it. But now I am working in Hangzhou, I don't know when this programme is on air here and I often miss it. What a pity! So,I wonder... Best wishes to you!
Angelalu <luangela@21cn.com>
hangzhou, - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 05:24:43 (GMT)
Hi, Brian and Maggie. Thank you very much for the music you bring to me. Your program always makes me happy. I hope I can hear the pragram all my life. I hope that you can put the name of the singers and songs played in your program on HFB so that we can find the songs and listen to them again. Thank you.
Lily <zh01cn@yahoo.com.cn>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, February 26, 2002 at 02:07:41 (GMT)
i like your music,just so
褚高翔 <emouse@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 14:14:47 (GMT)
Cool Site. "Keep on Keeping on." (Cheech & Chong.) http://www.where-i-find.com.
Catherine Lake
Los Angeles, USA - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 21:01:38 (GMT)
喜欢你们的主持风格,喜欢你们的节目, 能点一首歌 是WESTLIFE的随便一首 谢谢,
椰子粉 <cat-chris603225@sohu.com>
hang zhou , China - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 08:28:43 (GMT)
little ghost <smileghost5678@163.com>
嘉兴, China - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 07:34:54 (GMT)
Your program is wonderful! Thank you !
邵琴 <shaoqin_yvonne@163.com>
湖州, 中国 - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 05:54:53 (GMT)
Hello,Brian &Maggie 每次,只能在假期听你们的节目,因为在外地上学的缘故。所以每次放假回家,就象会老朋友那样,期待与你们的见面。开学在即,希望在回学校之前能听到 BSB 的 Larger than life 谢谢!
利峰 <wlf_0573@163.com>
嘉兴, - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 02:01:42 (GMT)
Hello,Brian &Maggie 每次,只能在假期听你们的节目,因为在外地上学的缘故。所以每次放假回家,就象会老朋友那样,期待与你们的见面。开学在即,希望在回学校之前能听到 BSB 的 Larger than life
利峰 <wlf_0573@163.com>
嘉兴, - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 02:01:15 (GMT)
I miss U so much... Maggie & Brian!
Cynthia <Cynthia_113@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 15:07:44 (GMT)
CLARK 冯 <clerkkent@163.com>
浙江德清, CHINA - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 06:21:06 (GMT)
Happy New Year!Brian and Maggie. ߰们能不能放一些歌词到网上。
hoh <highhoh@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, China - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 04:20:50 (GMT)
白水 <Ilaspp@yahoo.com.cn>
杭州, 中国 - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 10:49:37 (GMT)
Dear Maggie and Brian, How are you recently? Maggie,did you spend the spring festival with your family?Or you still stay in foreign country? I haven't been to your website for a long time, miss you very much.Sincerely hope you and Brian will be excellent in a new year.Also hope your programme will have more and more listeners.Good Luck!! Aileen from Shaoxing.
杨玲秀 <Helen_sufele@hotmail.com>
绍兴, 中国 - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 09:39:33 (GMT)
eddy <smilingeddy@163.com>
china, hangzhou - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 09:20:45 (GMT)
hi!i love beatles forever!
clark <clarkkent_0508@sina.com>
DeQing, china - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 09:08:17 (GMT)
I like your programe very much,and I listen to it for about six years .Though I came here for the first time ,I have a lot of words to say to both of you, I miss you very much . Thanks to your programe.Thank you !!!
lilydongdong <lily641@sohu.com>
hangzhou, CHINA - Friday, February 22, 2002 at 05:28:31 (GMT)
我很喜欢你们的节目的 喜欢你们的风格 喜欢你们的声音 ૒远支持你们
沈梦南 <shenmengnan7484@sohu.com>
杭州, 中国 - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 06:07:42 (GMT)
why?为什么没有on line-在线收听呢,那样不论在什么时候都可以听到你们的节目了,那些电台广告也可以bye,bye了。 ৎ想为我们浙江财经学院东方学院00级信息班和00级东方1班点播Five的Keep on movin'(The Five-a-side mix),可以吗?
柳坚炜 <dick366@21cn.com>
xiaoshan, china - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 03:56:45 (GMT)
hi,元宵快乐,希望大家在正月十五都团团圆圆,幸福还是幸福。 ൲然我的E文很糟,但是你们的节目真的很棒,把我的eglish引导了一下。 ഷ山,uk,相隔千里(好像有万里吧),但是有DHL,这个世界就更加团结,更象一个地球村了。 ఢ愿节目越办越大,好歌多多,好友多多!
柳坚炜 <dick366@21cn.com>
xiaoshan, china - Wednesday, February 20, 2002 at 03:44:23 (GMT)
Maggie: Happy New Year! 天是中国农历春节的年初八,一周的长假已经结束了,下周我也要开学了。 想起了你们“HFB”,不知为什么上海至今还不能听到你们的节目,真的很想念你们。Maggie你的“Home Page”我已经去看过了,让我又了解了你不少,我更加喜欢你,崇拜你了。以前我所喜欢的电台主持人像:Maggie你,还有倪蔚佳,颖瑶等都从我的RADIO中消失了,不知道你们都在忙些什么,很怀念以前你们做节目的日子。现在唯一能联系上的也只有你Maggie了。 久没有听到“HFB”了,我时常想Maggie会放些什么样的歌呢?也好久没有听到PeeGoo猫的叫声了,它还好吗?在网站看到Maggie喜欢Savage Garden,但他们已经解散了,我也很喜欢他们的,今后再也没机会听到他们的新歌了。 Maggie,“HFB”节目是否能做到网站上呢?是否能当我们打开网站时就能听到最近的一期节目呢?上海的听众真的很想念你们的。希望你们能早点回来。 :马年吉祥!
黄晨 <huangchen716@citiz.net>
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 08:38:00 (GMT)
muzikuan <muzikuan@sohu.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 06:13:31 (GMT)
muzikuan <muzikuan@sohu.com>
hangzhou, zhejiang china - Tuesday, February 19, 2002 at 06:07:09 (GMT)
我对HFB已经不在陌生。可以说我们是老朋友了。它陪伴我度过了高中和大学的周末的大部分时间。以前来就是为了sign guestbook的,今天有空浏览了一下,才知道HFB在上海停播的真正原因(是不是有点晚啊?)。我看东广的提议是力不住脚的(他们真不是个@#$#~!&)。这么一个受欢迎的节目被cancel掉了真是可惜。还好在其他的中国城市还能听到HFB,希望有更多的人支持你们的节目。今天是大年初六,还在新年里,祝你们二位新年快乐,马年马到成功!!!!
barry <barry1303@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 08:56:50 (GMT)
你们好!我是你们的老朋友了,听你们的节目以有三年了(不知是否算老? ৎ非常喜欢男孩地带的歌,在正月里,我想为我的家人及朋友点一首boy- zone的 "baby,can i hold you" or"all that i need",同是也祝 ߰们春节快乐!
冯玉刚 <clarkkent_0508@sina.com>
德清城关, 中国 - Sunday, February 17, 2002 at 03:20:47 (GMT)
I hope we can become good friends! sorry! my english is very poor but I like listening to your programme very much!:)
rouise <rouise@sohu.com>
hangzhou, China - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 13:41:33 (GMT)
ike <bocheng@mail.hz.zj.cn>
杭州, 中国 - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 07:52:15 (GMT)
能不能把你们节目在其它城市的播放时间告诉我,我想把最好的节目告诉我的朋友。最好能给我回信:)Thanks! Happy New Year!!
周敏杰 <thehuman@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 06:18:16 (GMT)
周敏杰 <thehuman@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 06:12:04 (GMT)
hello everyone,and happy chinese newyear!I want find some netfrinds,is anyone free here? tel:85963883 QQ:280029
王凯明 <wkmcn@21cn.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, February 16, 2002 at 04:21:19 (GMT)
I love everything!
pitystar <pitystar-097@163.com>
China, zhejiang - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 06:23:37 (GMT)
I love this program very much.I began to listen to this program five years ago.This is the third time that I write to you.And I would like to hear the song:"can't get you out of my head" from Kylie Minogue or a song from Blue"All rise" Can you play it for me?The song is for a friend who I miss very much.
sherry <sherrt0430@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 15:11:52 (GMT)
I very appreciate your programme. It's the first time to enter your site, but i have fallen love with it.
