Hello From Britain Guestbook


Support 001

We will keep an archive of ALL support messages we receive from our Shanghai listeners.

THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has left a message. We appreciate your support very much!

Please read our ARCHIVES too! There are almost 6000 messages!!!!








Dear Maggie and Brian, On receiving your letter, I am really sorry to hear that HFB has been off air in Shanghai. It is not fair to a program that wins so much appreciation and love. It is also quite frustrating to you who have devoted great efforts in making HFB a wonderful success. I shall keep on tuning in FM101.7 every Sunday morning to check whether you are back or not.
Gong Yuan <ly018194@online.sh.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 16:37:08 (GMT)

HFB is really a wonderful and unique program that comes a long way. i dont know the reason why it was air offed,but one thing is certain ,it has once brighten up my life . I do hope HFB back!
blueberry <blueberry19@sina.com>
china, shanghai - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 16:22:19 (GMT)
I like your programme very much. and i want to be a member of your big music-fan's family.
David <baihuiyang@elong.com>
Shanghai, CHINA - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 15:42:20 (GMT)
<)++++< <zb33@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 15:14:16 (GMT)
Hope you come back soon!!!
jackie cai <jackie7@citiz.net>
Shanghai, PRC - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 14:02:42 (GMT)
I am so sorry to hear of the news.I like the programme so much.I really hope I can listen to it again one day~
Juju <juju@k12.com.cn>
Suzhou, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 13:39:05 (GMT)
Of course we will support you! Don't give up!
Dixie <dixie@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 13:23:07 (GMT)
The Radio Station stopped broadcasting HFB, they also stopped the relationship between Britain and China. We are all heart heartbroken. Bring HFB back to us! We need it badly! Dear HFB staff, hold on, we will support you FOREVER!
seahorse <bigseahorse@yeah.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 13:11:50 (GMT)
FUCK!!!不知道东广的领导在干嘛!2001年的节目搞得是惨不忍闻, 现在居然还停播HFB,我实在是忍无可忍!!下课,叫东广管事的下课!
axila <axiula@chinaren.com>
上海, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 13:02:17 (GMT)
I am very sorry to hear the news from FUD BBS.I have been listerning the program since my high school.I hope the program will be on air soon. "Hello From Britain"---Our Friend!
tracey <tracey_zhu@sina.com.cn>
China, shanghai - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 12:57:10 (GMT)
madonna2000 <madonna2000@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 12:46:45 (GMT)
i love this program. this sunday morning when i woke up and want to listen my favourate music, but i found i couldn't. the radio was not nice more. i am expecting your program wiil come back back back!!! because this is the most important thing for my ears and heart. Hey, maggie and brian i love you. you should try your best to come back. if not the days wouldn't be bright like before. i remember the days we spent together, please don't let these become history!!!
wayne <wjj_3n@yahoo.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 12:37:12 (GMT)
Brain and Maggie: 我永远支持你们《来自英国的问候》这档节目。
冯林 <polestar1219@sina.com>
昆山, 中国 - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 12:10:12 (GMT)
azlza <azlza@etang.com>
suzhou, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 11:20:26 (GMT)
Brain&Maggie, I'm sorry to hear that the programme HELLO FROM BRITAIN have been off air.I like you and your programme very much. Looking forward to hear your voices again is my dream.
celine Lee <li6746@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 10:34:21 (GMT)
hello:Brian and Maggie I`m so sorry to hear this news.I have heard your programe about 7 or 8 years, I very like your programe I think that`s unfair to stop your programe, I have many days haven`t heard your voice, I`m missing you. hope you can be back soon. I support you!!!!
jun li <juicelee@sina.com>
CHINA, Shanghai - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 10:30:49 (GMT)
I feel so sorry of hearing the terrible news. When I was in high school, I had begun to listn to your program, it's fantastic! I don't know why they took off this program, it's unfair!
Kei Chang <keichang@eastday.com>
Shanghai, Shanghai - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 09:51:50 (GMT)
I am looking forward to hearing your wonderful voices soon! love you!
May Chen <maychen@sh163.net>
Shanghai, P.R.C - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 09:38:11 (GMT)
Maggie & Brian Your website seems to be blocked. Why is that? I can only reach you thru proxy. :-( Support!!!
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 09:02:53 (GMT)
Brian&Maggie,真是好久不见了,一日不见如隔三秋啊!你们可知道我们的世界因你们而发光,你们已经成为我生命中不可缺少的一部分,就像我们需要氧气那么重要!!自从你们的节目停播之后,我的生活失去了意义,变成了黑白的.我已经如此地习惯了你们的存在,就像千千万万的忠实听众一样.I want to say:I want you.I need you.I love you.I miss you.我们不要中文金曲管,还我们HFB!!!无论你们是否能恢复hfb,我们都会永远支持你们!!希望某一个Sunday morning,又能听到Pegoo猫的尖叫声andMaggie&Brian's beautiful voice.也许我写的这些话太肉麻了,但却是出自肺腑.忠心希望HFB早日恢复,我们会为你们加油的!!要挺住哟^^^^^^
101号微笑 <mnlsdyl@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 08:58:37 (GMT)
我爱你们,永远。如果我是电台的BOSS,我会24小时放你们的节目,我永远支持你们。 你们的 泰哥
泰哥 <ultrastar@etang.com>
上海, 中国 - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 08:54:52 (GMT)
I miss u very much.and i am eagar to hear ur voices in the new 2001.
Francine <francineyi@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 08:54:30 (GMT)
Hi!Brian&Maggie I just heard the programme has stop,I am not in Shanghai now,so I just know that,but I feel so pity,because i am very like hte problem,why did it stop?Please don't ,ok?
GIGI <gigizou@mailcity.com>
Guilin, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:53:57 (GMT)
在这里,我有千言万语想对开播长达12年的“HELLO FROM BRITAIN”说。我是一个高中生,收听这档节目已有近5年了。“hello from britain”成了我每周日必不可少的娱乐。我的同学也非常喜爱这档节目,不论是和我一样的HELLO FROM BRITAIN的老朋友,还是刚开始收听的,都对节目抱有非常浓厚的兴趣。这充分表明这档节目拥有庞大的听众群体,而且她是历久长新,一直充满新鲜活力的。 Ŏ目被取消后,我们都很关注。同学们到处打听节目的去向。在此,我还想向东方广播电台说,作为一档音乐广播节目,能够经历长达12年的时间仍保持如此庞大的支持者并不断扩大,定是有自己的独到的方法,特殊的魅力吸引了学生,白领等口味日渐挑剔的新新人类。 Ű是一档很好的节目。“姜还是老的辣”。当今不都是鼓励“原创”吗?Brian 和Maggie 12年的心血,难道能如此不被重视吗? û们永远支持“Hello From Britain”!!!
michell_chang <wildjovi@etang.com>
shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:28:26 (GMT)
I am an old listenner of HFB.(from about 1990 to now). She gave me a lot not only the nice music but also the Special Living Style. This programe is full of Happyness,Health.If she need any help from me, contact me!! I'll try my best!!!My BP:68777-1998888
Vivian <vivian@qu.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:17:16 (GMT)
上海东方广播电台,为什么要拒绝美妙的音乐?为什么要拒绝HFB?? 101.7,你们不是口口声声说你们的节目是最棒的吗?没有了HFB, 你们还是吗? HFB才是最棒的!! Maggie. Brian,我会永远支持你们!
