Hello From Britain Guestbook Archive 016

I.Gand <
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 12:11:19 (GMT)
I Wlove you program.But in Nanjing i can't here your program.What a piti.
cheng cuiping <julian0512 soho.comsu>
suzhou, china - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 11:52:31 (GMT)
非常高兴这个地球上有如此美好的声音,和如此温暖人心的音乐。 ࡤ要随着歌声遐想,整个世界都是我的。 Thank you so much!
彬 <zhangsan424@hotmail.com>
江, 中国 - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 09:53:19 (GMT)
hello!everybody!i begin to listen to your programme when i studied in beijing .now i work as a lawyer in hangzhou.it is very excited to hear your voices again .my girlfriend and i both like your programme .thank u !
胜辉 <osuki@263/net>
州, 中国 - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 08:41:09 (GMT)
自从东方台停播以后,我已经好久没听到你们的声音了。 ૜想到又跑到浙江来了,真是太好了!
志强 <horsetalker12@hotmail.com>
州, china - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 06:57:26 (GMT)
hello,Maggie&Brian,I am not very happy these days,I very hope you can broadcast a song for me,i hope i can happy everyday.can you broadcast boy zone's NO MATTER WHAT for me?thank you.
Ann(王海滨) <mymoon110@yahoo.com.cn>
HuZhou, China - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 06:30:29 (GMT)
你们好,我是在这个学期开始注意你们的节目的,你们的节目办的真是很好,现在每天早上上完课,听你们的节目都已经成为我的习惯了,不过可惜只能听最后半个小时,要上课没法听,我希望能在这里认识更多的音乐爱好者,还有我希望能在节目里听到这首歌,think you !
jimy <jimyzhi@hotmail.com>
州, china - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 06:07:15 (GMT)

i am interested in music
jimy <
hang zhou, china - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 05:55:20 (GMT)
:) It is very good.
yy <yy2226@hotmail.com>
Hang Zhou, China - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 05:42:09 (GMT)
Maggie is very beautiful! Little Brian was very lovely!
JulieLi <JulieLi46@sohu.com>
州, China - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 01:17:41 (GMT)
Maggie and Brain:你们好。我是你们的忠实听众。每个礼拜六最要紧的事就是听你们的节目。可是我上次在你们网站上留言点的歌却一直没听到,好失望哦!我希望你们这次能播放一首Michael Jackson的老歌《Childhood》,我很喜欢这首歌,就像我喜欢你们的主持风格,期待你们有更多更好的节目。
雯 <chw911@163.com>
州, - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 11:24:02 (GMT)
I am a student from hangzhou! I heard U'r programme from last month !!maggie & brian I think U'r best DJ,I love u very much!!I Very like English song I am a Savegr Garden'fan I want give a song from my sister ningning !!!Can U sent a song from SG'song !!If u do that I will very happy!!!thangs!!
pink <pingduox@263.com>
ÙY¶B, china - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 03:27:27 (GMT)
hi,maggie&brian.I am a student from hangzhou!last month,I heard U'r programme come a cross!I found this programme is very well ,Because I love English song very much!And I am a sevage garden' fans. I want give a song to my sister ning ning ,she have been at newsland !! I wish her everything will be ok!!!!If maggie &brian do not mind, Please sent a song from savege garden!!thanks very much!!!
pink <pingduox@263.com>
州, china - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 03:20:11 (GMT)