Aidaochen <chinarchen@yahoo.com.cn>
wenzhou, china - Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 17:20:19 (GMT)
Dear Brian&Maggie: 直很喜欢你们的节目,我是你们的忠实的听众。在新年之际,祝你们在新的一年里心想事成!万事如意!每天拥有好的心情!
Eunice <yuanyuaneunice@sina.com>
nanjing, china - Wednesday, February 13, 2002 at 12:16:40 (GMT)
兔子 <iloveeurope@163.com>
杭州, 中国 - Tuesday, February 12, 2002 at 03:18:13 (GMT)
Happy New Yeaer!你们的声音很酷!音乐很棒! 2月14日是情人节,祝所有人节日愉快。 也祝你们的节目越办越棒! 再过3天,是我弟弟的生日,我也祝他快乐。
汤强 jeremy.towne
浙江湖州双林, 中国 - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 13:08:58 (GMT)
白水 <ilaspp@yahoo.com>
绍兴, 中国 - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 07:15:26 (GMT)
小树 <hello-035277@163.net>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, February 11, 2002 at 05:30:01 (GMT)
Ë们好! 你们的节目好久了,你们的节目真的非常棒,我很喜欢。 的英语听力在你们的训练下,达到了很好的水平。我要 #谢你们! &喜欢男孩地带的歌,你们呢?
浙江湖州, 中国 - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 07:01:58 (GMT)
HI!两位主持人好!还记得我吗?这是我第二次来这个网站了!你们都好吗?明天 स是年三十了,我在这儿祝二位新年快乐!马年吉祥!
陈薇兰(vivian) <whitefairy@yeah.net>
海宁, China - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 06:31:43 (GMT)
hello,I love you!I love your music!
Freemind <Freehd@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 06:28:21 (GMT)
Dear Maggie, I imagine the picture of your appearance many times.Now i have seen you .
shelley.shen <shelley519@163.com>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 06:24:59 (GMT)
i love your programme very much! thanx a lot! and wish you a happy new year!!!
ligeia <ligeialao@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 02:29:10 (GMT)
你勉们好!好久没听你们的节目,我非常喜欢你们的节目!在这里我想点一首Beat- les的”Hey,Jude!'给我的家人和我的好朋友禹力,王侃,丽雅!Thanks!
冯玉刚 <clarkkent_0508@sina.com>
浙江 江德清城关, 中国 - Saturday, February 09, 2002 at 10:35:02 (GMT)
i am not an invariable listener of your radio programme,but the unique style of programme appeals to me a lot. i now can still conjure up every holy moment of great ecstasy to tune into your programme 'cause both of your anchors' matchingly animated approach of conversation will always inspire me to make for the acme of spoken English perfection.and what's more, whenever i hear of your voices, my motive of speaking English can really be stimulated in the best way, so i want to submit my thankfulness to both of you for bringing such a delicate programme to Chinese audiences. So far, our new Spring Festival is around the corner,so in the name of that i hope your broadcasting programme will be much more brilliant as the time goes by .(新年快乐,马年吉祥)
石建柱 <lingmuxw@hotmail.com>
绍兴, 中国 - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 05:53:17 (GMT)
HI!!两位好啊!!这是我第一次来你们的网站。也不知道该说什么,听你们的节日是我每天的必修课,好喜欢你们哦!!!~~~ ਫ的一年到了在这我祝你们:新年快乐!万事如意!! ߖ希望你们在新的一年里节目越办越好!!!~~ ੌ俗的也是最真的!~~~~
梦芸 <mengyun088@sina.com>
嘉兴, 中国 - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 01:43:58 (GMT)
Frank <titan@public4.sta.net.cn>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 15:13:17 (GMT)
cookie <cookie0668@sina.com>
Huzhou, China - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 09:56:27 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie,你们好!我又一次来给你们留言了,我现在是天天补课,为了明年的中考!Maggie,你读书时是不是也很忙?对了,Maggie过年会回家吗?祝在新的一年里,你们的节目会越办越好,听众越来越多!Happy New Year!
cookie <cookie0668@sina.com>
湖州, 中国 - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 09:49:06 (GMT)
dear Maggie&Brian: Your's programme is a wonderful programme. It gives me a lot of fun.I can't tell out i like it how much. If one sand instend of one per cent i like your programme, it can make up of the world biggiest desent sarharra(i can't write this word) Now new year comes soon. Here i say happy new year to you in hangzhou.
庞珍珍 <janepangcn@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 08:27:18 (GMT)
Hello host: I have listened to your programe for six years.It is wonderful.I really want to hear my name on the radio in the new year.
Rebecca <hrebecca@x263.com>
Hangzhou, China - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 06:51:35 (GMT)
cookie <cookie0668@sina.com>
Huzhou, China - Thursday, February 07, 2002 at 04:03:09 (GMT)
梁现华 <leungxianhua@sohu.com>
杭州, - Wednesday, February 06, 2002 at 03:38:25 (GMT)
Happy New Year,Brian&Maggie.终于又能听到你们的节目了,我很喜欢你们的"HELLO FROM BRITAIN"。从小在杭州读书就收听你们的节目,但自从去年考上上海的大学,就听不到你们的节目了,所以只能趁寒假回杭州收听。不知什么时候能恢复上海地区的播出?在此我想为东华大学电子信息工程01级2班的全体同学点一首惠特尼休斯顿和玛莉亚凯莉演唱的"When You Believe"。最后祝你们马年行大运!!!!
Charles 周烨 <charleszhouye@163.com>
杭州, 中国 - Tuesday, February 05, 2002 at 09:34:04 (GMT)
Hello Brian&Maggie:Happy new year!这是我第一次在家中给你们上网留言,我感到很高兴。 但是遗憾的是,我在家中不能听你们的节目了。没关系,等到开学我就又能听你们的声音了。我喜欢你们的节目已很久,但都只能断断续续,因为播放的大半时间都和我们的上课重合了,不知你们的节目能否延迟一下播放时间呢?
HANG ZHUO, CHINA - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 13:40:25 (GMT)
Brian&Maggie: Ë们好!Happy New Year!我很喜欢你们的节目!上次在你们的节目中听到 ߚ一首很好听的歌 ,还想在节目中听一次,不知道Maggie你能不能帮我这个忙 ࡰ,那首歌是can't get you out of my heart Thank you very much!
陈薇兰(vivian) <whitefairy@yeah.net>
浙江海宁, China - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 12:50:47 (GMT)
Glen <ggyy745@chinaren.com>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 07:48:41 (GMT)
Brian&Maggie,I love HFB forever.
Glen <ggyy745@chinaren.com>
峐廈, 拞崙 - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 07:38:23 (GMT)
主持人新年好,节目中的歌都很好听!!想点一首Lene Marlin 的歌^_^
抛抛 <dayoff@163.com>
Hangzhou , China - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 06:24:32 (GMT)
浙江, 中国 - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 05:27:41 (GMT)
你们的主页不更新了么?有点难看嗳 ಯ我放放x-japan的endless rain 我到处找不到这支歌了比较老么 谢谢
'SnipER-wen <yagami@humanx.com>
hangzhou, - Monday, February 04, 2002 at 04:43:10 (GMT)
I LOVE this progame!I like hu li ya! I love her!
Clark <clerkkent@163.com>
New york, usa - Sunday, February 03, 2002 at 10:54:29 (GMT)
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 09:22:42 (GMT)
What a wonderful program!I hope that you'll do it better. Wish you a happy new year!
杭州, China - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 07:48:36 (GMT)
hi!good day 2 every1 ! i'm zhelun !and welcom 2 visit my websit Http://zhelun.onchina.net/~哲伦视界~你们的节目很棒,有机会把你们的站点做个友好连接,ok?也希望自己能够听到我最喜欢的Ronan演唱的'when the world was mine'谢谢拉!
哲伦 <zhelun@xinhuanet.com>
杭州, Ch!na中国 - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 04:03:01 (GMT)
hi!good day 2 every1 ! i'm zhelun !and welcom 2 visit my websit Http://zhelun.onchina.net/~哲伦视界~你们的节目很棒,有机会把你们的站点做个友好连接,ok?也希望自己能够听到我最喜欢的一首歌Ronankeating 演唱的谢谢拉!