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:12:42 (GMT)
I know you will come again! All the listeners who love your programs are waiting for you forever!
方圣磊 <fangshenglei@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:06:07 (GMT)
上海东方广播电台,为什么要拒绝美妙的音乐?为什么要拒绝HFB? 101.7,你们口口声声说这里的节目是最棒的,没有了 HFB,你们还是吗?? HFB,才是最棒的!!!Maggie.Brian我永远支持你们!
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:02:13 (GMT)
rekko Tso <rekkozjn@citiz.net>
上海, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 07:01:53 (GMT)
Dear Brain & Maggie: Indeed,I like your programme so much that words can not express.I don't know why this fantastic show had been taken off.I'm very disappointed and angry. My friends and I will surport you forever.and we hope you'll be back soon.We love you!!!!!!!
Sally <sally shen@sh163.net>
shanghai , china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:59:34 (GMT)
I'm Lucas.I'm this program's old friend. I don't know why I cann't listen your voice. oh, I'm looked the PEEGOO Cat .Very beautify.
Lucas <Lucas_007@21CN.COM>
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:51:52 (GMT)
Maggie,Brian请不要放弃!我,还有上海千千万万的 朋友在支持你们! 我们永远支持你们! 我把这件事贴在常去的新闻组—— 济南万千,让更多的 网友看见…… 永远爱你们!
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:50:25 (GMT)
ZJ, CN - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:40:37 (GMT)
Come back quickly!!!!!!!代替你们节目的那个节目真是难听,害得我星期天不知道听怎么了!!!!!oh,my god,bless u!!!Bring HFB back soon!!!
swallow <rolover@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:32:28 (GMT)
I like your programme. Why can't it still last?But anyway I will support your programme forever.
陈一帆 <grace1517@sina.com>
Shanghai , China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:29:47 (GMT)
Brian And Maggie我是你们的听众 我不想失去你们 你们快回来
department <waterwater@citiz.net>
Shanghai , CHina - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:25:23 (GMT)
Come back, HFB. I can't lose you. I will support you whenever.
yangjun <yangj@aurora.com.cn>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:24:33 (GMT)
Dear Brian & Maggie, To my surprise,I received an email from you and it assured me that HFB may be off air in Shanghai.This morning I turned on the radio as usual, I didn't hear the familiar voice but some boring songs instead.I have no idea.At first I thought maybe Brain and Maggie were on holiday and celebrating the Spring Festival like us.But I suppose I was wrong......Hearing the news,I was really very very very.....sad.I love HFB!I love you guys!I love the time share with you!I have listened to your program for many years and also NMT.You really gave me a lot of happiness and encouragements.There is no reason to force it off air. TOO MANY people like it and TOO MANY people hope to have your voice once again.WE ARE ALWAYS BE THERE WITH YOU AND SUPPORTING YOU FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!with love!
Carol <xizide@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:16:04 (GMT)
Missing you, Maggie and Brian! I wanna listen to hfb at once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are you, my dear friends? I have sent an e-card to you. Hope everything goes well with you. yours ever, 若英
徐若英 <babyblue@zdl.net>
上海, 中国 - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:11:24 (GMT)
HYDE <hyde100@163.com>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:10:01 (GMT)
HYDE <hyde100@163.com>
杭州, CHINA - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 06:02:27 (GMT)
I am always on your side. Hope the program will be back soon!
hesonghua <hesonghua1@sina.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 05:33:54 (GMT)
come on, brian, cheer up! the offical workers are always FININCAL!!!!!!! i believe and always believe that HFB is a good programe and it will come back to us very soon! HFB is the best english programe in shanghai, as my opinion of couse, and all the audiances' i think! we expect u and maggie to be back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
王迪 <wangdee@online.sh.cn>
上海, 中国 - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 05:32:18 (GMT)
i don't know why your programm is off air but i want you guys be back on air as soon as possible from the bottom of my heart! and i will support you all the time. i have listened to your program for years and surely it's the best.i want u to come back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
xixi <chenxiren@hotmail.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 05:31:20 (GMT)
Without u,life is so boring! Dear Brian and Maggie,we'll always love u!
Meg <shixiaoj@citiz.net>
ShangHai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 05:23:56 (GMT)
sorry to hear the terrible news. i love ur programme and i hope it will continue. best wishes to u and ur programme.
Ray.p <raypan82@etang.com>
Shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:56:59 (GMT)
What a great pity that we cannot have HFB on Sunday. However every ending can be a good begining. We will have HFB on air again since so many Chinese await for it. Music is forever! So is HFB in our heart! Sam Ye - on Sunday morning of 4th Feburary 2001
Sam Ye <xinrong9808@hotmail.com>
- Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:46:59 (GMT)
Dear Brian and Maggie I am a high school student in china,but I have listened to your program for 5 years when I was 13 years old.because of your interesting way and so mang beautiful songs,I began to like English .Though now ,my English is not very good,I think English song is one of the most beautiful songs in the world.from your programme ,I kown a lot of great pop music singers such as bsb and so on .I like the singers,the music and I like you . This is my frist time to watch your network ,and I aslo look at your photos,Brian , you are so lovely when you are a baby,and now you have a lovely big smile.and maggie, you are a very pretty girl.oh,what a wonderful life you are living. Beautiful garden, lovely wooden studio, free air .How much I want to go there to see you , and how much I want be your friends. hope you can give us more beautiful music.last ,I want to send a song to a friend of mine called"jiangming",wish him happy. thank you. yours eudora
eudora <eudora.zj@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:42:52 (GMT)
it is avery good programme.i need it
chen <brightff@elong.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:29:42 (GMT)
马博 <mabo.yn@163.net>
伊宁, 中国 - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:18:59 (GMT)
i began to listen to HFB when i was in senior high school.and now i am a junior student of the university of shanghai for science and technology. i really love ur programme! it is so exciting! i will support ur programme forever!
yu liang <doraemon_liang@excite.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:01:39 (GMT)
我想一个如此受欢迎的节目被cut,不外乎两个原因:经济上or和领导关系不好。nest coffee music time是陪伴我长大的节目,HFB也一样。看着那一份份美好的回忆被尘封起来,真是太伤心了!我录下了NMT最后几期节目,却没有录下HFB的。 这种事一般很难挽回的。 Maggie & Brain ,你们也许可以在网络上办个电台,让上网的朋友们一边上网一边听你们的节目。用Internet Explorer 可以直接听的,只占用56k modem不到一半的带宽20k吧!国外就有许多网上电台,hk & taiwan也有。随着上网的人不断增加和宽带的普及,受听率决不是问题。Brain在britain也可以学学英国网络电台的运作吗! sorry说了一些废话! fuck 东方广播电台! 没有了你们,他们还有什么吸引力?我不再听东广了!!! 永远支持你们! Maggie & Brain ,i love you!!!
bazooka <bazooka@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 04:00:24 (GMT)
Beat down DongFang radio station! Beat down DongFang radio station! Beat down DongFang radio station!