hello?I am Pink!I Wish U Will Feel Happy From My Regards!!
pink <
hangzhou, zhejiang china - Friday, March 29, 2002 at 02:57:31 (GMT)
Hello, Maggie & Brian I heard your program accationally, but I like it very very much! Thank you for take this program to me when I feel lonely.BYE BYE!!
HANGZHOU, CHINA - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 13:14:52 (GMT)
Hi,Maggie & Brian,I like your programme very much。我很久没有给你们留言了,因为近来较忙,所以没有及时的给你们写信,请谅解,我永远是你们忠实的听众,再此谢谢你们的辛勤劳动了。顺便我想给我的几位好朋友点一首歌,歌名是《珍珠港的主题曲》,谢谢了。祝杨玲秀工作顺利、天天开心,杭州的李苏月学习进步、百事可乐,还有所有我认识的朋友和同学们祝他们一切如意、顺心。最后,我也送给你们,祝你们一生平平安安的、开开心心的,谢谢。
国 <guoguo08@263.net>
州, 中国 - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 13:11:25 (GMT)
Hi,Maggie & Brian,I like your programme very much.7 years ago,I heard your programme in radio,I became to love it at once. Now,as a friend,it has been a part of my life.I will listen to it as long as I am free. This is the first time I visite your homepage.I find it is wonderful,and now I have seen the true Maggie and Brian,you are pretty and handsome. I will go to Beijing next month,I don't know if I can hear your programme there.I hope I can! Becuase I will leave Hangzhou for about 3 month,I want to give a song to my girl friend,her name's Joan,I want to say to her,"I'll love her forever!" Finally,I hope your programme will became better and better.
David Zhang <zhcsx@163.com>
Hangzhou, China - Thursday, March 28, 2002 at 04:28:32 (GMT)
I am a funny guy in ZJU hangzhou,haha. I like your programme for it is the best time i could spend with my friend.Your great music filled my life with joy and fun,I love u all,haha,c u=)
vincent_viso <visocc@hotmailc.com>
hangzhou, P.R.C - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 04:08:22 (GMT)
我很喜欢你们的节目.希望我以后也能成为一名非常优秀的DJ.快要高考了,我想把一份祝福送给我的好友:小晶&Zoe&天天&Toby .希望他们能够努力到最后一刻,Never give up.也愿Maggie永远Nice,Brian永远Handsome. I will like HFB in my life. *^0^*
Cate <tk_cate@hotmail.com>
HangZhou, China - Wednesday, March 27, 2002 at 03:59:00 (GMT)
I love music very much,could you give a song for me? I like BSB and Westlife.Thank you!
Haining, China - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 07:26:20 (GMT)
MAGGIE: ߰好! ๢几天,我的心情不是很好,因为的我马上要大学毕业了,外界给我的压 ࡂ太大了,一毕业就等于失业,一想到这里我心情会很不好,我原本是个 ঍开心的男孩子,可是最近我好像变了一个人似的,整天闷闷不乐的, ે次听到MAGGIE和BRIAN你们主持的节目,听到动听的歌,我会很投入得听 ߰们的节目,我觉得这时候我会很快乐。 ৎ不知道我可不可点一ANDREA BOCELLI的sogno,也把歌这首送给我,和 ৎ的好兄弟他们是徐恺,渺钧波,胡剑,莫蔚,方建,魏静。祝我毕业找到 ࣲ的工作,祝我的兄弟们事业顺心,马到功成。 ࡧ样也送给你和BRIAN,祝你们把节目越办越好。
greenpeople <greenpeople@x263.net>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 06:44:24 (GMT)
i from hangzhou china beautiful city
greenpeople <greenpeople@x263.net>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 06:09:38 (GMT)
Hello,Maggile and Brian I'm a student of Zhejiang University of Technologe.I have listened your program for two years.And I'd like your Studio very much.So I hope that your program will become more and more famous.CONGRATULATIONS!
Canberich <hcf@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, March 26, 2002 at 00:14:21 (GMT)
i like your programme very much. i hope it opens forever.
janm <janmboy@163.com>
HangZhou, China - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 09:01:04 (GMT)

i like you and your programme very much!And i listen to it every day!but i think the time is too short!could you let the time longer?i hope you could do so!
晓华 <
wenzhou, China - Monday, March 25, 2002 at 04:48:41 (GMT)
Hello, Mr.DJ. I'm almost listen "HFB" everyday, on the Westlake Hangzhou. Do u konw why? I'm the Westlake boat driver and in my driver room there is a radio, so I can listen your English songs everyday. Thank you. And i have a lot of photo of the westlake, but I don't know how to send them to you. And final question : can you play a good song for my girl friend , she like listen " big big world" .Thank you very much! Andy Chow
Andy Chow <icez820205@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 13:48:15 (GMT)
Hi, Maggie and Brian Your program accompany me for about 8 years. I have listened it from I am 14.I love it . I love you two too. Thank you for your worthy work! I will be your supporter for ever!
hazel <a830216@etang.net>
huzhou, China - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 10:25:36 (GMT)
Always be so excited to listening your music! I love that kind of ......
warrentong <warrentong@263.net>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 08:57:58 (GMT)
hello,Brian&Maggie,我非常喜欢你们的节目,虽然我才听你们的节目不久,但是我觉得你们的节目办的很有特色,从你们的节目中,我可以听到很多很好听的英文歌曲。我最喜欢的歌手是boy zone,很希望能够听到他们的那首:no matter what.而且这首歌的MTV拍的也很不错。我太想念他们了,希望你们能够满足我这个小小的要求,Thank you.
Ann <mymoon110@yahoo.com.cn>
HuZhou, China - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 06:39:43 (GMT)
I like beautiful song!
run <chechanfei_123@163.com>
州, china - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 06:35:20 (GMT)