哲伦zhelun <zhelun@xinhuanet.com>
杭州hangzhou, Ch!na中国 - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 03:59:56 (GMT)
hi!good day 2 every1 ! i'm zhelun !and welcom 2 visit my websit Http://zhelun.onchina.net/
哲伦zhelun <zhelun@xinhuanet.com>
杭州hangzhou, Ch!na中国 - Saturday, February 02, 2002 at 03:54:16 (GMT)
hello,i like your program very much.but these days,i'm very busy and feel not very well. i want to listen to a blue music.i may next year luck will always be with me.god save me!
lilylau <lilyleu@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 15:11:42 (GMT)
Hi,Maggie,你好,还有Brian,我几乎每次都听你们的节目,你们的节目办的很好,很有特色,我非常的喜欢。在你们的节目里,不仅可以听到好听的歌曲,还可以学到地道的英语,真是一举两得了:)新年就快到了,我想为我的家人和我点一首玛利娅 ࠱利的HERO可以吗?:)谢谢了!
龚敏杰 <tomatopuree@yeah.net>
hangzhou, china - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 14:56:37 (GMT)
i love this game
lantong <litiwi>
hangzhou, china - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 12:57:40 (GMT)
vivan <kashiwabara54@sohu.com>
杭州, 中国 - Friday, February 01, 2002 at 11:16:19 (GMT)
hello,how are you today! 的好久没有听你们的节目了,非常想念你们和你们的节目!我不知道你们是否还记得我,我也不知道你门的studio怎么样了,在差不多三个月的时间里,我与来自英国的问候失去了联系,不知道 brian and maggie 过的怎么样了?我想你们肯定比我快乐多了,每天有好多朋友问候你们,不过,你们的快乐就是我的快乐,是吧?如果brian or maggie 还记得我的话,能送我一首歌吗?随便什么都行!thank you !!!!!!!!!!!
lumeolu <wufawutian444@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 12:39:41 (GMT)
jiangyan <wanzi78@163.net>
HANGZHOU, CHINA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 04:29:13 (GMT)
Brian Maggie你们好,我的言怎么会出现这种字体,不知道你们是否看得懂。不知道你们这个节目目在武汉是什么时候播出,我希望借你们的声音祝我武汉的同学在考研中能取得成功。
ZhuYingSheng <zy_sheng@163.net>
haiyan, china - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 12:43:10 (GMT)
I am gald to come here.I very like the "来自英国的问候".^_^.
dan <eggwd@yahoo.com.cn>
zhejiang Jinhua, china - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 08:12:18 (GMT)
Beautiful webside,interesting pictrues,and wonderful program! Would u please play a song of "Michael learns to rock" for me?i like them very much:) THANK YOU!
Hangzhou, China.PR - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 07:53:47 (GMT)
Maggie ,Brain and Mill(不知道有没有把你们的名字打错),我是你们忠实的听众。你们的节目真是非常非常非常非常好。在中国,学习非常枯燥,but你们的节目使我领悟到了快乐的真谛。你们的照片实在是太太太可爱了。你们节目的特色歌星让我开始讨厌国内的歌手。我崇拜洋文化,特别是英文歌。我早听说the Backstreet Boys 中的一员在“9 `11”事件中丧身。我很难过,希望能在你们的节目中听到他们的《沉醉》。谢谢!
杨柳 <没有>
绍兴, 中国 - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 06:51:30 (GMT)
Cynthia <cynthialu@263.net>
杭州, 中国 - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 04:17:56 (GMT)
Hello Brian and Maggie!this is my secend massage,I am your fans and I ofen listen to your programme,my English is not good,know I am staying at home .I will always listening. that's all.
July <promis520@sohu.com>
杭州市, - Tuesday, January 29, 2002 at 06:15:10 (GMT)
因为考研认识你们,也因为考研而跟你们分开了一段时间,挺想你们的,有你们的日子真好!想通过你们对一个叫兔兔的女孩子说,对你我不放弃,因为我知道if i let you go ------,麻烦Brian和Maggie帮我公布结果吧,答案在Westlife的《if i let you go》中
大毛 <gegp@sohu.com>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 15:01:34 (GMT)
hello,maggie.i am a student from zhejiang university.i 've listened HFB for 5 years, i like it so much. before i went to the college,i felt so sad that HFB disappeared from FM101.7. but it's lucky,i can still listen it in hangzhou. i hope HFB can own more and more friends. i want to send one song to all my friends on the BBS,can you help me ?i want to listen dido's song .thank you !
spice <clc5_123@sina.com>
hangzhou, - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 07:39:44 (GMT)
原先是听东方台的节目,后来到杭州念大学,没想到也听到了如此熟悉 ௚声音。真的很喜欢这档节目,喜欢Brian和Maggie的组合,希望节目 ߩ越办越好。
Cherry <hicherry@163.com>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 06:34:17 (GMT)
我想为我的Girlfriend"胡丽雅点一首Boyzone的歌”all that i need" THANK U VERY MUCH!
冯玉刚 <clerkkent@163.com>
浙江德清城关, 中国 - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 03:43:36 (GMT)
点首歌给自己:1月30号,我生日。(什么歌你们决定,我相信你们。) ----愿所有这天生日的人,快乐。 &#谢你们这9年来给我带来的快乐,Maggie、Brian、颖谣、Frank,虽然好几年没听到 颖谣和Frank 的声音了。 শ谢所有给我带来快乐的人!
Bird <baozan@hotmail.com>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, January 28, 2002 at 02:31:18 (GMT)
I love you! ৎ想送一首歌给一个叫黄莺的女孩.Because I love her!Thanx!
Look <Freehd@yeah.net>
杭州, China - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 11:48:45 (GMT)
maggie ৎ们是你的听友 ৎ们喜爱你的雀巢咖啡音乐时间和来自英国的问候 ৎ们很想你 ࡟看看 音乐早餐 的网站吧 www.ilovembs.com bbs上有对你留言 ঱念你的听众们
陈志骏 <skyshadow@citiz.net>
上海, 中国 - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 09:01:50 (GMT)
i miss you a lot. hope you'll be back soon.
huang xin <kiwi502@hotmail.com>
shanghai, prc - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 08:40:57 (GMT)
The first time I touched this programme, I was deeply attract-ed. And since then I locked this wave every week. I could find good songs here now and then. By the way ,I like Brian's style very much, thank you very much for giving me a good listenning experiance.
Lencho <oasis1213@163.net>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 07:10:58 (GMT)
收听你们的节目很久了,谢谢你们的节目,因为有了你们,我的周末无比开心。希望有一天你们能来杭州。很想见见你们。 BEST WISHES!
杭州, - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 05:23:47 (GMT)
MAGGIE,BRIAN你们好,听你们的节目已经很久了,从我来到杭州这个美丽的城市开始,谢谢你们每个周末给我的好时光,春节要到了,我想为我的家人和朋友们送上一首我喜欢的savage garden的,最后祝你们的节目越办越好,祝你们天天开心!
sammi <sammizw@163.com>
州, 中国 - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 05:04:39 (GMT)
Maggie,Brian: ! 在收听你们的节目,这几天我在考试,要不是有你们的节目陪伴,我真是难以坚持下去了,所以我真的真的非常感谢你们。不过我很快就要离开了,要有一段时间听不到你们的节目了,我想听一下野人花园的歌,顺便祝我们全寝室都能顺利通过这次考试,不知能否满足我的小小愿望。我会很快回来,继续收听你们的节目。2002.1.27
Ò郁青 <windflower777@263.net>
州, 中国 - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 03:57:39 (GMT)
Your programmy is wonderful.
Ada <ada_goofy@sohu.com>
China, Shanghai - Sunday, January 27, 2002 at 01:50:20 (GMT)
我想送一首u2的《BEAUTIFLE DAYS》给在湖州师范学院读大一的老怪物。祝他什么都好,开开心心的。我爱他
FISH <fish-luren@sohu.com>
HANGZHOU, CHINA - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 21:33:44 (GMT)
你们好吗?我是你们的一忠实的听众,但由于学习已经一个月没有听你们的节目了,还是那样的好听吗?今天我就可以回去听你门的节目了,我很高兴,还有就是我想点一首后街的AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME,将它送给我在深圳的好友,和你们,主你们永远高心
米提 <nzh-85712@263.net>
Ê宁, 中国 - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 17:21:31 (GMT)
你们好吗?我是你们的一忠实的听众,但由于学习已经一个月没有听你们的节目了,还是那样的好听吗?今天我就可以回去听你门的节目了,我很高兴,还有就是我想点一首后街的AS LONG AS YOU LOVE ME,将它送给我在深圳的好友,和你们,主你们永远高心
米提 <nzh-85712@263.net>
Ê宁, 中国 - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 17:21:30 (GMT)
I've just seen the Brian's Garden,so beautiful flowers !