Tim Tian <kmfdm@sina.com>
ShangHai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:45:53 (GMT)
What's wrong! When I hear the news, I was so sadly!Don't wanna say goodbye anyway.I wanna see you agin!
Niu Niu <pizzaleo@sina.com>
shanghai , China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:40:38 (GMT)
NMT ,then HFB. why such beatiful things should leave away? we now preserve little we treasured. why should you gone, my dear Brain & Maggie ? i will love you and support you forever
bazooka <bazooka@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:35:29 (GMT)
viva <vivayin@etang.com>
jiaxing, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:33:27 (GMT)
I hope to see you again soon.
lucy liu <liuenxi77@etang.com>
- Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:10:12 (GMT)
I like this program though I just listen to it not for a long time and not listen always
Reny Qian <renyqian@sina.com>
Wujiang, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:08:39 (GMT)
Sorry to hear that,but I don't know why someone want to close urs ,coz your program is so good ,you sent sunshine happiness and love to all the people that ever hear of ur program,everytime I met with something make me unhappy then I think of you two------always full of love ,then I am OK!Don't want to say bye to you----Maggie and Brian,I like Brian's Crazy I like Maggie's smile .Always support you . urs DongHao
董灏 <oneezga@etang.com>
上海市, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 03:01:18 (GMT)
I miss U so much! Every sunday morning, i will trun on the radio on time until someday i find u again.... I love u!
Celina <meg_casper@eastday.com>
ShangHai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 02:56:33 (GMT)
Brian & Maggie: 我支持你们!永远!我支持你们!永远!我支持你们!永远! 好不容易熬到寒假,有足够的时间来听HFB,寒假的第一个礼拜天,我就在收音机边等啊等啊等!可没有听到!:-(很伤心,很难过。以后都未听到你们的节目。 意外之中收到了你们的Email,看了Brian的话,真是为你们而气愤! 为什么?为什么?为什么?为什么?????????????? 希望上海东方广播电台能早点给出一点合理的解释,早点恢复你们的节目。他们这样做,真的伤了很多热心听众的心。 Brian & Maggie, 别太生气了,因为---- 好多好多好多好多的听众正在支持你们!!!!
vivi <chiang@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 02:40:25 (GMT)
the prog is the best i have ever listened, so don't let it down.
houyi <houyi007@etang.com>
shanghai, shanghai - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:41:31 (GMT)
i love ur programme very much it is terrific and i am always waiting for ur coming back plus, i miss ur attractive voice
june <june9@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:29:19 (GMT)
i love your program, and i love u--Brian&Maggie. for many years i've been listening to hfb and it has become a part of my life. last sep. i went to Hefei to study and can't listen to your program and when i came back in Jan. i turned on my radio on Sunday morning but couldn't hear your voise and the great music, i found as if i lost something. so i hope that i can soon hear hfb on air again. we listners will always support you. you are always the best!!
agnesy <agnesy@yeah.net>
jiaxing, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:16:44 (GMT)
我喜欢来自英国的问候,音乐无国界,热爱和平和热爱音乐是全世界人民的共同心愿。HFB让我领略欧美的优美音乐,我很喜欢,10年多来,从HFB一开播我就听。我想HFB的音乐、Brian And Maggie 的声音还会在21世纪的上海空中飞扬!我欢迎你们COME AGAIN!!
gene wang <gene_wang00@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:12:43 (GMT)
我喜欢来自英国的问候,音乐无国界,热爱和平和热爱音乐是全世界人民的共同心愿。HFB让我领略欧美的优美音乐,我很喜欢,10年多来,从HFB一开播我就听。我想HFB的音乐、Brian And Maggie 的声音还会在21世纪的上海空中飞扬!我欢迎你们COME AGAIN!!
gene wang <gene_wang00@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:11:53 (GMT)
i am so sorry and angry to hear that the programme will be taken off for no suitable reasons. i really complain about that!:-(( i am your faithful listener when i was a junior school student.it accompanies me almost about 8 years. i love brain and maggie so much. they are wonderful,they bring us so many nice and popular enghlish songs and show us many interesting things about britain. the programme is very important to us. i appreciate maggie's charming voice and brain's humour,without the programme at 10 a.m-12 a.m on sundays,i will feel boring and meaningless. so i ask to continue this great programme at the same time. nomatter what happened,i will support u forever!!!!!!!!! yours truly listener, josephine
josephine <qiuqionglee@hotmail.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, February 04, 2001 at 01:06:22 (GMT)
I like ur program when I was still a student in Shanghai. No one can disregard the efforts of the others. Go ahead Bryan, we all appreciate ur works. Best wishes
Ye Zhou <alex_zy@hotmail.com>
Washington DC, USA - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 17:04:00 (GMT)
Dear Brian&Maggie, I am one ordinary listener of your programme in Shanghai.I've listened to this programme for many years.I like it very much because you introduce many many good songs to me. I also like both of your styles which make me feel that you are very closed to me.I noticed that this programme was off line this year.But I do not know why.You know many programmes have been changed since this year.Many of them change their time or DJ.I feel upset that I can't hear your voice and your great programme.It's unfair.But please remember that I will support you forever.I hope you will be back soon. Didi
Didi <didyk@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 16:05:26 (GMT)
How could they do this!! How could they deprive one of the best thing in our life so unscrupulous! It's unbelieveable, unacceptable and unfair. MAGGIE , Brian ,hold on and follow through! We will stand by U!!
X.Q.DIll <xqdill@citiz.net>
上海, 中国 - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 16:02:53 (GMT)
Always Maggie&Brian ,Always support HFB.
Kevin Wang <kevin_wangky@china.com>
Shanghai, PR of China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 15:50:04 (GMT)
Grace <ivgy@263.net>
Shanghai , China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 15:29:56 (GMT)
I have listened this program for about 7 years.It become one of my best friends in my life. It brought mu happy&entertaiment when I was unhappy or in bad mood. I FRANKLY hope this program can be alive and bring much happiness in our working&living! sincerely
Grace <ivgy@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 15:25:39 (GMT)
support u! Brian&Maggie.