maggie and brain能在节目中播放"uptown girl"吗?
佳 <
兴, 中国 - Sunday, March 24, 2002 at 05:00:09 (GMT)
MAGGIE和BRIAN你们好,记得第一次听你们的节目时我还是个初中生,那时我是通过上海东方广播听的,后来我读书到了杭州,以为再也听不到你们的节目了,后来无意间又听到了你们的声音感觉特好(我还以为我在做梦),不过现在我快要毕业了,时间真的过的太快了,我想回家后又听不到你们的节目好可惜啊!!!!! 所以我想点首歌可以吗?行的话就帮我选一首吧!这么多年我很相信你们的噢!那就祝我们全体室友都能找到好工作,身体健康!愿你们的节目也 越办越好,有更多的听友!谢谢!!!!
佳 <vivian_224@263.net>
兴, 中国 - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 14:09:30 (GMT)
Hello!Maggie and Brain!I am a new listener to your programme.I love HFB and I love you !I want to hear the song "clouds of the wind"!It is for my dear friend Pearl,now she is in Englad for study,I wish her every success in future!
Kellen <kellen_jiang@yahoo.com.cn>
Shaoxing, China - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 09:57:56 (GMT)
想点一首Alicia key ௚坠落
州, - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 07:40:28 (GMT)
I like your programe very much,and i think it's a good way for us to kown your music.i love english songs,and i like the best singer is boy zone,and i sure many girls in china also love them,so i hope i can hear their songs in your programe,because i rarely heard their songs in radio.i am a learner in english ,so i think there must be some mistakes,i hope you can understand my meanings,and i will work hard in english,thank you all.
Ann <mymoon110@yahoo.com.cn>
huzhou, china - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 07:27:03 (GMT)
hello,漂亮的“maggie”和可爱的“brain”(*^_^*)(*^_^*)(*^_^*) ৎ是来自浙江的一所大学的一名学生,每周听你们的节目已经成了我的一个习惯了,因为你们的节目很有个性,我忠心希望你们可以一如既往地把这个节目办下去,并且可以越来越好、越来越好!!(*^_^*)(*^_^*)(*^_^*)
河 <yinhe34@163.com>
州, 中国 - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 04:13:52 (GMT)

sorry啊,我以为是个性签名的东西,没想到是发了那个了 ৎ很喜欢听HFB的,上个星期天是我进大学后第一次听,是杭州的了啊。 ࿟烦maggie&brian宣传一下我们的网站http://boyzonecn.com boyzone中国在线,我想是中国最大的boyzone fans组织了,我是社区的 ronan_yan2002 ஸ脑加速版块的斑竹啊! ࡣ外我想点播一首boyzone的everyday i love u! ੌ近心情不太好,想对自己好一点。 ߖ祝自己能考上专升本 。 ฃ谢了。
燕 <
州, 中国 - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 23:42:56 (GMT)
第一次看到boyzone的时候,我的眼睛一亮,我也不知道为什么,主要是被ronan吸引的,他比我大三岁,是那么成熟,微笑那么迷人,眼神那么温柔,只要听到ronan的声音,我的眼泪会不知不觉的流下来。被他的深情所感动,我电脑后的墙上贴的是他的海报,我宿舍墙上挂的是他的帅照,只要看见他就好。RONAN IÎLL LOVE U FOREVER!YOUâRE THE NUM.1 EVERYDAY I LOVE U--RONAN
燕 <xiaoyan2415@hotmail.com>
州, 中国 - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 23:37:24 (GMT)
I like this program very much,and I'll support you forever! I'm sorry, my English is very poor.
eva.crystal <eva-crystal@sohu.com>
hangzou, china - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 12:01:41 (GMT)
I like it very much,the program is good!
Hangzhou, China - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 04:13:34 (GMT)
listening the music from the radio,doing something i like,it's so beautiful life.your program is very nice ,and i like it very much ,thank you !>
WuanWei <at1111>
hangzhou, china - Friday, March 22, 2002 at 03:18:32 (GMT)
Hello brian&maggie!! ?你们的节目已经很久了,而且非常喜欢你们的节目。因为我是个欧美流行音乐爱好者,你们播放的音乐总能让我心情愉快。 &#天我买了一盒MICHAEL JACKSION 的INVINCIBLE 这张正版专辑可是里面没有英文歌词,真不知到是怎么回事。 &#后,我想点一首他的LOST SHILDREN。 û会继续支持你们的节目。加油哦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
州, 中国 - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 10:32:10 (GMT)