Jandy <joyjandy@yahoo.com.cn>
hangchou, P.R.C - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 13:16:24 (GMT)
hi,nice to meet you here and in the air!
Jandy <joyjandy@yahoo.com.cn>
hangchou, China - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 13:09:59 (GMT)
Maggie Brian 你勉们好!这是第一次给你们留言。因为你们的节目在海盐的播出时间是每个星期六的10点钟,而由于工作忙,所以只能在凌晨2点听重播。Maggie你的声音很好听呀,总是充满活力,让人心情开朗。Maggie我问你一个问题可以吗?苏格兰人第一次见面的时候是不是总是谈论天气?因为我上次去上海的时候遇到一位苏格兰人,交谈了一会,他说苏格兰现在正大雪分飞,而上海则阳光明媚。他说的英语实在太快了,只能听懂几句,所以没有聊太多的内容,真遗憾。还想问你一个问题,97 98年我在武汉上学的时候,那里有一个节目叫雀巢咖啡音乐,那位女主持人的声音很象你,不知道是不是。最后,祝你们节目越办越好。
朱英胜 <zy_sheng@163.net>
HaiYan, ZheJiang China - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 12:36:12 (GMT)
晓东 <Freehd@yeah.net>
州, China - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 12:16:31 (GMT)
岛非主流 <huji_0909@163.com>
Ö门, 中国 - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 08:59:47 (GMT)
Hope you will come back soon!
Kevin de Quincy <kang_jivetalk@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 08:36:00 (GMT)
哇噢!Brian and Maggie!实在是太出人意料了!!刚刚留言的时候还没看你们的照片,可是看完了之后,刚刚留完言的我就实在忍不住要再次留言了.  听你们主持节目的时候,在我的脑子里就会浮现你们的样子.在我的想象中Maggie应该是一个非常时尚的女性,Brian应该是一个高高瘦瘦的,但是照片上的和我想象中的很不一样,但是有一样是相同的,就是无论是真正的你们还是我想象中的你们都非常有亲和力.没有很远的距离,取而代之的是一种似曾相识的感觉.衷心祝愿你们的节目越来越好,当然我也绝对相信你们的节目会越来越好!  新年好!Best wishes for you!!!
ó玮 <tiantianjoan@sohu.com>
州, China - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 05:33:24 (GMT)
vicki <vicki-city@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 05:25:30 (GMT)
多了一个忠实听众了,就是我! û可不可以提一个小请求呢?如果可以的话我想找朋友,可以的话通知我好吗?我会感激不尽的!
ó玮 <tiantianjoan@sohu.com>
州, China - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 05:06:18 (GMT)
Maggie&Brian, How are recently?I haven't been to your website for a long time,coz we have a lot of exams.But i still listened to your programme,and once when i just turn on the radio,i heard Maggie said a song for me ,how lucky and exciting i was ,i really can't express it in words.Thank you very much Maggie and Brian,i really like both of you and the music you gave. Hope you'll have more and more listeners.Forever support you.----From Aileen.
玲秀 <Helen_sufele@hotmail.com>
兴, 中国 - Saturday, January 26, 2002 at 03:08:43 (GMT)
brian and maggie .你们好,你们的节目我十分喜欢,可是由于学习的缘故我不是每周都听你们所主持的节目。你们的节目给人一种充满活力的感觉,每一次听我都能从你们轻松的主持风格中得到快乐。我们已经放寒假了,不知道maggie 你有没有放寒假。最后我要点一首boyzone的you need me 给我的好朋友小微
州, 中国 - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 19:14:56 (GMT)
lucass <lucass@kali.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 14:51:40 (GMT)
Amanda <twl826@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, January 25, 2002 at 14:17:37 (GMT)
Maggie(?)你们好,我是在杭州读书的学生,广东人哦。在广东好象收不到你们的电台节目。一个很好听的节目。不知道你们的节目可不可以把歌曲制作成mp3以便我们可以下载或者传送什么的。Westlife翻唱的season in the sun非常好听,我可以点播吗?谢谢你们
Lin Lin <doublelin00@etang.com>
Hangzhou, P.R.China - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 14:55:32 (GMT)
Amanda_tao <twl826@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 13:18:20 (GMT)
Maggie&Brian, 你们好, 这是我第四次和你们联系了,每次来到这里,就像和最好的朋友聚会,真的很惬意!这几天杭州好冷啊,不知道SCOTLAND如何?ANYWAY, 这次我想点一首OASIS的WONDERWALL,因为HFB 把我带入了一个WONDERLAND!!
Lene <flylene@hotmail.com>
Hangchow, China - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 11:11:26 (GMT)
这是我第二次来了,我一直在等你们提起我的名字,可节目听了一期又一期,老是没有。真失望!不过我要再一次告述你们I's very good indeed!
Lisa <Lisa200@163.com>
&州 , - Thursday, January 24, 2002 at 02:24:20 (GMT)
有很久没听过这档节目了,不知是否还和从前一样.Maggie你给我的感觉是很开朗的我想问问你在生活中有没有不开心的事?如果有的话你是怎样摆脱它们的?从感觉上说Hello From Britain 是我最喜欢的一档音乐节目了!你们还在东广播吗?原谅我已经很久没听过了.祝顺利!
ó怡倩 <fionna@citiz.net>
Ç海, 中国 - Wednesday, January 23, 2002 at 15:03:24 (GMT)
喜欢你们的声音,更喜欢你们的节目!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!我想询问有关BACK STREET BOYS 的近况! THANKS!HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Donald <tzq888@hotmail.com>
hz, prc - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 09:12:47 (GMT)
Maggie and Brian,你们好!这是偶第一次上到你们的网站,给偶的第一感觉是非常棒!虽然这里没有什么花哨的东西,但是Brian&Railway看起来真的很吸引人.希望你们以后能够再增加些这样的图片,让偶们多多了解British,多多了解Maggie and Brian.由于某些原因,偶平时只能在周日的午夜收听你们的节目,但是这丝毫不影响偶对HFB的热情和支持.最后偶希望你们能够越办越HIGHT!!让音乐的纽带联结两国的音乐FANS!:-)
亮 <98032@163.com>
州, 中国 - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 03:49:07 (GMT)
Maggie and Brian, Happy New Year!你们的节目真不错 Ç过可能放寒假要回家听不到你们的节目了,我还是会一直支持你们的节目的 Ç次点了一首歌你们没播出,可能是时间的原因吧?没关系这次可以的话能再为我喜欢的一个在乐清女孩子珍珍点一首Michael learns to rock 的 you took my heart away吗真的非常非常谢谢你们
俊玲 <myipod@163.com>
州, 中国 - Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 05:32:43 (GMT)
I miss you very much! When will you come back to Shanghai? I know it's quite difficult, but I hope, I hope you try your best because there are many many people like me long for your program. If you can't return soon, would you please put your programs on the website so that we can download them and share your happiness and fulfill our life? Anyway, I'll always be your support!
Tony <renzk@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 20, 2002 at 03:19:23 (GMT)
Happy new year,M&B,wish u& the program a better year!
HEWEI <lytton1981@msn.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 13:52:56 (GMT)
第一次到这,很是好奇,一切都很好,尤其railway,很精致哦!不知道该说什么,来杭州读书才第一次听到你们的节目,真的很好听,这些音乐。还有你们的声音。 我以前不熟悉外国音乐,因为读书的缘故,很少接触。你们给我打开了更广阔的天空,我还有我同学,都喜欢听你们带来的来自英国的问候。春节快到了,给你们拜个早年,祝你们happy每一天,节目也越办越好。
微 <quwei9807 Chinaren.com>
州乐清, - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 12:38:30 (GMT)
I likeyou radio!
wanerboy <wanerboy@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 08:47:07 (GMT)
i'm very happy.
zzg <zhangz6830@sina.com>
jinhua, china - Saturday, January 19, 2002 at 06:32:52 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie 你们好。听你们的节目有一段时间了,我是边吃饭边听的,感觉很不错。我想点首歌,好吗?是辣妹的2 become 1.谢谢。祝好!