Grant <metepher>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:56:54 (GMT)
I feel very sorry that the HFB program if now off air in Shanghai. And it is not the only my favorite program that is made off air. IT IS REALLY UNFAIR!! I've also received the e-mail you sent to me. And I hope I could hear you again! I will be you ultimate supportor!
Kang Haichuan <kang_jivetalk@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:56:51 (GMT)
I really love your program, and it makes me so sad can't hear your program now anymore. So I badly hope that your program can be recovered as soon as possible and get back to Dongfang Radio as soon as possible!!!!!!!
Kris Chen <cfc@126.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:55:53 (GMT)
I love your programme. No matter it is on air or not, I'm listening to it always cause I've copied many from the radio. But How much I wish I can have new copies of your programme. I miss you and I'll love you.
Luying <tlj@guomai.sh.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:25:08 (GMT)
No matter what happened, I will support you.
fang fang
- Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:25:00 (GMT)
In my life,can't haven't hello from britain.can't have't Maggie&Brian.It's too important to me.Except it, i don't want to hear any programme.You are the best and the only. I will support you forever. Hope to listen your programme as soon as better.
Amanda36 <ziiyii@liu.com.cn>
china, shanghai - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:21:42 (GMT)
looking forward to hearing from u soon again!!!!!! 听不到你们的声音真的很遗憾,好像少了一些什么~~~~已经听了11年了,为什么???????
chen pei-en <peien_ch@yahoo.com.cn>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 14:04:53 (GMT)
really a great pity!!!!!! i'll always be here waiting for u to come back and supporting u!!!!!!!!!!
rebecca chen <beckie_cje@etang.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 13:49:08 (GMT)
李威 <kumori@citiz.net>
- Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 13:47:29 (GMT)
It's unfair. I will always on your side. I will try my best to help you!!!
Lookar <lookar@eastday.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 13:28:46 (GMT)
Maggie,Britain?还记得我Cynthia吗?那个无论是Nescafe music time还是Hello from Britain的忠实支持者! 对于我最心爱的节目停播,我却无能为力!我会在这里等你们回到广大听友的身边,我永远永远的支持你们..爱你们!
Cynthia <cynthia_113@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 13:26:04 (GMT)
Maggie,Britain,Cynthia,ǻǵ? ǸNESCAFE MUSIC TIME HELLO FROM BRITAIN һֱ׷ǵʵڣİĽĿͣȴΪҺѹѽ~~~һȴRight here waiting...ǵĺϢ,CynthiaԶ֧!!!Nothing could change my love for you~~
Cynthia <cynthia_113@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 13:16:57 (GMT)
hope to SEE you soon!!!!!
zhaoyueling <babiezyl@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 13:08:21 (GMT)
Why we can't listen to ur programme any longer. it is so cruel to us,ur sincere audiences,and to u anchormans,too Please give us a reason we don't want to lose our favorite Hope we can hear ur programme soon!!! it is such an uninteresting sunday without ur progamme
Cloud <yyzoe@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 12:09:28 (GMT)
Hello,first,I have forgotten if this name is right the one when I entered before,but what I'm sure is that I do will support this programme!!!I hate those who have made it off air and,I sincerely hope it will come back soon.At last,best wishes for the two cute djs.I love you two.
Chris <chrisz@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 11:43:38 (GMT)
WHY!!!!!! I was so excited to listen to your programme after I had a exam,but there was nothing!! I'm so miss you,Maggie and Brian! I expect to hear your voice tomorrow. Oh,HAPPY NEW YEAR! I'm so sorry to give my best wish to you so late. But I still wish you happy and luck.
Salen <ssay@netease.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 11:24:59 (GMT)
It's me again.After I read the report I think it's unfair!
smileyl <zylei2000@yahoo.com.cn>
- Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 11:18:56 (GMT)
smileyulei <smileyl@163.net>
湖州, 中国 - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 11:10:06 (GMT)
I love this programme.And I will always support you.
smileyulei <zylei2000@yahoo.com.cn>
huzhou, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 10:55:38 (GMT)
Dear maggie and brain: Your letter brings to mind memories of your voice .I am missing you. 北京需要你们!你能告诉我哪里能听到网上直播吗!谢谢!
sunwei <julianchina@263.net>
beijing, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 10:38:51 (GMT)
Hello Britain and Maggie,how are u now? I miss u badly! 没有你们的陪伴,生活中就象缺少了什么似的,希望能早日听到你们的声音! 哦,对了,屁股猫怎么样了,过了一个春节是不是又肥了许多?:) 也愿你们大家蛇年吉祥,万事如意!
Alexandra Wang <windows99@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 09:45:32 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie,我们永远支持你们的节目.希望这档节目 早点回到我们身边!!!!!
蓓蓓and蕾蕾 <dinkymouse@263.net>
上海, 中国 - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 09:35:35 (GMT)
希望能够再听到Hello from Britain!
张湛 <philip_chang@citiz.net>
上海, 中国 - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 09:13:45 (GMT)
I will support your programme at least in this century!:P Good luck HFB
Eric <caoxy@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:58:36 (GMT)
This programme has been one of my important friends in my life. I have learned some foreign culture and famous English songs through it. Meanwhile I have improved my English level of listening-English. So I do wish the programme to be still with us!
Feng Jing <maggiefj@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:53:54 (GMT)
Never give up!We love you! Sundays without you,without your programme,without your smile haven't any fun. I will always support you and thousands of your supporters are waiting to hear you soon. Maggie & Brian I believe we will meet again. HFB will come back.HFB should come back. LOVE HFB FOREVER:)!!!
summersnow <breath@eastday>
Shanghai, - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:47:40 (GMT)
I love 'Hello from Britain' .I hope they can continue it.
Sharon Xue <shoshofoxblack7@icq.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:21:11 (GMT)
Dear,Brian & Maggie &#的好久没有听到你们的声音了,也真的好想念你们!喜欢你们的节目、 欢你们的笑声、喜欢你们的一切!还有多久你们才回来呀! I will support you and your programme forever!
Tracy石 <sh-sea@yeah.net>
Suzhou, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:20:08 (GMT)
i support you and your program. hope to hear you soon.
jean <apple68@dr.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 08:03:35 (GMT)
I love you,HFB!
rebecca <rebecazh@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 07:59:59 (GMT)
I love your programme! If only I could hear your voice every day with the wonderful music. I hope Bryan will become more romantic while broadcasting this programme about romantic music! And Maggie, it sounds like you are always smiling----I like that!
Jean <violetfun6105@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 07:27:10 (GMT)
Why? why ? why? why? I will always love you,Brian&Maggie.
benben <xybenben@etang.com>
- Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 07:15:44 (GMT)
hello, Brian&Maggie!!! I have received ur mail. And I also have read ur statement!! I'm very sorry to know that!!! But please believe me and all the listeners in Shanghai,we will always support u and ur programe. I will always stand with u!!! And don't forget!!!----Although u lose everything,u will never lose ur listeners!!!!
