Hello From Britain Guestbook Archive 017

我很喜欢这个节目,听这样节目是无意间听到的,以后就成为我每天的必修课了 û想点一首超级男孩的《Here we go 》送给王力宏和已解散的超级男孩,祝福他 Ê,在以后的日子里我一定会永远支持他们的!!!!!
s.j.k <kc334@163.net>
杭州, - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 09:03:37 (BST)
你们好,很喜欢你们的节目每天都会准时收听,想点一首bsb的shape of my heart
fengjia <feige3905.sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 07:38:21 (BST)
Maggie and brain : thanks for your beautiful voise . I love "fhb".
钱旭芳 < abc01612@163.com>
湖州, 中国 - Friday, April 26, 2002 at 06:34:21 (BST)
xu hao <bati-0571@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 13:54:16 (BST)
Nice to meet you ! 这是我第一次给你们留言,我觉得你们两位的声音都很特别哎,我很喜欢你们的节目,几乎每个礼拜都听噢,上次还特别注意了你们的网站,所以,忍不住给你们留言了。今天,我们刚考完试,所以有空来留言。我很喜欢乡村音乐,不知道,麦可和布来恩可不可以给我选一首呢?每周有你们陪伴我不会寂寞噢!谢谢“来自英国的问候”!
钱旭芳 <abc01612@163.com>
湖州, China - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 06:04:26 (BST)
Nice to meet you !I'm your new friend . You can call me Á¡Õû¶ÒÁ±.
Ǩܖá&Mac185; <abc01612@163.com>
China - Thursday, April 25, 2002 at 05:51:45 (BST)
HFB is woundful I love you
Zhejiang,Haining, China - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 09:59:00 (BST)
你们好。我可是第一次上你们的网站来哦。因此呢,我要大玩特玩,玩到过足了瘾为止。我记得第一次听到Maggie的声音是在雀巢咖啡音乐时间,那时候我 记得Maggie叫颖瑶。那时候我还写了一封信呢。后来就停播了。好可惜呀。而且最后一期还是讲星球大战的。 Ê是我又再一次的听到你们的声音,确切的说应该是笑声,我真的是好高兴。希望节目越办越好。我好喜欢你们呀。你们停播的时候真让我down了一阵子,不过现在好了。我会永远支持你们 的哟!!!!!!!!!!!!
麦云琪 <magi013013hotmail@com>
杭州, 中国 - Wednesday, April 24, 2002 at 08:35:32 (BST)
Maggie&Brian你们好!第一次听到你们节目我就喜欢的不得了,真是有点相见恨晚啊!可惜我们这里一星期只能听到两次,所以我是倍加珍惜这个机会。我想通过电波点一首老歌 因为我很喜欢这首歌。同时把它送给我们寝室里的每一位室友,祝她们天天开心,也也祝Maggie&Brian能天天开心。在这里我先说声谢谢了!
Teresa 陈庆凤 <http://xiaoxiao0063@sina.com>
wenzhou, China - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 10:54:33 (BST)
DearMaggie&Brian, I am so lucky to hear your voice in my life.I am a common girl like music,like English.Your outstanding programme is my favourate.Thank u for your hard work! Thank you for everything you had done for audiences.
zoechen <zoechensun@163.com>
Ningbo, PRC - Tuesday, April 23, 2002 at 07:58:27 (BST)
你们好。 ৎ是你们的新客人。 ৎ想点一首歌。 ๦给我所有认识的家伙。 ఢ他们一切都好。 ࢰ为。 I didn't feel alone anymore with thire. ୅一首。 Betles ãyesterday"
泡亮 <
州, 中国 - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 12:21:45 (BST)
HELLO 两位好,近期我的身体不怎么得好,可是我要说的是我还坚持听你们的节目哦。那天我一边在医院挂着点滴一边听着你们的节目,这样让我在医院的时间能够感觉轻松一些:)谢谢你们的音乐
shirley <quedegongzhu@163.com>
hangzhou , china - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 09:40:14 (BST)
your programme is so wonderful,wonderful,wonderful,wonderful,wonderful that I have listened to it since "I was born"--- I was born in 1999.
XuYuanji <lx3019@zjei.com.cn>
Hangzhou Zhejiang, China - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 07:23:06 (BST

hello!麦齐AND布来恩,我是第一次来你们的网站.很兴奋,看了一下留言簿,哇!好多人!I AM GLAD TO JOIN WITH YOU.太高兴了,不知该说什么好!祝你们一切都好!^-^
princess <
huzhou, china - Monday, April 22, 2002 at 01:46:23 (BST)