Maggie@Brain;你们好,我很喜欢你们主持的节目,在有空的是候常常会打开收音机收听你们的节目!在这里我祝愿你们的节目越办越好,就像一首诗所说的:good better best;never it rest ;till good is better;and better best!同时我想点一首歌送给我的室友们÷÷杭州电子工业学院四号楼105寝室的全体成员!跟他们说,他们的小朱祝他们天天^_^!这首哥最好是Yestertoday Oncemore ༣常感谢你们!
bigben <
hangzhou, china - Thursday, March 21, 2002 at 05:07:50 (GMT)
Maggie&Brian ?们好!真的很高兴可以给你们留言!非常非常感谢你们给我带来这么好听的节目!THANKYOU VERY MUCH! ?这里我想点一首《RIGHT HERE WAITINH FOR YOU》,给杭州商学院东院2032班的全体同学。 ?你们的节目越办越好。BEST WISHS!

州, 中国 - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 04:47:13 (GMT)
Hi,Maggie & Brain, ࣲ歌!好人!好站! I like it! Please keep going! ࠷无所求,只希望能常听到HFB的歌。
folf <folf@etang.com>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, March 20, 2002 at 01:31:30 (GMT)
maggie and brian 你们好!我非常喜欢你们的节目。我也很爱欧美音乐。我非常非常爱你们。为我的朋友唐琪彬点首安立奎的hero。谢谢你们,我永远支持你们!
州, 中国 - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 08:30:11 (GMT)
I love this program!
Haining, China - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 08:00:35 (GMT)
hi,Maggie & Brain, listening to your programme is about one year, i like your progaramme and voices,but i hope Brain could speak more slowly, sometime i can't catch your speech. thank for that! take care, fayluck in hangzhou
fayluck <yingweng@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 04:57:08 (GMT)

我非常喜欢这个节目,非常的喜欢!我希望能 听到一首Nsync的"Gone", 送给一位在雨中借我一把伞的女孩! ৎ来自温州医学院(wenzhou medical collge),一位在校大学生!
华(yuhua) <
州 (wenzhou ), china - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 10:55:43 (GMT)
很高兴能够在你们的网站上留言:) ?欢你们的声音, ?其是BRIAN机关枪似的英语, ?到照片和我想象中有些不一样, #实话有那么一些差距,我指的是那小木屋,呵呵, ?过照片很漂亮, #我看了感觉象是在梦中似的:) ?种童话的感觉啦。 ?喜欢周末的相会, ?要是好歌我是来者不拘, ?以就有劳你们啦! 时间, ?空中, ?们不见不散!:)
shirley <quedegongzhu@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 06:05:31 (GMT)
Love need nothing!
Freehd <Freehd@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 04:46:54 (GMT)
I miss HFB every Sunday morning... Hope you will come back soon!
Kevin de Quincey <kdequincy@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 04:29:13 (GMT)
I will be always loveyor programme
vancon <rtlmuusic@yahoo.com>
sh, china - Monday, March 18, 2002 at 02:29:20 (GMT)
hansen <hansen@263.net>
wenzhou, china - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 09:14:24 (GMT)
听来自英国的问候大概一年多了吧,但这还是我第一次给你们的节目留言,我真的很 喜欢听你们的节目,特别是在的伤心的时候,我想告诉你们,你们的节目很棒,希望再接再厉,我的英文很差,希望以后学好了能够用英文给你们留言,对了我很想在你们节目中听到《season in the sun>>,中文的意思是阳光季节,希望我能在你们的节目中听到这首歌
薇安 <hehaiyan0571@sina.com>
州, 中国 - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 07:24:33 (GMT)