Ringel <snoopy_rl@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 06:41:27 (GMT)
我很吃惊,我一直在怀疑是不是我的Radio出了问题还是别的原因,当我收到你们的E-mail时,我才知道你们被粗鲁地OFF AIR,我希望你们的节目能在次回到我的身边,我感谢你们给了我很多好听的音乐,真心祝福你们好运!! 我会永远支持你们的,我已经听你们的节目有8个年头了,我爱你们和你们的节目! 我不知道东方电台是出于何种目的,但我对他们的行为表示愤怒!! 我决定从今天起,不在相信东方电台的某些东西了,作为一个上海人,我对我的城市里的“不错的”电台负责人的行为表示遗憾!! û爱你们,我期待你们的回来!!
王晓春 <ivy-wang@21cn.com>
上海, 中国 - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 06:38:49 (GMT)
- Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 06:38:23 (GMT)
So regret to get the information that your program has been off air.I have not heard your sound for a month,I miss you much. I wish your program will be back to us soon! God bless you!
Eric Fang <flhzip@163.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 06:24:35 (GMT)
I will surport your programme forever! so i will put your link in my own homepage! maybe i don't have enough power to start your programme,for i'm only a middle school student. but i will try my best! surport you , Maggie and Brian.everything will go better soon it is not only your wish,it is ours!everyone who likes this programme!
sumcyda <sumcyda@etang.com>
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 06:01:47 (GMT)
I'll always support you and love you!你快回来!
todays.cai <todays007@citiz.net>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 05:14:13 (GMT)
Our good friend,lovely Jean,is suffering a very very serious disease,she can't continue her study next semester,we all very sad about it.I wish she will be healthy again!Let's pray for her! all the students in our former class senior two class one
Y <jussi_y@263.net>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 05:07:51 (GMT)
Why? Why? Why? I have been searching for the program for several weeks. But everytime it just kept on being a shame. You know I have been listening to the program for quite a few years, and it has been part of my weekend life. But it was all gone without a warning. I was really puzzled about this. Is it sth. wrong with the program? I believe not at all! Then how can it be thrown away? I can't work it out. At least I am the faithfully supporter of the program. I will truly try my best to do something for the return of the program. I still believe that faith will conquer all, and I still believe you'll be back.
张元昕 <ultrazyx@yeah.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 05:07:25 (GMT)
you are the best!
silverpeace <silverpeace@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 04:51:52 (GMT)
我不知道为什么这节目突然停了!那天等到十点钟,忽然发现不是HFB,好失望! 新世纪里什么好节目都给停了!过分!我已经很少听电台的节目了!
silverpeace <silverpeace@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 04:49:25 (GMT)
颀颀 <ruqi_ch@hotmail.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 04:20:20 (GMT)
i have no ideas about it but i hope all of the listener can rehear your programme right now~~! OH~~~ what a pity~! your programme is one of the best in china~~! i think so~!! GOOD LUCK~! :)
Thomas <thomas30@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 04:08:05 (GMT)
I believe in Music ,and I also believe in "Hello From Britain".Just strike for thr rights that we should have.
hugh <yeaidi@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 03:51:31 (GMT)
I think there are many supports like me in the world. So we will support you forever.
Emily Ding <didiw@eastday.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 03:40:21 (GMT)
We are all in need of your back,ASAP. I will always support your programme.
goodecho <goodecho@etang.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 03:34:21 (GMT)
I will always support u!!!!!! I will always support u!!!!!!! I will always support u!!!!!!!!
Delia Dong <delia_god@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 03:21:51 (GMT)
I did not know that HFB had been off air in Shanghai till you emailed me!!! I was greatly shocked! They had no reason to do so even they had some reason. I really hope HFB will one day come back.
Samuel <operatta@citiz.net>
Shanghai, PRC - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 03:03:31 (GMT)
I really love this program cos it's so attractive and charming! I can't imagine how I could live without it cos it has already become one part of my life. I love music, Brian and Maggie. I really don't wanna lose you. PLEASE! Let the program go on and we audience and fans will always be by your side!
wendy_pu <wendy2121@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 03:02:19 (GMT)
”来自英国的问候“节目已陪伴我很多年了,现在听不到你们的节目觉得很不习惯,总觉得生活中缺了点什么。我希望你们的节目能早日回来。 I'm waiting for your coming back.
Ragy <ragy@fm365.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 02:59:56 (GMT)
I am a listener of "Hello From Britain" program.I like it very much.At first,I didn't understand why no "Hello From Britain" program in recent weeks.Now,I know what happened. I support you and "Hello From Britain" program.And, I have pasted your statement in main university bbs in shanghai,Shanghai JiaoTong University and Shanghai FuDan University.I believe that many people will support you!You aren't lonely,we fight together!
David Sun <sunracer@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 02:31:57 (GMT)
这是我第一次来到“来自英国的问候”网站。我从小学5年级起听这个节目,不过那时它叫“雀巢咖啡音乐时间”。现在我已经读大学一年级了,但还是非常喜欢它。今天我终于见到了Brian and Maggie 的照片,和我的想象一样Maggie很漂亮,Brian看上去很和气.但我不明白那么有磁性的声音怎么看怎么都不象是Maggie发出的。我想点一首歌,水叮当的I belong to the sea.好吗?谢谢!
梁现华 <leung xian hua @sohu.com>
杭州, - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 02:02:22 (GMT)
Maggie and Brian: 高兴收到你们的来信,当然也很难过HFB竟然会被停播。由于考试,我有一段时间没听HFB了,而春节期间我以为是改节目了!做为HFB的听众之一,我当然衷心希望HFB能恢复播出,并且全力支持你们!
孙苏意 <sun_suyi@eastday.com>
China, Shanghai - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 01:52:37 (GMT)
这么棒的节目为什么会停播???!!! 是谁有这样的权利! 快把Pegoo还给我们,快把HFB还给我们! 永远支持你们!永远爱你们!
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 01:34:59 (GMT)
好久没有听到老朋友的声音了,空荡荡的星期天上午,我无所适从! 想念Maggie,还有Brian,Peegoo猫。 永远支持你们! 相信我,在上海像我这样的老朋友还有很多很多……
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 01:31:14 (GMT)
亲爱的Maggie,Brian,想念你们,快点回来吧! 永远支持你们!永远爱你们!