麦琪,不莱恩:你们好! ?从高中开始就听你们的节目,我很喜欢它!它对我的英语很有帮助,我想 ৎ回一直听下去的. ?很喜欢Jackson,他不仅是流行之王,而且,在我心中,他是最伟大的音 ߔ天才!所以我想听听他的那首Who is it.因为这首歌的旋律很妙,我非常 ࢏欢!不知能不能满足我这个小小的要求! ?你们的节目越办越好! 胡晓东(Donne)问候!
晓东(Donne) <
Hangzhou , China - Sunday, April 21, 2002 at 12:11:16 (BST)
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 21:36:09 (BST)
I love your programme very very much.I think it's woudful. I lesson your programme from an occasional chance,now it is a part of my life. I very like Celine Dion's songs, I want to lesson his the song 'because you loved me'from your programme . thank you thank you thank you
宇峰 <zyffafa@163.com>
州临安, 中国 - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 11:54:30 (BST)
To be honesty ,I like it very very much . Thank you! And I will always stand by your side .
hangzhou, - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 11:52:19 (BST)
hola,Brian&Maggie.incredibly,i should know you today quite by chance,and i really enjoy your programme which remind me of sth. about another programme:joyfm which is also one of my favourite.you know,i have not listened to it for quite a long time since i came to zhejiang,what a pity,however,i got another friend from now on,i think,it's yr HFB,thank you very much!finally,i want to say to you and all other listeners:always look for joy in your life!
lisa <liaohaixia@yahoo.com.cn>
hubei, china - Saturday, April 20, 2002 at 10:35:00 (BST)
Brian Maggies, how are you? i miss that happy time very much. i started listening your program when i am a high school boy. now, i have my career for 3 years. time goes by. so many memories come to me. i just wanna say, i miss you. i miss Maggies. i miss Brian. i miss peegoo. hope you2 back to shanghai. write me, tell me what happened to you and shanghai. i am waiting your voice on air. your, Patrick
Patrick.SHI <cloud_9@etang.com>
Shanghai, CHINA - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 07:53:12 (BST)
Hey! How are you? I like "Hello from UK" very much !!!! I also like the song from Nat King Cole , TLC,AQUA ... and some other singers or bands! Wish you happy!!!!!!!!!
Michelle He <7elsie8michelle@163.com>
Hangzhou, China - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 07:00:37 (BST)

Yinhong <
Shanghai, China - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 12:39:47 (BST)
I've listened to your program for years. And I like it very much.But I can't hear it now ,because I'm in beijing and here can not receive it.So I'm very sorry but I will always stand by your side.trust me!!
singer youk <singeryouk@163.com>
hangzhou , china - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 11:23:45 (BST)
Barbara <渴儿ppy@sina.com>
ShaoXing, - Thursday, April 18, 2002 at 10:37:01 (BST)
hello,Maggie and Brian ,I love your program very much.我是第一次在留言板上留言,有一点激动,是真的哦!我很喜欢BILLY GERMAN 的歌,这个十四岁的小男孩唱的不错,可惜这买不到他的第一张专辑,我可以点播他第一张专辑里的歌吗?任一首都可以,谢谢.祝你们节目越办越好!
Nancy <jockette@163.com>
hangzhou, China - Wednesday, April 17, 2002 at 10:56:46 (BST)
Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors. And people You Are also --> WELCOME <-- To Visit My Webpage as well --> Some good informations and much mo
27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Akranes, ICELAND - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 23:37:47 (BST)
Hello, Brian and Maggie. It is my second time to visit you.I think there is no need for me to say again that your music is so attractive to me. I think every listener knows it. But I should say that I will support you forever! Could I oder Nelly's I'm like a bird? Thank you!
Huzhou, - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 12:47:58 (BST)
我喜欢和你们度过愉快的时光,有美妙的声音,有动人的音乐,有和我一样美丽心情的朋友在聆听,来自英国的问候。有你们的时光,真好! û的朋友要考试了,祝愿他们都成功。
march三月 <自由的我>
江湖州, china - Tuesday, April 16, 2002 at 11:21:47 (BST)
CarolS Huang <wjswhsj@yahoo.com.cn>
Wenzhou, China - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 09:01:52 (BST)
One quetions always rounds me from coming here the first time. There is only the gest signing but no Maggie and Brian.Why don't you come here to say something .And if u can come here ,i believe all your supporters are very happy.
kay <kayliu@eyou.com>
zhejiang, wenzhou - Monday, April 15, 2002 at 07:59:21 (BST)

Well.... This site is checked often by Brian and he is very BUSY.