闻 <kelly_wu1981@21cn.com>
州, 中国 - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 10:13:09 (GMT)
Maggie and brian, Ë们好!第一次给你们写信,感觉特别不一样,因为我首次来HFB的网站,看到了你们和你们的播音室,一阵惊讶。原来Maggie长得像邻家的姐姐,原来你们的播音室如此简陋,而你们却把如此美妙的音乐传播到世界各地!谢谢HFB把快乐带到我们的身边! 以前不太喜欢英语,也不太喜欢英文歌曲,但是你们的节目让我喜欢上了英语,也喜欢上了英文歌曲。 想通过你们的节目点一首west life的歌送给同寝室的五个好姐妹,祝福她们永远快乐!也送给你们,祝节目越办越好! 远支持你们的jetty lau! 油啊!
jetty lau <jettylau@163.com>
州, - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 04:36:49 (GMT)
Hi, I enjoyed ur broadcastind style and voice every time! I think that u are good at improving the atmosphere between the listeners and urself. Anyway, ur style is ur hist for attracting so many persons to focus on ur programme! And Thank u! Maggie: I want to Edinburgh Univ. to get Master Degree in 08/2002. I hope that u will give some news about Edinburgh . Thanks for ur time and hard work! Keep contact me with my e-mail:arcaneheart@hotmail.com
Arcane <arcaneheart@hotmail.com>
Hangzhou, China - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 15:09:29 (GMT)
HI:Maggie Brian ô幸运来到杭州又能听你们的节目了 ƃ常喜欢你们快人快语的主持风格 ť人在小雨天也能看见阳光 ø点首SAVAGE GARDEN的歌送给我在上海和杭州的朋友们 ×时也送给你们 Ŧ谢 我会永远支持你们的 Ƌ上要过年了,祝你们节目快乐
Amanda_tao <twl826@21cn.com>
ShangHai, China - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 12:51:09 (GMT)
great site lyrics
- Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 19:04:48 (GMT)
Brian、Maggie: 们好,由于条件限制,我断断续续听你们的节目已经有快两年了。我发现你们会经常有好听的音乐出现。我特别喜欢Westlife和Michael learns的歌,不知道能否在节目中听到他们的新歌。我想点一首他们的任一首新歌。谢谢!祝你们的节目更有特色,更受人欢迎。
Ö志伟 <yezhiwe5633@hotmail.com>
hanzhou, china - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 15:36:42 (GMT)
It's a great program and it's very great to hear all the beautiful songs. Brian is a very good DJ, I love his voice. And Maggie is great too. Thanks for bringing us so good program.
wendy <wendyz423@hotmail.com>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 12:12:19 (GMT)
Brian- many thanks for your help and best of luck with your brilliant projects-amazing!
margot <margotclark@hotmail.com>
London, - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 09:44:46 (GMT)
I listen to your program every week .you're very good! I am your new friend .I like west-life very much. I will always love you!
HANGZHOU , - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 06:47:18 (GMT)
I love you two,Maggie and Brain
Janet <hlmjj@yahoo.com.cn>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 00:48:21 (GMT)
你们揑恀惀岲啊 変恀惀晄擻晄欉啊丆扅惀変们这棦惀廳攄揑丅変憐梫惀你们揑节栚嵼峐廈设堦槩捈攄幒廇 朹极椆丅你们桳杤桳这槩憐朄啊丆峐廈桳堦懪斸欉众 啊丅変憐庁你们电攇揰攄堦庱壧丆憲给変揑埫楒揑彈泈丆她戝椆変2岁丆壜変渒婌欢她丅杤办朄啊丆 変扅憐对她说変惀恀揑婌欢你丅
栃启斂 <fans-mail@163.com>
峐廈, 煷峕 拞崙 - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 08:06:51 (GMT)
PeeGoo is soooooooooooooo lovely!!!!!!!!!
ligeia <ligeialao@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 07:28:55 (GMT)
hello brian & maggie, i love the HFB very much, thanx 4 bring so much joy to my life. Thank u so much!!!
ligeia <ligeialao@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 07:25:10 (GMT)
Thank you for your programe.It's very useful for English study.
alexender <t1029054@chinaren.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 05:22:57 (GMT)
陈翔 <cool.x@163.com>
U>, 中国 - Monday, January 14, 2002 at 08:17:46 (GMT)
I very like this progrem , I am a student ,for some reason, my english is bad, this radio give me mang chance to learn English ,I like English songs ,I like backstreet boy,.can you play their songs for me,thank you
wang sheng hui <wshqz@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 13:09:46 (GMT)
- Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 11:06:25 (GMT)
I like your program.Since summer holiday,I listens this every day.I like you very much.
hangzhuo, chinese - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 08:52:44 (GMT
Goden Zeng <godenzeng@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 04:47:43 (GMT)
maggie你好: ਷从北京逃荒到杭州上大学的.在杭州从收音机里听到你声音那一刻,我快呆了,这不是那个好几年前在北京fm97.4主持什么咖啡屋那个人吗.brian好象也是. Ŧ起来那可是我上初中时的事了,我简直就是听着你的声音长起来的,咱这交情可够深的.说实在看你这东奔西跑我挺羡慕的,我早就想满世界乱飞一下.祝你在苏格兰顺利!带我向brian问好!来只aerosmith的i don't wanna miss a thing 听听吧. mad 1.13
mad <mad_hang@yahoo.com.cn>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, January 13, 2002 at 03:00:29 (GMT)
happy new year
Jeffrey John <zsj34@hotmai.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 13:51:15 (GMT)
It's a pity that u wouldn't come back to Shanghai this year.I miss u so much!What can I do for u? Happy Spring Festival and take care!
Fay <howegg@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 11:26:22 (GMT)
非常喜欢你们的节目,点一首yesterday once more送给我的室友赛庆,希望能满足我的愿望,thank you . \
州, 中国 - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 11:01:07 (GMT)
hello, This is my first time to write to you, i felt a little neverous,but i often listen to your programe. to love is easy,but it is not easy to walk away.这是你们节目所给我带来的感觉。
Ñ人 <kindpoor@yahoo.com.cn>
- Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 10:23:17 (GMT)
maggie <cat0311@163.com >
州, 中国 - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 04:52:55 (GMT)
Dear Maggie and Brian,I miss you very much. I used to listen to your programme every Sunday when I was a high school student. Now I have been a freshman in Shanghai Teacher's University. I like HFB very very much,and I hope I can hear your great voices in the near future. I'll always wait for you.
é令 <sunling1982@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, January 12, 2002 at 02:47:15 (GMT)
Maggie & Brian: Ë们好! ×你们节目好久了!就是没到网站上来玩玩!呵呵!其实你们的网站还可以!就是内容少了一点!希望你们能多加点上去!我们玩得会更开心的! Ë们说呢? å了!不说什么了!希望节目会越来越好!!! ë了,能不能为我们原来浙江省外经贸学校的9613外贸英语班的同学拨首歌! zI SWEAR》好不好! Ð谢谢啦!不会让我失望吧?