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 01:24:29 (GMT)
Brian And Maggie, I Support you! I think only communication can solve this problem.
foxmachia <machia@sina.com>
SHANGHAI, CITY - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 00:19:14 (GMT)
Anytime,anywhere,friends are always your strong support! We,all my friends,here,want to make it clearly why such stupid thing could happen. We love your program just like part of our life. No one has the right to take our happiness away. Maggie Hcen
Maggie Hcen <maggie_hcne@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, February 03, 2001 at 00:09:03 (GMT)
sunshine <sunshine1023@21cn.com>
shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 17:09:22 (GMT)
flying5 <flying5@eastday.com>
shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 17:06:32 (GMT)
I love your programme very much.And I also remember the beautiful days which I spent with you.I will always surport you,Brain and Maggie.I want to help you to do something.You can link me.What can I do for you?I hope I can hear your voice soon.We are good friends,so I must help you.Let us try our best together.
flying <flying5@eastday.om>
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 17:04:52 (GMT)
How can they do this to u guys! ur show is definitely the best in the whole city!!!! better than any other stupid shows. Is there anything more we fans could do to help? remember this, we love u guys and we r looking forward to hearing ur charming voices again!
Julia <juliaxu99@yahoo.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 16:30:39 (GMT)
Brian& Maggie: i come to sigh here again! Sunday will come again,i hope i can hear your voices.
norman tu <norman-tu@163.net>
hangzhou, - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 16:13:26 (GMT)
We have nothing without you ,too. I am looking forward to your coming again! Please never give up ,because you have a lot of fans in China.echo
echo <sunlinlin@citiz.net>
China, Shanghai - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 15:21:04 (GMT)
啊,我犯了一个错误, 把brian写成brain,哈哈
清凉的水罐 <ning1000@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 14:43:13 (GMT)
收听你们的节目已经很久了,仿佛从高中一直到大学,我一直深深的记得当初的宫宝鸡叮, 当时第一次听的时候不晓得是什么菜,没想到到了大学, 竟然天天都得吃这个,还有一次brain在那里用摇滚的方式唱"小方",都仿佛是很遥远却新鲜的记忆,广播节目真的是很神奇,我想,能成为很多人的朋友是最幸福的事情吧.
清凉的水罐 <ning1000@citiz.net>
上海, 中国 - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 14:40:22 (GMT)
appledog <appledog01@sina.com>
shang hai , china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 14:08:25 (GMT)
I am so happy that receive your mail in the Spring Festival. I'll remember the day forever.I haven't heard your voice for a long time.I miss you.
Jon Liu (刘君) <mahudonkeyliu@chinaren.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 13:14:36 (GMT)
being accompanied with your program for several years, i can't help missing you----my dear friends. MAGGIE&BRIAN
sally T. peng <a_pinpin@citiz.net>
shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 13:10:31 (GMT)
where is your e-mail add?
batboy <batboy21@china.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 12:29:10 (GMT)
happy new year! i love Brian and Maggie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
faye <caoyan00@hotmail.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 12:09:53 (GMT)
i haven't see u for a long time,i miss u very much!When can u go back???
michael shue <xuzun@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 12:02:43 (GMT)
Hi,long time havn't seen U!How r u? I'll support U forever!!!! :)
Lily <mienkki@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 11:58:17 (GMT)
please come back.i want you.i need you.i love you.i miss you.Do you know?So i'll wait for you forever:)
Jenny Liu <s84345@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 10:17:04 (GMT)
我爱你maggie 并和你的节目!!!!! û们急切希望你能回到我们身边来!!!!
王艳辉 <vivifish@263.net>
中国, 北京 - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 10:01:14 (GMT)
I LOVE HFB !!!!!!!!!!! It's the bridge for me to approach hit songs.... It's the tie for me to the popularities... It's the close friends in my growing path.... THANK YOU HFB !!!!! I WILL SUPPORT YOU ALWAYS !!!!!!!! sincerely from Lisa in SH \(^0^)/
Lisa <jghsjvj@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 09:39:23 (GMT)
after i signed here this morning,i did write to the eastradio,but i think they will for sure neglect a letter like this. so i'm here asking everyone of us, who claimed to be hfb's faithful fans, to write to the station and let them know that how many ppl's feelings have been hurt since. i personally have listened to this programme for an uninterrupted 6 years, so i want it on.
chihai <albchi@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 09:18:53 (GMT)
I was very confused when I turned on the radio at ten on Sunday morning and found no Maggie&Brian speaking to me. I really miss your programme, which brought me a lot of joy and laugh. Please, come back to all of us!!!!!
Dot <fiennes@whoever.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 08:40:29 (GMT)
gaoxiang <gx15406@163.net>
shanghai, CHINA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 08:27:55 (GMT)
hi,Brian&Maggie 好久没有听到你们的节目,真的非常想念HFB! 我一定会永远支持你们的!你们一定会再出现在上海电台的电波中的! 常喜欢你们节目的朋友 BRITNEY
britney_gu <britney2000@yeah.net>
shanghai , - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 08:02:24 (GMT)
Hi!Brian&Maggie,你们好,我是来自福州的Liuwayne.一次很偶然的机会我听到了这个节目(来湖州旅游),虽然我听的次数不多,但我觉得挺不错的。过两三天我就要回去了,以后不知道有没有机会听到这个节目。但我真诚地希望你们的节目越办越好,也希望不久的将来能在福州听到HFB.Happy New Year!Brian&Maggie Bye!
Liuwayne <liu_wayne@yahoo.com>
Fuzhou, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 07:49:15 (GMT)
Why did they cancel your programn? That is a supid mistake. They have already put off many wonderful programn,instead of some foolish and girlish rubbishes. I believe it has hurt many warm heart. Struggle on! God with you!
wujie <popguy@citiz.net>
shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 07:28:33 (GMT)
我是你们——来自英国的问候节目的忠实听众,对于上海电台无理由的停拨这档节目我感到很失望,也很气愤!!!!希望上海电台能够早日说明原由并恢复拨出!! 我们不能没有好音乐!!我们不能没有BRIAN&MAGGIE!!!我们不能没有来自英国的问候!!!!!!!!!