At the end of April he is in Botswana and throughout May he will be working in...... AFGHANISTAN.

hansen <
wenzhou, china - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 17:07:08 (BST)
Dear Brain and Maggie, This is the first time that I has come here since I happened to listen to your program several days ago.I am sure that it is the best program I have ever heard although I am a new-listener.Now I just want to tell you :"I will always support you!!!!"
shirley <qianxunshirleymm@sina.com>
suzhou, china - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 13:13:56 (BST)
hello,M&B.how are you today!我想告诉你们我真的越来越喜欢你门的节目了。知道吗我前两次在这里留了言,你们都给我播了出来,而我也非常幸运的收到了你们的祝福,那种被重视的感觉真的好爽,真的不亚于中了彩票,呵呵!!!我不知道是不是凑巧,还是我们真的有缘。 ?们说我的名字拼错了,我到留言簿上查了查,没查到。 "lumeo"拼错了吗?还是跟本就没有这种拼法?lumeo
lumeo--lu <wufawutian444@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 09:24:08 (BST)
ëñí¯±>ì‘ì‘íàS Club 7µÄüè£ÂÈòæÇLene MarlinµÄ£ÂÀƒñïå&Mac221;£Àêòá…üÜÜÈ£Á
Betty Zhou
º&Mac185;… , - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 09:19:29 (BST)

- Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 07:00:24 (BST)
hello,Brian and Maggie,I love you.
¸–Äì <kindy@163.com>
Í>¸–¸– ÄßÓ¬, Í㸖 China - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 02:50:25 (BST)

It's my first come here, I very like your program and you
jojo <
hangzhou, china - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 14:51:00 (BST)
è¨Õû®«Åí <shuiguo4492X263.net>
ëå… , …ÜÕœ - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 13:40:01 (BST)
Dear Maggie&Brain, My best friend Eddy and I like the programme very much. But it's a pity that she couldn't hear it because she studying in other city. No matter she could hear or not, now I want giving my best wishes to her. Of course, including you two--Maggie&Brain. I have seen your studio, a simple studio. It's hardly to imagine that beartiful vioce just come from a small wooden house. Though it is, I love it very much. Good luck!
laven 喻晓丽 <lavenyusky@yahoo.com.cn>
江台州黄岩, China - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 13:35:32 (BST)
俊 <icedivy2000@mail.china.com>
兴, 中国 - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 10:09:23 (BST)
hi,brian.I want listen michael jackson's childhood ok? thank you very much.
cat <citymermaid18@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 10:08:02 (BST)
HELLO! I am a boy who comes from WenZhou!NOW I think I has been 18 years old but I am not sure.I don't know how to count it! DON'T langh at me,I am a clever boy,I am studying in NO.2 Middle High School.I don' know what can i say .WELL i really like your programme .it's so great that i listen to it every week.GOOD LUCK!
FIRE BOY <fire04551@sina.com>
wenzhou, china - Saturday, April 13, 2002 at 06:06:19 (BST)
HI两位主持人好啊!!!! ࢰ为学习,所以有一段时间不听你们的节目了,上次我听的时候,好像没了, ৓以想一下你们是不是改时间了呢?
芸 <mengyun088>
州, CHINA - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 17:27:41 (BST)