hank <hanktowne@hotmail.com>
ä堂 杭州, 中国 - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 13:56:35 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie and Brian.很高兴能给你们写信,我现在真的很开心,都不知道该说些什么了,如果在下面我说了什么不妥当的话请谅解。先做一下自我介绍,我是杭州的一位男生,你们节目的听众,我谈不上是忠实的,但我已深深的爱上了你们的节目,因为他带给我一份轻松的感觉,一种特别的氛围,相信不久我就会离不开他的,或许说的有些夸张,但在我身上是绝对会发生的。这是我第一次到你们的网站来,很亲切,想到家的感觉,还有让我吃惊的是:如此出色的节目竟然就是在那么个小小的播音室里完成的,而且就你们两人,此时此刻我想用一句话来表达我对你们的敬意:小弟我佩服的你们五体投地,我是真心的。可惜我们这里不能自己搞电台,不然我肯定以后会搞一个,能在属于自己的一个地方和广大的朋友一起分享音乐,那会是一种多么惬意的感觉呀!我真的很羡慕你们!说了那么多,你们大概觉得我很烦吧,其实我要讲的还很多,但这次只是随笔写的信,等下次打好草稿在正式的给你们写信。 这里我想点一首歌,一首电台里都不放的歌,但我很喜欢,那就是WEST LIFE的《YOU MAKE ME FEEL》,我要把这首歌送给Maggie你,当然还有Brian,同时也把他送给我自己,祝我自己在2002年快乐。如果可以的话也请告诉我一些WEST LIFE的消息,特别是Shane和Nicky的,他们俩的歌声我真是太喜欢了,尤其是Nicky的, 让我听着有欲罢不能的冲动,而他在这首歌里就将他的特色,毫无保留的展示出来。其实点这首歌还有一个原因,那就是因为WEST LIFE是英国的,而你们是《来自英国的问候》,都和英国有关,我又是特别喜欢英国的,也许我这一辈子也不可能到那里去,但只要听你们的节目我就会有身临其境的感觉,所以希望你们的节目越办越好,能长久的在我们杭州播出,让我能继续的以我的方式“游览”英国,再这里先谢过了! 然也希望你们能到杭州来旅游,并做一期杭州特辑,和杭州的听友见面、交流,作为我个人再这里欢迎你们。顺便说一下,我学过三年的中国烹饪,所以若你们到杭州来不但可以欣赏美丽的风光,还可以品尝美味的杭州菜,如果你们信的过我的手艺,我很愿意为你们做一桌(假若你们喜欢中国菜的话)。 ,这次就说到这里了。后会有期! Steven Chong Hang Zhou 2002.1.10
Steven Chong <stevenchong@163.com>
HangZhou, China - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 08:51:17 (GMT)
I like the programme very much!I feel Maggie and Brian are very lovely!I really love the voice of Maggie.And why do you have so wonderful voice,Maggie?When I lisen to your laughing my frame is good.Last,best wishes to Maggie&Brian!
Hangzhou, China - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 04:45:52 (GMT)
I heared the voice of you two in the air when I was a freshman in University. Now five years has passed, I still can hear this programme sometimes. For I like Western Pop music very much, your programme gives me much excitement and joy. Thanks for your work .
Richard Qi <qwqiang@yahoo.com>
Hangzhou, P.R.China - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 04:11:05 (GMT)
ink <inkshen@163.com>
luoyang , china - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 01:29:57 (GMT)
ink <inkshen@163.com>
shanghai, china - Thursday, January 10, 2002 at 01:26:43 (GMT)
Maggie,it's very happy to see u here!
shmilu <yixia3@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 12:02:25 (GMT)
I listened to NMT,HFB,SONY DOUBLE COUNTDOWN since 1995. But now I can't lisen to them. What a pity!!我爱NMT,HFB,SDC!!这几个节目伴着我长大,那个时候我初一,现在我已经大一了.我很幸运的拿到YEEN YAO ,FRANK的签名耶! 说杭州还有HFB,真是太爽了.可惜上海没有了.YEEN YAO 现在在主持一档"MUSIC CHAT CHAT"和"CHAT CHAT NIGHT FLY",每个星期三的晚上11~12点.
晶 <zhaojing0107@chinaren.com>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 09:04:08 (GMT)
you give me a lot of joy,and a lot of confidence. so i love your voices ,your program. with my best wishes.
Michael Ye
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, January 08, 2002 at 08:00:31 (GMT)
I always listen to you programme.I like it very much.
Cathy <leafsohu@.21cn.com>
Hangzhou, China - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 13:39:47 (GMT)
I am a pretty gril!
Zheng Chunyan <prettysweet@163.net>
jinhua, China - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 11:11:03 (GMT)
ó翼 <linglingcx@sina.com>
州, 中国 - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 08:01:49 (GMT)
你们好,听你们的节目很久了,以前我在福建的时候也听过一个类似的节目&#D YO D 巢咖啡音乐时间>,不知道是不是也是你们做的?当时我就很喜欢,不过那时候还小,听不太懂英文.现在我在杭州上大学,很偶然的机会听到了你们的节目,勾起了我对那个节目的怀念,而且现在我的英文好多了,比较能听懂你们讲什么,所以更喜欢你们的节目了.上次,你们播了,我很喜欢,可不可以在播一次?!呵呵~~~祝你们的节目越办越好,我会永远支持你们!
ó翼 <linglingcx@sina.com>
州, 中国 - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 07:59:46 (GMT)
I am a fan of your.I like you.You are the best.
Alex Lee
Hangzhou, China - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 06:44:51 (GMT)
Dear Brian and Maggie, I like your programme very much. I almost listen it every day. The time of itis not as what Maggie said 2 hours on Sunday. It is 11:00 to 12:00 a.m. every day. On weekends the programme is new and the other five days play the old programmes. I never get bored to it. I enjoy listening to it over and over. The only problem is that your programme is longer than what I can hear. At 11:00 and 11:30 and a few minutes before 12:00, there are many advertisement. So the last in the first half hour usually can't be played completely. What's worse the last song of the hour sometimes can't be heard at all. It is cut for the sake of ads. I really hate it. I hardly have a chance to hear you say goodbye. Maybe you can cut a few minutes from your programme. I want a full Hello from Britain. If the station would cut ads, that's better. But I don't know if it is possible. Because ads of radio are becoming more and longer in hangzhou now. Thank you for your work.
wendy <wendy01@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 03:18:45 (GMT)

我的HFB你什么时候会来,你快回来,因为你是我的唯一,我已经被孽待了一年了. Maggie,你是我最信任的人,我相信在WTO的大趋势下上海会恢复你们的节目的. ৎ等着那一天,如果能点歌的话,我想点首savage garden的"Affirmation" ൲然我听不见,但我祝愿能听见这首歌的人们继续支持HFB !!!
ultra-star <ultrastar@etang.com>
?海, 中国 - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 19:37:00 (GMT)
Hello Maggie,全新的一年又来了,上海能否继续听到HFB呢?难道你们不准备回来吗?已经有整整一年没有听到你们的节目了,真的很挂念你们。我不知道自己的留言你们能否看到,现在真的很羡慕杭州,广州及其他省市的听众朋友,因为他们能每周听到HFB,更可以在节目中听到自己的email被Maggie你念出来,而我在上海的我只能上你们的网站去看看。HFB请你们快点回来吧!上海有很多的听众等着你们回来。最后祝Maggie在英国一切都好!
Ɩ晨 <ellelifechen@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 07:54:45 (GMT)
hello,nice to enter your web site.i like your program very much.may you be prosperous in every way in new year. i will always stand by you.it gives me the pleasure of learning english while enjoying your music. thanks a lot again.
hangzhou, china - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 01:22:38 (GMT)
Hi Maggie&Brain Happy new year!I like your program. Maggie,you are very pretty.Brain is very handsome. I am student of linzhi Middle school. I have listened your program one year. ߎ要离开我们!
ń兴, 中国 - Sunday, January 06, 2002 at 00:40:50 (GMT)
I like your progrums
mcx <mcx117@163.com>
yi ning, China - Saturday, January 05, 2002 at 11:18:07 (GMT)
Hi, Brian & Maggie: Very glad to view your website , it is very beautiful, especially the photo that include the garden, and Brian's babt photo, it made smile, Hear your voice from last July, and I am a girl that from the mountain city of China, now i am in the heaven city - Hangzhou, If i have a chance , I like the song "Right here waiting " very very much. Because the words from the song is the words that i want to say my boy, yeah, right, where ever he go, what ever he do , i will be right here wanting for him. At the moment, I only want to say : Happy New Year! Yours friend Rosysmile
Rosysmile <yellowleaf2001@sina.com>
Chongqing, China - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 08:26:17 (GMT)
Hello ,Maggie and Brian.I feel very glad to write to you .I love your programme very much .I'm a student in Zhe jiang university-shao xing apartment.We will take final exam next week.I wish I can pass all the exam. I also wish you can send a song to me . Thank you !
ÁÁ>–º–º ê&Mac178;ê <christina1983@163.com>
ƒ†Üè, China - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 05:24:25 (GMT)
Wow! Great job guys!