Sylvia Lai <micky_lailai@hotmail.com>
ShangHai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 07:13:50 (GMT)
Hi,Brian&Maggie!I'm also one of the listeners of HFB. It's a good companion who helps me through when I come to any difficulty at school. Now I become a student in Fudan University. I think it's unfair to stop HFB without any reason and I hope to see you again on 101.7 FM. Good luck to both of you and to HFB as well.
billy5 <billy5@sina.com>
Shanghai , P.R.China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 06:23:29 (GMT)
I am one of the most faithful listeners of your programme. I have listened to your programme for years,and I like it very much.I will continue to sopport your programme,and I hope HFB will be back soon.
sunny-yan <sunnylvzi@china.com>
shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 06:01:27 (GMT)
i want to hear u say WE WILL BE BACK SOON waiting for u every sunday as usual MISS U MAGGIE&BRIAN!!!!
ron <etron@sohu.com>
suzhou, east china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 05:51:59 (GMT)
i am so lonely without u on sunday! hope u will say WE WILL BE BACK!! waiting for u on air!!
garfield <etron@sohu.com>
jiangsu, suzhou - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 05:33:58 (GMT)
i am so lonely without u on sunday hope u will say WE WILL BE BAKE!! waiting for u on air!!
garfield <etron@sohu.com>
jiangsu, suzhou - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 05:31:20 (GMT)
回来吧!!回来吧!!我心依旧!!想念你们!!我会守候在101.7every Sunday morning 10:00等你一万年^^
Jenny Liu <s84345@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 04:53:56 (GMT)
Brian & Maggie, I still want to know the reason, and hope you lucky! Jane Xi
Xijuan <xi_juan@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 04:50:11 (GMT)
oh,Brian and Maggie.I'm missing you.Come back,please!! My ears will go on and on!!Love you forever^^
Jenny Liu <s84345@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 04:48:38 (GMT)
I have recieved your letter and knew that your programhas been off air currently. Don't worry I will support you as before whatever your program off air or on air.And I will wait for it to start with an more attractive face.I belive that the new programe will be better than ever.
jessica <jane_xiaojing@citiz.net>
shanhai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 04:48:03 (GMT)
it's so nice i can see your photos and your working studio,they are very good ,i listened your programme for about one year and thank you for giving me a lot of fun in night and enjoyed the beautiful music
daniel <crxl@chian.com>
nanning, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 04:35:06 (GMT)
I love this program. Please come back. I find I can do nothing on every Sunday morning. I miss HFB.
elaineshen <elaineshen@163.net>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 03:53:33 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie: Since I read your statement,I really become very very furious,they have no right to suddently be taken off air without any reason.HFB is a very good programme that attract hundreds of thousands of people,how can they do that kind of things with the HFB.I think all the supporters will try our best to demonstrate,to resist,to tell them what the true fact is!Brian&Maggie,don't be worry and sad,because we will support you until the last minute.
Lena <Lenaba@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 03:03:18 (GMT)
Miss you, very very much!!!! ੍时间,我一定要写信给东方电台,讨回公道!
carol <carol_lan@yeah.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:53:08 (GMT)
yes,i do support the programme going on. i remember that the programme had been suspended for a short while years ago, that was the most tedious time i had ever run into. and now, i don't know why and i can't see the reason why it should be suspended once again. it is none political,just for fun and for music. i stand up for it,for you two.
chihai <albchi@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:39:32 (GMT)
I love this program
li zhang <liiliia2@hotmail.com>
GA, USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:28:40 (GMT)
I'll support u as an audience and a friend.
Wayne <wayneye@china.com>
Shanghai, - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:27:34 (GMT)
I love this program, I'm so sad hearring that this program is offair now!
li zhang <lilyv2000@yahoo.com>
GA, USA - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:24:10 (GMT)
I will suport you forever!HFB is a very good programme.Why it was stopped? I believe you'll succeed.Strive on,Brian!
Becky <beckyno7@etang.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:23:36 (GMT)
i will support you forever! i think all you have done are legal, so there is no reason to stop. i will ask the radio station why they cut your programm.
susan zhou <susancacho@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 01:04:13 (GMT)
actually and unfortunately, i have to say sorry to you that for some reason i have long been away from ur program for almost a year and i couldn't give the objective suggestion any longer. however, i still remember clearly the situation that impulsed me to write u my first email one year ago. it's really a kind of emotion, with the deep love of ur magnetic voices, ur musice, and even ur wonderful air commercials. it's really unfair that they offaired ur program without any warning. it's unfair to a diligent producer who worked with all his heart and money day and night. it's unfair to the audience who have been the manias to this successful program. it's absolutely unfair to the reward and recognition that this program has acquired abroad and domestically. it was once a bridge, linking two different civilizations and societies, but some people got cross the river with it and burnt it down.although i couldn't stand here as a persistent audience with full support to you all, i sincerely give out my voice to ask for a fairness, a why, and a come back of this program!!! with EXPECTATIONS, WEN. ALVIN. GU
顾闻 Alvin Gu <guwen@baoscape.com>
Shanghai , PRC - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 00:52:53 (GMT)
I have been in Shanghai from 1993 to 2000 as a university student. I began to listen HELLO FROM BRITAN since 1995 and it became a part of my life when I was still in Shanghai. I deeply miss the wonderful time I spent together with the program, every sunday morning (From 10 to 11AM?), I sat in the library and enjoyed the wonderful music and also wonderful voice from Maggie and Brian...... Now I am in Singapore and I have a lot of chances to listen to different radioes, but in my deep heart, I can feel the true miss to HELLO FROM BRITAN. I am sorry to hear the bad news, I don't know why. I think Shanghai is much more "open" than other cities in China, and also the programm doesn't, and also cannot do any harm to "the safety of the country." It is only music. I cannot see any loss of Eastern Radio from the progrmm, either in publicity or money. Why they don't give an explicit and pursuading reson to all of us?
William Lei <leiw@hotmail.com>
Singapore - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 00:21:17 (GMT)
I like your program and I will support you forever.
chenmark <chenmark@eastday.com>
ShangHai, China - Friday, February 02, 2001 at 00:05:55 (GMT)
I will be behind you always!
Jenny <jgzy@mweb.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 15:35:58 (GMT)
I will support your program forever. 让那些腐朽的中国新闻广播制度见鬼去吧。
马俊 <pony18@sina.com>
Shanghai , - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 13:06:45 (GMT)
Hope you are well and the radio game last for ever.
Donald Tang <tangzhengfeng@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 12:26:03 (GMT)
I enjoy your programme a lot. And i also like both of you,two excellent DJ.
shelley.shen <puco@sohu.com>
Hangzhou, china - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 11:25:26 (GMT)
黑夜游子 <yiezi999@yeah.net>
杭州, 中国 - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 07:56:56 (GMT)
THJIN-HORSE <country-side@263.net>
苏州, CHINA - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 07:26:45 (GMT)
I hope to hear your voice soon!!!
Romy zhou <Romy.Zhou@shk.sony.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 06:50:24 (GMT)
我是HFB的老听众也是忠实听众.我实在不忍心失去这么一档好节目.Maggie and brian I will always support HFB and you too!!!
沈渊 <shenyiqi@163.com>
嘉兴, 中国 - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 05:35:29 (GMT)
wherever you go,whatever you do,i will be right here waiting for you!
brian&maggie <kefuyuan@yeah.net>
shanghai, china - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 03:25:33 (GMT)
Brain&Maggie:I miss you so much!I will wait for you two.Please come back quickly. 我不在上海的日子里都没有听到HFB,可是回来了节目却听不到了,真的很遗憾,我会继续等待,等到你们回来的日子。因为我还想听Brain和Maggie的声音。快回来喔!!