I like your program very much! I haven't listened your program for some days. What's the matter? Whether have you had changed ?
Scott <
Hangzhou, China - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 13:38:36 (BST)
I am a student from hangzhou,I love this programme very much!maggie & brian are so lovely!! U know I very like music and I am a savege garden's fan,I also like N'sync, dido,MLTR,bretneyand so on! Now,my sister had gone to the newzland and I missher very much !I want to give her a song from savede garden!Maggie ang brian ,Could U send their song for my sister & I? Thanks very much!!!!! I will Repeat : I love U'r programme & U!!!!!!!!!!!!
pink.tim <milk_pingX@263.com>
hangzhou, china - Friday, April 12, 2002 at 04:00:48 (BST)
你好,我很喜欢听你们的节目,我想借你们节目对我女朋友说I love all. and happy every day. Thank you!
Glay.jie <glay.jie@163.com>
jiaxing, China - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 19:50:48 (BST)
i love this program!
Ned <evilned@21cn.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 08:02:12 (BST)
This is my third time to come here.But this time ,I am not very happy ,and I don't know what I want to say just have a look and get some happiness from others.
kay <kayliu@eyou.com>
Zhejiang, Wenzhou - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 07:22:00 (BST)
听到你们的节目非常的偶然和意外。听了之后有种相见恨晚的感觉。 :)刚刚看了留言簿,好多赞美之词,看来对美好的事物,大家的感受都是很一致的哦。 ত,如果不嫌我烦的话,我以后会常常过来看看的。:) ༿便点首歌,行吗?如果方便的话,能帮我放BJORK的《I've seen it all》这首歌吗?我实在是很喜欢她演的那部片子,这首歌在国内,我没能找到CD。谢谢你们! ᦀ你们的节目是温州音乐频道转播的,似乎只有双休日的中午有播。你们的节目只做这两次的,还是我们只转播了这两次?如果是后者,能否告诉我,你们的节目具体是在哪个调频,哪个时间播出的吗?)
TeaOnly <teaonly@btamail.net.cn>
州, 中国 - Wednesday, April 10, 2002 at 01:21:44 (BST)

i have a long time that i didn`t listen to the programme .
州, 中国 - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 12:44:09 (BST)
this is the first time i enter your web.by accidently ,on saturday morning i listen to your radio ,but unluckily,the contents is last year, that is to say now i listen to your 2001'contents,i think maybe i am in wenzhou
flyfly <yyangyang8700@163.net>
wenzhou,zhejiang, - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 11:23:58 (BST)
jimy <jimyzhi@hotmail.com>
hangzhou , china - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 08:52:01 (BST)
I like your programme very much .I hope it will be better and better.Mybest wishes for you !
杰 <pengjie-2010@163.com>
吉, 中国 - Tuesday, April 09, 2002 at 05:18:23 (BST)
Maggies Brian ߰们好 ?想说你们的网站很温馨 ?你们的节目很开心 ?你们天天快乐
畅 <lilith1025@hotmail.com>
州, china - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 13:01:13 (BST)
CarolS Huang <wjswhsj@yahoo.com.cn>
Wenzhou, China - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 08:38:58 (BST)
听了你的节目。I am very good.
磊 <FGCL85@163.C0M>
江.-诸几市, china - Monday, April 08, 2002 at 07:36:54 (BST)
I am sorry,bu i do not know your program is only broadcasted on Sunday.Can you display a song for my mother on nest Sunday.It is Apr.14th. Thanks a lot
艳芬 <heyanfen98913@sina.com>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 13:15:06 (BST)