i am sorry!i have forgoten that i want to broadcast "loving you"for maggie and Brian!And i will support you forever!!
Sandy <
wenzhou, china - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 07:15:18 (GMT)
你好! ৎ们全寝室同学都很喜欢听你们的节目!觉得你们的问候很亲切而且歌都很好听,有一种清新的味道!希望你们能给我们带来更多的问候!也祝你们节目越办越好!
Sandy <cj.iloveyou@163.net>
Wenzhou, China - Sunday, March 17, 2002 at 06:59:00 (GMT)
shiqinyu <shiqinyu_001@163.com>
wwenzhou, china - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 12:53:49 (GMT)
this is my first time to come to www.hello.uk.com i feel very happy!wish maggie and brain happy everyday
shiqingyu <shiqinyu_001@163.com>
wenzhou, china - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 12:44:12 (GMT)
hello.I so happy to hear your sound every weekend.your programme are so wonderful so that i can't help turnning on the radio ,once it is the time.
zhang <highhoh@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 10:06:33 (GMT)
I love www.hello.uk.com,I love Maggie and Brian too!!
Cheily <cherryaiai@hotmail.com>
Shaoxing, China - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 07:55:48 (GMT)
http://www.torock.com songs with hangzhouhua a hangzhou band site
wen <rei@nerv.tk>
hz, prc - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 04:22:16 (GMT)

Hi!I like your program very much,and i will support you forever.....
Angela <
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 04:21:01 (GMT)
hiiiiiiiiiii~~ im interested in radio these days with no money no exp and no ways i set up a netRadio @ mms://h2up.d2g.com:2002 i want make it better but i dontno how and even i cant find a software for netradio so far i have to use WindowsMediaEncoder only please tell me ways to goon my netradio mmmm ... hoop u a gooday 88~
wen <rei@nerv.tk>
hz, cn - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 04:05:40 (GMT)
刚才忘了,为你们,也为我自己,点一首Robbie的Something Stupid
clovershame <clovershame@citiz.net>
Shanghai, china - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 19:13:13 (GMT)
Maggie&Brian,节目不能在上海播出,真的是个天大的失误,愚蠢的决定(指那些官僚们)。我已经有两年没有听到你们的声音了,很想很想你们的。 ࠥ实在上海,有很多很多的听众和乐迷还惦记着当年的NMT和HFB,在tvb.com.cn上还时常提起以前的老节目,大家一致都认为,你的节目是最好的欧美流行音乐的节目,以前是,现在也是,虽然很多人都无法听到了,But,it's always the best in our mind.
clovershame <clovershame@citiz.net>
Shanghai, china - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 19:03:54 (GMT)
你们好! ৎ很喜欢你们的节目。只要我有空就听,我特别喜欢听欧美一些组合的歌。 ೦不能点一首FIVE的歌。谢谢!
州, 中国 - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 09:46:52 (GMT)
I like PeeGoo!I like Brian's train too!I love your programme! Please broadcast the Scorpins'song for me and my boyfriend,ok? Thank you!
lele <iloveklinnsman@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 04:34:38 (GMT)
我最近才知道节目又有了,但可惜的是,我现在所在的城市里收不到这个节目,所以,我想点首歌给那些有幸听到: Maggie&Brain声音的人们。一首Michael Jackson的YOU ROCK My World就代表我的心意吧!有空我会多多来拜访的!!!!
洁 <chenjie147930@sohu.com>
国, 杭州 - Friday, March 15, 2002 at 03:32:10 (GMT)
hello,maggie and Brian, TO email both of you makes me feel so raptured, not only because of the fact i am getting into direct contact with you, it also consists in another major reason, which causes me into believing in truth of the philosophy that once you have made efforts and you will be rewarded well by the rule by fate or at least by your reasoning heart. Taking for example,i remember for the first time i email you, and i have not dreamed of receiving any information from you. once living under this concept for many days, i nearly forget about the fact that i have emailed you once. so one day when my friend in school told me that my email has been well received by you and was broadcast in the air together with name called, on hearing all this, i couldn't help believing in the truth of the-above mentioned philosophy. as i have stated in my email at first, that i am not a routine listener to your radio station due to lack of access to your radio information signals and my radio's pool function,but now, i begin to make aware of the fact that to what an amazingly important extent you have been recognizing your potential listeners and many fixed ones, which in the large measure accounts for the immense range of popularity among all listeners worldwide. several days i will be tempted into thinking that listeners are fond of your programmes purely out of your fascinating pronunciation and your unique style of hosting English and China version programme, but now i have changed my mind in no time because of the random finding of your engrained respect for your listeners, probably i think that is the key point for your sustainable success in China or elsewhere in the world as a radio station. once taking into account that i am also one of the best lovers of such a noble radio station, i will consider myself the most fortunate one to reach such a stage. Finally i want to send an English song<> through your radio station to my first girl friend-Chen Min Hua- in 24 years of my life. due to my busy work now, i have missed her birthday in March 11th. i know i am not good at conceiving atmospheres of romance, but i still want to seek a way to express my strong affection and many kindly best wishes for her, so i turn to you and sincerely hope you can broadcast for me this English song from Savage Garden. if in case that she happens to tune into your radio programme at this time,i want to say to her that "you are my first girlfriend in my life so far, since the time when i hold your hand i know i will go to great length and summon up every possible strength to protect you and to care about you humainly possibly, in the name of God please, Min Hua you do trust me that i will love you always!"
shi jian zhu <
shao xing , China - Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 14:44:01 (GMT)