John Franco <jonnydevito@msn.net>
Entertainment, - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 03:17:09 (GMT)
Hola de Venesuela!
Carola Goma <carolagoma@mexx.com.mx>
Computers, - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 03:02:44 (GMT)
Hi, I like your site. Hope you'll drop by mine too.
J.C.Perry <jcperry@canada.com>
Personal, - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 02:46:58 (GMT)
I like what you do. Thanks.
John Harvey <johnharvey@tripod.com.ve>
Personal, - Friday, January 04, 2002 at 02:30:16 (GMT)
Hello,this is my second time to sign on the guestbook.I`m glad to sign in again. I like your programe very much.I listen to it every week and I am used to it.It plays a great part in my daily life. I wonder if you could help me send a song to my boyfriend.I hope that he will be happy forever.Thank you. I wish you everyting goes well.
cindy <jiandi1234@163.com>
huzhou(湖州), China - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 14:00:13 (GMT)
hey, I've listenned to your program for 7 years.Like your style, and appreciate your work, oh, i also wanna be a girl like Maggie!*_^It's pretty cool to do >Happy New Year Everybody!
El Barto Guarez <none@none.com>
Miscellaneous, - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 19:25:02 (GMT)
hello,Brain and Maggie,haven't written to you for a long time.but your progame reminds me. would you do me the favour to send a song to my brother studying in Germany? I wish him a brighter future.thank you
cowboy <cowboy347@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 08:28:47 (GMT)
Hey, thanks for great info! Take it easy...
Richard Van Hagen <richardvanhagen_junior@aol.com>
Personal, - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 07:39:06 (GMT)
I have listened your program for one and a half years.And Happy New Year,Maggie and Brian!It's the third time I 've visit the website of HFB,just as I get on line through proxy and I can not sign here.I like it very much.I should say that it is really a good one I have ever known.I like the voice of Brian--fast,clear,and the like.Also I also like Maggie.And I 'd like to hear the song of The Graduation(Scarburur Fair).
flyingmind <estn@263.net>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, January 02, 2002 at 07:33:10 (GMT)
very good.i like ur program very much cause it makes me feel relax and fresh!
Crystal <crystaljing_li@yahoo.com.cn>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 16:09:10 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie and Brian.I am a new friend of you.In our class,many classmates listen your programme.I listen your programme,for one thing to improve my listening english and for another thing to listen good music.I hope we can become good friend!HAPPY NEW YEAR!
Shen Zhenhua <tq02nca@fm365.com>
Hu Zhou ,Zhe Jiang, China - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 15:15:18 (GMT)
hennin <inoj@163.com>
hangzhou, China - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 14:25:34 (GMT)
新年好,Maggie&Brian. 今天是元旦,临近中午,我又想起了你们,可惜今天不是周六,哎! 周末快快到来吧,那时我就又能听到你们的声音了,而且是新年的第一声问候!!我好盼望啊!我想点一首BLUR的” Tender", 还有是他们的”Coffee and TV",把它们送给我自己,也送给你们两位可爱的主持人。祝愿今年我能考上心目中的理想大学,同时也祝Maggie学业有成,Brian工作顺利,HFB越来越attrative!! 就这样,记住这个周末我会在中午一边享用午餐,一边聆听你们可爱的声音哦!!
Lene <flylene@hotmail.com>
Hangchow, China - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 12:14:26 (GMT)
Yeehom <yeehom@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 12:07:26 (GMT)
Good luck,everyone!
Yeehom <yeehom@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 11:59:07 (GMT)
最近很忙,好久没来“来自英国的问候”的网站了,现在确实有种回故乡的感觉,这种 শ觉真棒.上次点了一首Michael Jackson的"Man In The Mirror"很久都没有回应,而且觉得最近的节目都是重播,感觉有种莫名的感伤.但我还是会永远支持你们的节目,永远准时守侯在收音机旁. ఢ愿你们两位主持人Merry Christmas&Happy New Year.今天是元旦假日,祝愿你们也和我一样开心.
x-hyde <hyde4016_cn@sina.com>
Ĉ州, 中国 - Tuesday, January 01, 2002 at 02:19:48 (GMT)
Your site is great! Have a good one!
Asian Avenue <lisbethg_g@canada.com>
Miscellaneous, - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 20:39:09 (GMT)
Si quieres las tomas y si no las dejas, aunque suelen decir que son comida de viejas.
El huevo de chocolate <lolipopadivina@orbita.starmedia.com>
Entertainment, - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 20:22:25 (GMT)
Nice site! Though you need more content. "When a lot of remedies are suggested for a desease, that means it cannot be cured." ....Chekhov
Anton Chekhov <antonchekhov@terra.es>
Miscellaneous, - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 20:02:29 (GMT)

Thank you for your comment! Throughout 2001 Brian has earned NOTHING at all from HFB and the entire operation is run in his spare time. We are NOT experts at web design and the audience reached through this site is TINY compared to the number of people who LISTEN. However, we will add as much as we can WHEN we can and the PRIMARY aim of this site is to be a voice for our LISTENERS so...... keep adding your comments!! Brian.

Happy New Year!Maggie and Brian! I like this progamme very much.Every Sunday,I am waiting for you.Do you like the song 'the starry night'?
hangzhou, - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 15:31:46 (GMT)
I don't know how to say I love your programe and the DJ.Iam you honest listener.Thank you .
Sheng Wengjuan
Hang Zhou, China - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 11:49:40 (GMT)
你们好!我是一位在杭州学习的上海人。听你们的节目有4年了。你们的节目离开上海有一年了,但我还是坚持在杭州收听。我发现一个良好的节目离开了一个相对肥沃的土壤做根基之后,会逊色不少。现在你们的节目没那么多的新歌了,老歌也没特色了,至于象那种小英语课堂的栏目也没了。总之水平有所退步。希望你们不要为我的批评生气,这是一个忠实听众的心声。祝你们早日回到上海,happy new year!
DJ Norman <hothits@163.net>
shanghai, china - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 08:22:12 (GMT)
your programme are wonderful
beenway-wang <jionwon@sohu.com>
hangchou, China - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 05:03:36 (GMT)
我是你们的热心听众,我永远支持你们,For ever!For ever!For ever!For ever!For ever!For ever!For ever!For ever!For ever!希望你们早日回到上海, and I'll be waiting you For ever!
henry <spinster33@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 04:39:42 (GMT)
明天就是2002年的第一天了。Happy new year!英格兰的新年是怎么样的呢。我想点一首歌simple red 的好吗。谢谢!Maggie&Brian
ċ现华 <leungxianhua@sohu.com>
Ĉ州, - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 04:21:04 (GMT)
More and more music!
sucyknows <sucyknows@hotmail.com>
Hangzhou , China - Monday, December 31, 2001 at 03:52:38 (GMT)
Maggie and Brian, Happy New Year!我非常喜欢你们的节目,你们的主持风格我非常喜欢,能为我喜欢的一个叫珍珍女孩子点一首歌吗,YOU TOOK MY HEART AWAY。非常非常谢谢你们
Ɓ身听 <hjlskys@163.net>
Ĉ州, 中国 - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 17:09:24 (GMT)
Maggie and Brian, Happy New Year!我不知道你们的节目在杭州应该在哪个调频收听?你们能告诉我吗?Thank you very much .(请用e-mail和我联系)
WangYing <ella-wy@sohu.com>
HangZhou, China - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 03:12:11 (GMT)
Dear Brian & Maggie: New year is coming .祝你们元旦快乐,新年快乐.在此我想点首歌,歌名是 MY LOVE 送给杨玲秀,愿她能找到一份理想的工作。同时也送给你们。THANKS。
ƌ国 <guoguo08@263.net>
Ĉ州, 中国 - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 02:58:38 (GMT)
Dear Brian&Maggie, New yearis coming .I wish you will have good feelings everytime.I like your program very much .Your voices are very attractive.I am a student.when I am free ,I always listen your program.It gives me much happieness,so I should thank you .Thank you very much .Best wishes .
delia <deliahhj@chinaren.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, December 30, 2001 at 01:46:58 (GMT)
yukuai <yukuai1981@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 13:58:54 (GMT)
I'm a student in Zhejiang University .I have heard it for almost one year ,in my opinion it's a wonderful program . From it we can listen to music and learn English.Can i sign a song for my classmates,especially for my roomates.The song is Hero .Thank you .
violet <violetpig@elong.com>
Hangzhou, - Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 10:27:31 (GMT)
HI,Maggie&Brian, ?久没来你们的网站了,因为最近有一点忙。也好想好想你们呀!知道吗,Maggie,我们现在每星期只能听到两次节目,也不知是怎么回事,以前可是每星期可以听到四次的,就是中午和傍晚,现在只有中午有了。觉得挺可遗憾的。但我还是会支持你们的。在此我想点首歌,歌名是Keep on Moveing,我知道Brian很喜欢这首歌,首先把它送给两位,愿你们拥有越来越多的听众,同时我也想把歌送给我自已,希望自已明年能找到一份理想的工作。Thank you!!!