Sorry,I do not know your program is only broadcasted on Sunday.But Mother's birthday is on Tuesday,Can you do it on Sunday,it is April 14th? I will be a late wish to my mother.Thank you very much.
艳芬 <
hangzhou , China - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 13:02:15 (BST)
Maggie and brain,I just want to say'hello'to you.I haven't written to you a long time.Hope you will be better.And my classmates said maggie's voice is strang(奇怪) now ,what's the matter?ok,my english isn't very good,看的懂吗?
angelar <kiding-ko@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 12:40:33 (BST)
I just heard your program today,however,i was attracted by the beautiful songs.And maggie is pretty and her baby is lovely.April 9 is my mother's birthday, I can not be with her on her birthday, because i work in Hangzhou ang Mother is in Jinlin. So i am eager to give Mother a gift through your program by displaying an English song, any song is ok.I wish Mother healthy and happy.I hope all mothers are healthy and happy in the world.Could you meet my enquiry? Thank you!
艳芬 <heyanfen98913@sina.com>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 12:39:16 (BST)
Hello, Mr. DJ, Just as I said last,I like your programme very much ,and at first I wish your programme become the best. Though I didn't hear so much but now we always turn on the video when the programme begins.From it ,i can know the lastest European music information , and even i can improve my poor English:) Nowadays I am not very happy because there is something wrong with my body . But I think , a few days later, there is nothing wrong with me . And this time I want to send a piece of wish to my friends and in the next week ,i have two friends be birthday .So i want to send my wish by you thank you very much.And they are 蓓蕾和雷柱.Add one more, send this wish to all my friends,园园,小华,微芬,玉梅,玲玉,玎玎,云龙and you and Brian.I am looking forward to your good news .Thank you very much .Bye P.S Can I write email to you ?And what's your email,can your tell me to my email?
liuyuanyuan <kayliu@eyou.com>
China, Wenzhou - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 12:30:39 (BST)
I like music . I like your performance. But I like something easy! :)
kay <kayliu@eyou.com>
China, Wenzhou - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 11:35:26 (BST)
can I get the list of this channel? lena
lena <lenasuny@hotmail.com>
wenzhou, China - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 11:04:44 (BST)
我实在是太exciting了 能再一次的看到你们 哇 哇哇 我好高兴呀
洁 <yhchj820301@163.com>
州, China - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 07:28:37 (BST)
洁 <yhchj820301@163.com>
州, 中国 - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 07:25:12 (BST)
i like your programme very much .Since i heard your programme ,i listen to your progamme every sunsday. it is my first time to call on u .
isletgao <gphaiyang@163.com>
zhangzhou , china - Sunday, April 07, 2002 at 07:02:20 (BST)
brian and maggie:你们好和你们说一个不太好的消息!在杭州文艺台 ࡰ一到周五没HFB的重播了,真是不幸。只有等到周六周日才能听到你们 ௚声音(人生中最痛苦的事莫过于此)!来此还想请两为我点一首 MICHALE JACKSON的I‘LL BE THERE 是他在JACKSON5时的成名 ੋ(好像成名曲都不错的你们也可以做一期全部都是成名曲的节目呀) ऴ生在此先谢过两位了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
身听 <myipod@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 17:26:53 (BST)
he!M and B,This is first time go here,Thank you for your progroms,about I've some time I couldn't here your voice. NOw It's 22:00pm,I've a dream:I can here your voice now! I hope I can here my words in your guestbook. Best wish for your!
燕 <whitesnow2633@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 14:34:55 (BST)
我很喜欢你们的节目,本来在家里听浙江文艺台的是每个星期六.星期日才有的现在好象是每天都有了我真是太高兴了平时的时候我都在上课只有双休日的时候才听一听,现在我在读大学学习轻松了我每天都可以听你们的节目了。祝你们的节目越办越好,希望能播放一首后街男还的The one吗?谢谢
杰 <pengjie-2010@163.com>
州安吉, 中国 - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 07:48:15 (BST)
brian and maggie,i'd like to listen ur programme ~~ wink wink~~lol~~~:)
陶 <summerbreeze88@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 04:02:58 (BST)
主持人好: &常高兴又听到了你们的节目!记得这美妙的音乐陪伴了我三年的高中生活,后来去外地上大学后,不知是地域原因还是节目本身调整的原因--和你们失去了联系。 此时我正边工作边听你们的节目... ^_^ ?周末愉快!
Eric Cao <ptchm@mail.zsptt.zj.cn>
州, 中国 - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 03:35:08 (BST)
i have not heard your programme for a long time ,for my radio had been broken ,it is a great pity .don not worry , i will miss you ,i wish you will do better than befor . good luck!
hangzhou, china - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 11:51:12 (BST)
Dear Maggie&Brian: how are you doing now? how about Scotland? I saw your phpotoes. Maggie, you are a lovely and nice girl. Brian, you are what I am imagging, yeah,so fresh! thanks, really thank you. I LOVE Michael Jackson so much.I will turn up the radio as louder as I can when you play his music.I love Michael. He is so sensitive, so kind, childlike, yet wise.thanks very much. You have a good job! I support you! Sorry, my english is so poor! but I know Maggie will understand me! Yours truly cat
cat classical clock <citymermaid18@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 09:54:53 (BST)
你们ãI节öòÅä&Mac254;kÉ“欢ªC每ÆøÉœÅäãsú§ªBÙÁãVÅäÎz为ÅäãI¶÷&Mac240;ü÷Fã_ÃêÚ–ÅíªCä\&Mac240;sä\给Åäã_ÃêÚ–WestlifeãIÅíªB Thank you
Cookie <glay.jie@163.com>
ÅÌ兴, Ä«Ù] âºÙÎ - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 09:24:06 (BST)
州, 中国 - Friday, April 05, 2002 at 07:40:35 (BST)
I like you two very much as well as your program.And I usually listen to it .Those songs are so good that I really love them . I want to listen to Because Of You which sang by backstree boys. Thank you .
Cathy <leafsohu@.21cn.com>
Hangzhou, China - Thursday, April 04, 2002 at 13:04:54 (BST)
HI,your program is so wonderfull.i like it very much. Wish it lively forever!
lilac <lilac0709@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Wednesday, April 03, 2002 at 07:52:24 (BST)
i like it very much since i have heard it from the radio at the first time,and so do my classmates. but i'm sorry to tell you that i haven't taken the exact time and which channel that the programme would be broadcasted up to now. i only have heard it from The art and economy broadcasting of zhejiang at 11:00 to 12:00 every sunday.i do love it .but it's so pity that i can't hear it completely. would you please let me know the time and the channel? and another ting , i'm fond of the songs of the WEST LIFE ,but i hadn't found their fist tape.if possible,can i choose one of the songs broadcasting,i would be appreciat it . best wishes. dounny
dounny <zhouo3781@sina.com.cn>
jia xing, china - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 13:53:25 (BST)
这是我第3次 ࠨ信给你们了 ୼ 狠 ࢏欢 ߰们的节目和你们 ঱听blue 的歌 ৎ太喜欢他们了 ฃ谢
溪 <yuaqnxi12345678910@sina.com>
州, 中国 - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 09:36:53 (BST)
Hello,Maggie&Brian,how are u recently?Ah,i haven't been to ur website for quite a long time.Actually I miss u and ur music very much from the bottom of my heart.Now i'm at work,so i need to work and have no time to enjoy ur music.But i believe the music u send to our listerners are still excellent.You'll have more and more sincere listeners.I believe u can.Here i would like to send a song to my classmates,hoping they all will like their new job,and to all my friends.Everybody has a happy mood everyday!Miss u
Aileen <Helen_sufele@hotmail.com>
兴, 中国 - Tuesday, April 02, 2002 at 06:51:53 (BST)
hi,brain&maggie i really love ur program,eh i don't know when i began to listen to ur programe,because it seems that there was not so much free time when i was in high school. and i alway listened it when i was dion' homework.and now i have more free time to enjoy it!ur programe is wonderful and bring me a lot of joy!i am so excitede that i've found this website!anyway thamk u and i love u HFB
martin <fg0999@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 10:15:24 (BST)
hello, maggie & brian!这是我第二次来发表message,第一次好像是在前年的夏天,那地我还在学校。 如今已经在实习了,但是你们的精彩的节目我可是每次都有仔细品尝哦!在学校的时候,就有很多同学对很喜欢你们的节目,我也是。每次只要一听见你们的声音和你们放的music,我就会开心地笑,忘记烦恼!真得是太棒了。你们可能不相信我听你们的节目已有6,7年了,从初中开始。来自英国的问候,真的是一档很棒的节目。great! &#后要说的是(很肉麻啊)i love u & your program!
晓岚 <elin520@163.net>
州, 中国 - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 07:32:49 (BST)
it's a pleasant to meet you !!!!
hannah <hannah723>
wenzhou, china - Monday, April 01, 2002 at 03:28:04 (BST)
哎呀呀,哎呀呀~~ hey ,brian and maggie ,i'd like to listen surface<>,let my dream come true ,will ya ~~:)
陶 <summerbreeze88@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 14:58:25 (BST)