Dear Brian&Maggie, I am your ex-listener in Shanghai. Now,I am doing my BA degree in England. When I left Shanghai last year, your program was still not return. If I go to scotland this summer,maybe I will visit you and your gerage redia station. I have been your listener for 6 years. I will remember forever that how your outstanding work open a door to Britain for me.Thanks.
vingo <
Shanghai, China - Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 12:59:12 (GMT)
Maggie,我想向你指出,你犯了一个小小的错误。michael jackson 的新专辑invincible ,不是 invisible.invincible 是战无不胜,不是看不见。另外,我非常喜欢你们的节目,只是希望你改正一下,谢谢。
janet <hlmjj@yahoo.com>
州, china - Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 08:30:51 (GMT)
I have been listening to your programm for almost three years. And this is the first time for me to visit your web site. I think I should use the word INCREDIBLE to express my feeling. What a wonderful sight! A great and romantic office. It is a little hard for me to associate Maggie and Brian's pictures with your magic voice. But why I cannot listen to your programm from FM 101.7 every Sunday morning in Shanghai? Hope to enjoy your voice again!
Stanlynn <stanlynnwang@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China P.R - Thursday, March 14, 2002 at 05:54:30 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie and Brian
贤良 <skyday@yesky.com>
hangzhou, China - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 07:11:04 (GMT)
sky <skyday@yesky.com>
hangzhou, China - Wednesday, March 13, 2002 at 06:51:51 (GMT)
hello,Maggies&Brian,我是一名在杭州读大学的大二学生,我听你们的节目是从大一开始的,一直听到现在。你们的节目是实在是太wonderful了,我和同寝室的室友们一到星期六就会想到你们的节目,就马上打开收音机来收听你们的节目,我们都很喜欢。收听你们的节目我们受益很大,一来可以听听音乐轻松一下紧张的大脑,二来可以学习你们地道的英语,那真的很不错!在此,我想点一首westlife的《my love》,送给我的远在北京读书的女友,祝她天天开心!也送给我的室友们,也送给你们二位!谢谢!
俊倩 <spark2001@163.com>
州, China - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 07:40:10 (GMT)
你们好,主持人! ?是你们的一位忠实的听众,很喜欢你们的节目。它是我周末的 ?趣,也是我最喜爱的节目,感谢你们!!! 一次给你们发邮件,很开心!今天是3月12日,植树节, I don't know when I can hear it again. 在几周后播出? 点一首芭芭拉 史翠珊的:Woman in love. Thank you! 祝你们节目越办越好, 们一切都好!!
之石 <yzishi@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 04:41:19 (GMT)
leia <leiababy093@163.com>
hangzhou, China - Tuesday, March 12, 2002 at 04:33:28 (GMT)
A college student in HangZhou.
AirSupply <5409@21c.com>
HangZhou, China - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 04:30:29 (GMT)
我也很想传一张照片上中国墙,可我没有 ࡤ以扫描照片的设备,哎!
henin <inoj@263.net>
HangZhou, China - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 12:26:55 (GMT)
H&G,guess what is it?
shelley <shelley519@163.com>
>…  , Í㸖 China - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 09:15:13 (GMT)