Ĉ玲秀 <Helen_sufele@hotmail.com>
ń兴, 中国 - Saturday, December 29, 2001 at 04:48:48 (GMT)
Haven't heard you for a long long time and i miss you very very much! New year is near at hand,i wish you a very happy new year. Will you come back to Shanghai next year? I am right here waiting.Take care,see you!
Fay <howegg@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 07:38:45 (GMT)
Edward <zlh9982@163.com>
hangzhou , China - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 07:10:27 (GMT)
Edward <zlh9982@163.com>
hangzhou , China - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 07:04:19 (GMT)
Maggie: ?是TESSIE.我是HELLO FROM BRITAIN的忠实听众,曾经也是NMT的老朋友,现在我还一直听着NMT最后几期节目的录音磁带.我真的很伤心,尤其现在连这档节目也取消了.不过我会永远支持你们的.替我向BRIAN问好!
TESSIE <tessie820@yahoo.com.cn >
Shanghai, China - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 06:12:51 (GMT)
huzhou, zhejiang - Thursday, December 27, 2001 at 02:24:36 (GMT)
Maggie?????????????????NMT????????????????????????????????????Take That??????Take That????????NMT? ???????
Anchor <AnchorYin@yahoo.com.cn>
??, ?? - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 11:59:02 (GMT)
Merry x'mas Maggie&Brian! å久没来这个网站了,不过你们的节目还是经常听。我已经听了6年DHL- SINOTRANS 主办的音乐节目了,你们的节目也已经听了两年。不过无论写信还是留言,我要点歌的愿望还从来没有实现过..55..如果你能看到,就满足我的愿望吧-----我想听Robert Miles的Children-----Thank u!!!
Ë维 <wayhe@msn.com>
hangzhou, China - Wednesday, December 26, 2001 at 09:09:02 (GMT)
Hello: M>#30446;永远有令人骄傲的听众!!! ๢是一个特殊的节日,这里我想为自己点一首westlife演唱的 ӍMy love》,同时也把这首歌送给你们。Thank you !!!
æ向阳 <mike-curl@163.net>
Ĉ州, china - Monday, December 24, 2001 at 04:54:17 (GMT)
Hello Maggie and Brian.很久没听HFB,你们节目很特别,想再听.希望能再见......
ĸ云 <q64179527@163.com>
Ç海, china - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 12:58:08 (GMT)
I like the program,and I have heard it for almost 4 years! Thanks for being with me for such along time! Wish the program better in the future!!!!!!!! And MERRY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!
peter li <lwwwwl@263.net>
hangzhou ,zhejiang , china - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 12:38:15 (GMT)
hello,Maggie and Brian.it is a wonderful surprise for me to hear your wonderful voices from Scotland.i have not heard so good radio program as yours.would you say hello to me through the air and present a romantic song for me?thank you!happy Christmas and new year!Bonne anee.
Robert <robertmj@sina.com>
jinhua, China - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 10:45:10 (GMT)
我的圣诞愿望是希望HFB在新年的第一天回到上海!!! ೦梦想成真吗?能梦想成真吗?能梦想成真吗???
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 09:33:02 (GMT)
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 09:23:15 (GMT)
Merry Christmas!!! Maggie.How is everything going?This is hello from shanghai. I miss you much!We haven't been listen the "Hello From Britain " for one year.We all hope the program will return next year,and I want to say:"This year is too long ,too long .I don't know why it was stopped.But I will miss you everyday if you are not here.A new year will come ,I hope I can listen the program again.Do you know I sent a letter to the Dongfang Radio and told they "HFB is the best program in Shanghai ,don't give up,we all need it ." In a new year, we hope Maggie and Bryan will happy and health.Don't forger we -----the friends in shanghai!!!
Ɩ晨 <ellelifechen@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 08:44:43 (GMT)
Brain&Maggie: How are you! I like your program very much. But now your program ‘在老时间老地点消失了’ WHY?
zkCHINESE <zkcn2002@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 08:42:46 (GMT)
I love you, Maggie and Brain. Please come back to me...
Adam <norya4u@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 07:57:05 (GMT)
hi, i am student of zhejiang university,and i always turn my radio on and listen music at midnight.but it's a pity that only saturday and sunday night can receive your programs. i like it very much.i like you very much. thank you for giving us so wonderful program!
hiyoung <hi-young@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 05:20:50 (GMT)
Hi,hello from britain. Hi,Brain & Maggie, merry Christmas! It's fabulous that your studio is so lovely! Now, it's my turn to chang my original idea about "studio"! I major in English, so I'm trying to learn more about Britain. When I turn on the radio,I know it's a good opporunity to learn something as well as comfort my brain. Well, what is more important?! Maybe your voice and music have already taken my whole attention. Thank you again! & Merry Christmas again!
rainy <helengao812@163,com>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, December 23, 2001 at 04:37:05 (GMT)
好久没来你们的网站了,真有第一次来的感觉。上一次听到我(nick)的名字出现在你们的节目中真是非常激动,谢谢你们! ੌ近听说BSB出了new CD,所以想点一首drowing,送给认识我的所有人,包括你们。再次感谢你们!!!!!!!!!!
Ñ霄 <nick.13@elong.com>
huzhou, China - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 12:23:21 (GMT)
想念你们! 想念你们! ?念你们! ?念你们! 想念你们! ?念你们! ?回来吧! 快回来吧! ?回来吧! ?回来吧! 快回来吧! ?回来吧! û想在Christmas之前听到你们的节目!!!!!!!!!!
Cat.F <jcatf@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 12:06:24 (GMT)
missing u, my dear hfb!!! and hope u will be back to shanghai as soon as possible!!! i'll support you forever!!!:)
bright <zhushengjiao@yahoo.com.cn>
shanghai`, china - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 12:02:18 (GMT)
Hello Brian & Maggie, Thank you very much for your programme and happy time you bring us.Many friends of Shanghai wish you got back to them,but I hope you will stay with us forever. Will you ?and Would you like to play a love song for me? Anyway,wish you happy,and happy new year and merry christmas.Another question for you.Could you tell us how to spend your christmas this year?Thanks again for your happy sound.
Xu Huaping
Xiaoshan District, Hangzhou City, China - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 06:39:39 (GMT)
Missing you, HFB...
Kevin de Quincy <kdequincy@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 06:36:31 (GMT)
Maggie and Brain: ?到自己的email居然在节目中播出了,我非常高兴。知道吗,听到自己的名字被两位主持人念着,感觉即兴奋,又有一点怪怪的。也许还是“幸运”最能表达我当时的感觉了。 ?谢两位主持人给我播放的歌曲,很好听。谢谢。 ?诞节快到了,在这里祝两位主持人及所有'hello from Britain "的听众们 happy christmas.
ċ现华 <leungxianhua@sohu.com>
Ĉ州, - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 06:34:18 (GMT)
love u and miss u
ŵ罗兰 <rek1982@citiz.net>
sh, prc - > #21035;忘了在床头挂上袜子噢:),猜猜今年,白胡子老爷爷会带来什么礼物?……祝可爱的Maggie,Brian梦想成真!!!对了,我最近一直在听Micheal learns to rock的歌,很喜欢!能在节目里放些他们的歌吗?虽然身在上海的我听不到,但好音乐还是想和大家一起分享的!!祝每位HFB大家庭里的朋友每天都有好心情!:)ߍ海。晴。微笑。
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, December 22, 2001 at 03:56:14 (GMT)

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