哎呀呀,哎呀呀,忘了问maggie and brian 要首歌了~~ ࡲ呵~~maggie,放首surface<>给我听吧~~ ৎ的最爱~~谢谢喽~~
陶 <
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 14:53:40 (BST)
pleasure meeting you two here ,brian and maggie~~ (*^-^*)
陶 <summerbreeze88@hotmail.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 14:48:07 (BST)
Hi, i am from wenzhou, southeast of zhejiang province in China. I kept listening your program which i didn't know for two days. I feel so luck because i can receive your wonderful program in my own hometown. but it's also a pity because the time of it is too short. I hope I can enjoy this program two hours everyday. Anyway, thanks for your good job.
dxl-misya <dxll@netease.com>
wenzhou, China - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 11:41:57 (BST)
从上海到杭州,地域不同,但HELOO,UK常在! ৎ支持您到永远! ୅播一首“I swear" 给我的朋友FANG!
华宇 <mf@yeah.net>
国——杭州, 中国 - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 05:02:07 (BST)
我是你们节目的一位新朋友, ৎ非常喜欢这个节目, १望在我的一生中都能听到你们的节目, ߖ祝愿你们的节目永无止境。
janm <janmboy>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 04:53:22 (BST)
fish <fish_ren@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, March 31, 2002 at 02:56:25 (BST)
This is a very good programme,euerybody can hear the songs they want to hear.And when you listen to it ,they will also help you with your english study .
gaga <wmx.225@163.com>
州, 中国 - Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 21:08:37 (GMT)
I'am an english studient.I like this entertainment very much.
- Saturday, March 30, 2002 at 20:56:12 (GMT)

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