Hello Maggie and Brian.This is my first time visit here.I`m a junior in zhejiang university of technology.Usually we take every chance to touch english in order to improve our english.When i listened your program last year ,i found i had fallen in love with your program.Your voice is so sweet,and your program attracted me !It`s wonderful that i can learning english during listening to the music! I think i will listen tomyour program forever,"because i loved you". At last ,i have a request .I ask you to play a boyzone`song in your next program.Do you know ,my english name is "boyzoo".Of course i`m a boy.And my family name is 朱.The pronunciation of 朱 is similar to zoo.So i use this name .Also i will appreciate you if you send me an e`mail,because i want to make friends with your two! Perhaps,there are some mistakes in this letter,because my english is not good enough:( BUT I LIKE YOUR PROGRAM,I WILL WALK ALONE WITH YOU!
boyzoo <
hangzhou, zhejiang - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 07:16:54 (GMT)
Enjoy your life,enjoy FHB!
boyzoo <boyzoo@sina.com.cn>
hangzhou, zhejiang - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 06:16:22 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie:你们好.我非常喜欢你们的节目,喜欢你们的主持风格,而且可以听到很多欧美的音乐.我现在在杭州读书,本来以为回家就听不到你们的节目了,好可惜!不过,今年文艺台的93.8频道可以覆盖整个台州,我就可以继续听你们的节目了,好高兴.我对苏格兰非常好奇,那儿的男士们还穿那种花格子昵短裙吗? ?很喜欢意大利的歌唱家沙费纳的月光>,可是现在我们这边找不到,不知道你们有没有这首歌.可不可以满足我这个小小的愿望?如果没有的话,能不能帮我放一首小胡里奥的 ?谢谢!不过请记得,台州的台是第一声哦!
雯 <chw911@163.com>
州, - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 05:42:46 (GMT)
I think this programme is very good,I listen it every time. it makes my listening comprehension improved,The songs in it I like them very much.THANK YOU!
zhou Liu bo <no>
Hang Zhou, China - Sunday, March 10, 2002 at 01:03:32 (GMT)
对了,我想点911乐队主唱LEE Anthony Brennan的单曲, û知道他的单曲已经出了,我和amy很喜欢,谢谢主持人了。
martin <
hangzhou, china - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 15:35:00 (GMT)
martin <myischool@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 15:27:29 (GMT)
Brian , Maggie不好意思啊,我把"所有"打成"所以"了,现在改正.
anlen <lsghz@chinaren.com>
&, 中国 - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 13:57:10 (GMT)
Brian & Maggie 你们好啊!我呢,当然是特别喜欢你们的节目了,历史也好长了.原因嘛?和所以的听友一样,我就不多说了.OK?我今天也是第一次来网站上,既然来了,我也想听首歌.不知道你们有没有"发电站"这个组合的歌曲?有的话就随便来一首了.我在此就先谢谢你们了.BYEBYE!
anlen <lsghz@chinaren.com>
&, 中国 - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 13:54:53 (GMT)
我在好几年以前就开始听你们的节目了,那是在中学里,很大一部分的目的是为了提高英语的听力。非常感谢你们的节目,让我在高考中考了个好成绩。 ß这里,我想借你们的节目为我在北京的好朋友BIRD,杭州的金炜蓓点一首DIDO的《THANK YOU》,祝她们一切顺利!我爱她们,谢谢! Ķ你们的节目越办越好。 AND I WANT TO THANK YOU !
leia <leiababy093@163.com>
hangzhou , China - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 03:31:27 (GMT)
Thank you. I like most of what you have done.
UEARS DESIGN <leroy@reuters.ur>
Miscellaneous, - Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 02:24:04 (GMT)
i owe u!
clark.von <ivanhoe@sohu.com>
- Saturday, March 09, 2002 at 00:27:27 (GMT)
每天中午都会收听你们的节目÷÷一个不错的节目 Ç次我点了一首歌没能播放,这次希望可以点播成功 98gegrees《this gift》
& <dingchenhz@sina.com>
&, - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 14:04:50 (GMT)

I like it,although i don't understand what they sang. I'll always be with you whatever happen.
zhang <
HangZhou, China - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 13:48:28 (GMT)
I was a faithful listener of yours. I really miss the happy two hours with you every Sunday morning. What I wanna tell you is that Maggie and Brian will always be my favourite DJs, and I will support HFB forever. I love you two.
Cathy Liu <eCatherineliu@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, March 08, 2002 at 12:41:18 (GMT)
Thanks for your songs and sounds,I love you ,
helloartz <helloartz@263.net>
hangzhou, China - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 09:06:47 (GMT)
I love u!ohyeah
freehd <Freehd@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Thursday, March 07, 2002 at 06:21:26 (GMT)
好久没来了! ੖看看你们两位好朋友,祝马年好运! ༿便点首歌送给我在南京,宁波,江津和温州的几位网友! ఢ他们马年好运常伴在左右。 ๢有就是马上要出国,到俄罗斯读书的朱芸,愿她学习顺利,在那边天天开心!
刚强 <cgq19792000@yahoo.com.cn>
州, China - Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 14:09:09 (GMT)
正中 <czzkk@163.net>
- Wednesday, March 06, 2002 at 13:20:40 (GMT)

hello,Brian and Maggie.It's my second time to visit your website.it's as same as before. I like it.Your program is wonderful.Your voice is perfect.Listening English songs is an important part of my life.Britney spears is a sexy woman and her music is great.I want to hear her "the girl in my mirror",thank you.
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 05, 2002 at 12:48:02 (GMT)
I'm very glad to see your web again.It has changed a lot.And when I was in Hangzhou I only could listan the record which was from Shanghai. But I'm in Shanghai now. I can't listen your program exept I back to Hangzhou. My parents also like your program, so I want to give them a song from Savage Garden because they work so hard. I know you are very busy too.Meanwhile I hope you can be very happy everyday.
Hangzhou, China - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 01:23:50 (GMT)

Maggie & Brian, 你们好!这是我第n次登陆这个网站了!你们的节目一直陪伴着我度过自己的 五年大学生涯,那是一种幸运的感觉!今天想点播Nelly Furtado 的一首 i am like a bird ,送给我在绍兴实习时所认识的许多朋友,愿他们一切 都好,希望他们别忘了在遥远的地方还有我这么一个朋友在为他们一直祝福着! Thanks!
杭州, - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 10:32:31 (GMT)
Hello,Brian and Maggie.我想提一个问题,来自英国的问候现在还在播吗?什么时候播?谢谢
Anni <zhouqi820916@sohu.com>
China, Shanghai - Sunday, March 03, 2002 at 03:00:39 (GMT)
i like this program,thank your bring me happy !
shell <lpk@cnnb>
温州, 中国 - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 08:39:02 (GMT)
金定星 <jdx603@163.com>
嘉兴, 中国 - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 03:25:33 (GMT)
赵维艳 <vicky.zhao@163.com>
China, 浙江省嘉兴市 - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 09:58:50 (GMT)
HELLO!我想为我的姐姐魏隆姬以及我的好友吴禹力点一首《野人花园》的歌 歌名忘了,但好像有COFFE字样,同时也感谢你们,同志们,辛苦了!
clark.von <wafyg@163.com>
浙江省德清, 城关 - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 09:20:38 (GMT)
你们的音乐很好,我很喜欢,如果可以我要把BOY ZONE 的 NO MATTER WHAT 送给在杭州的:可爱的贝贝,还有YANGYAN,WING,以及我的朋友们,很想你们!如果可以愿你们听到我的祝福!还有所有爱音乐的人!!!!
HANGHZHOU , CHINA - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 06:58:55 (GMT)
我是初次登陆贵网站,希望通过贵网站,认识更多的朋友! 我也很喜欢你们的节目,虽类似的节目很多,但你们的节目有一个很大的优点,就是主持人烦琐的讲解很少,却有很多精彩的节目!所以我喜欢! 祝你们的节目越办越好!
chentong <shakespearechina@hotmail.com>
zhejiang , china - Friday, March 01, 2002 at 06:08:50 (GMT)

I AMGIRL!我是女孩!!我很喜欢那首由四个黑人男歌手唱的4PM,很美妙的和声!如果可以的话我要把它送给一个叫SUMMER的来自浙江工业大学的男生以及所有的99中澳4班的我爱的同学和老师!BOYS TWO MEN 的THAK YOU也可以的! ᦂ-)感谢美丽的音乐带来的感觉,有音乐真好!á!!THAN YOU
eagle OR FAITH <eaglesummer@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 08:33:58 (GMT)
I love you!
look <Freehd@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 07:36:24 (GMT)

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