Charlene <www.linko37@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 02:28:48 (GMT)
i have been listening to HFB for 2years, my English name "norman" is learnt from YOU. i don't understand why they stop broadcasting HFB.i OBJECT!!!! and i really can't live without your program. i still turn to101.7FM at 10 every sunday ,trying to hear your wonderful voices and music.
norman tu < norman-tu@163.net>
pinghu,zhejiang, PRC - Thursday, February 01, 2001 at 02:18:42 (GMT)
brain and maggie: Happy new year! I wish you all had a good new year holiday!Haven't heard your voice for long time.Last year 9th,Dec,I went Sydney for one month,when I came back on 6th,Jan.I turn on the radio,no your programme on Sunday.I was so upset.I thought I can't hear your programme anymore. This is the first time I look your net.And saw your photoes and your studio,you two all look good man,I like your pictures .Do hope hear your voice soon. Miss you guys so much.And thand you bring this brilliant programme to us. Wish Brian and Maggie have good rest in this period.Do enjoy the beautiful life. Hope next time can see you recently photoes ! Bless you !!!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
shanghai, - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 14:09:46 (GMT)
hello, 听你们的HFB不久,但我在浙江,上海的节目收的不是很清楚,所以总是断断 续续的听,现在你们的节目在浙江的电台也能听到了,THATS COOL! I LOVE YOU TWO。BRIAN太好玩了,而且说的英文也很清楚,是我听到过 最清楚的ENGLISH,谢谢,让我有这么好的机会练听力,呵~~~~~~ 英语里面也有地方口音吗?MAGGIE?好了,就这样了
runaway <goitaly@163.net>
huzhou, china - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 12:54:31 (GMT)
hey,Maggie and Brian,where r u now????#_# I haven't listened to your voice for many days. I don't know what happened to your program. But I hope I'll hear your voice soon. p.s I'll be your listener forever :-) when the program can play in shanghai again,please write to tell me. O.K?
Eric Chen <shine518@china.com>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 12:40:10 (GMT)
I support you HFB!!!!
A Faithful Listener
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 12:28:44 (GMT)
终于有了自己的电脑。昨天一买回来,第一件事就是来HFB报到。 愿HFB拥有更多的听众! 愿Maggie和Brian永远快乐。
徐晨 <xc39304d@etang.com>
上海, 中国 - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 07:46:55 (GMT)
I have received your letter , Bryan. I have read the letter,too.I can do nothing but only to show my simpathy and a little anger about the radio station. We listeners of your programme are all fans of Emglish songs.But now the programmes which introduce and play English songs are fewer than last year.That's awful.I support you.I think the letter can be placed on the website,modify some sentences if neccessary.The audience should know the truth.What are you doing,what is Maggie doing? Can you say sth more on your page?
Bob <shenxu2000@yeah.net>
shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 06:55:45 (GMT)
confession, i am not your fans. but i will keep on listening to your program if i tune it correctly. what i appreciated is your both true english skill and the lovely songs added. in hangzhou, i just can hear some outdated version about your program, so i wonder why i cant receive the program from shanghai! how well i can get it! finally. happy new year!
louisking <790608@21cn.com>
hangzhou, China - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 06:54:19 (GMT)
Brian & Maggie ,你们好,我可是你们《来自英国的问候》的一个不折不扣的忠实听众哦。算起来已经有三年了,特别是上了大学后我可是每个星期必听,因为在国内很难再找得出另外一个专门介绍英文歌曲的节目,而我就只爱听英文歌曲,所以自然被你们的节目所吸引了。说起来《来自英国的问候》的信号在广西特别小,有一次我在床上听得时候正到高潮的时候突然那部破收音机没有了信号,我一气之下把收音机摔了个稀巴烂,第二天马不停蹄的区了商场买了一台专用收音机,以后可以放心的听你们的节目了。其实我还有很多话想对你们说,还是留到下一次吧,拜托你们,能不能帮我点播Eagles 的《Hotel California 》,我特别喜欢这一首歌。也祝你你们的节目越办越好。
许广 <richterxu@sina.com>
南宁, 广西 - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 06:50:33 (GMT)
陆舟 <etgirllz0670@sina.com>
上海, 中国 - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 05:44:22 (GMT)
I miss u,your program and peegoo.Every Sunday morning I always feel that I lose SOMETHING.
Cai Min <shanghaiguy@eastday.com>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 31, 2001 at 04:42:47 (GMT)
i like it
tomas <li_danrong@263.net>
HangZhou, China - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 12:20:04 (GMT)
曾亥年—godenzeng <godenzeng@chinaren.com>
上海, 中国 - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 11:53:24 (GMT)
relena05 <ruby05@21cn.com>
ˣ㽭, - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 08:46:12 (GMT)
I'm a college student in Shanghai JiaoTong University.I met HFB two years ago.I love it very much.And I hope it will always be with me. 我将一如既往的支持你们。希望很快能再听到你们的声音。 同时我也想在网上结交更多爱好音乐的网友。
a-May Wang <a-may.wang@yeah.net>
shanghai, China - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 08:19:28 (GMT)
wish to hear you again on the air,as soon as possible!
mond <kilstensmann@chinaren.com>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 03:38:23 (GMT)
I love your programmer forever!
JoJo Shi <jojo_shi@etang.com>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 30, 2001 at 02:31:46 (GMT)
The best wish for you.
TangWenQing <twq3@fm365.com>
SHANGHAI, CHINA - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 13:49:38 (GMT)
I like your programme very much although i haven't listened it very long. Brian's humour and Maggie's charming voice both give me deep impressions. The CAT are so funny too. Wish your programme would get greater success!
Yu da(A fish in water) <da_y@263.net>
Hang zhou, P.R.C. - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 12:20:04 (GMT)
madonna2000 <madonna2000@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 10:42:58 (GMT)
I very like your programme.I hope your programme can be done much better and happy new year. I love you!
陆杨燕 <jiangdu0637@sina.com>
huzhou, china - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 10:23:43 (GMT)
Hello,你们好,说真的,我收听HFB的时间并不长,只有半年多,但挺喜欢它,喜欢欧美流行乐,喜欢你们幽默的风格,我会成为你们重视的听众,and at last ,I wish you a happy new year.
NEAT <neat_99@263.net>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 08:49:50 (GMT)
NEAT <neat_99@263.net>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, January 29, 2001 at 08:42:12 (GMT)
I can't believe a Sunday morning without your program.It's really sad and even a heartbreak.I am waiting for you,Maggie and Brian.I'm sure you will make it ,right?Come on!(as queen says:we keep on fighting to the end.good luck.)
- Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 14:45:29 (GMT)
Hello Maggie and Grian,I love your program very much. I'd like to book a song from Roxette "Fadding like a flower" Wish you have a good dream everyday:)
Alice Song <ohnosong@21cn.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 14:01:27 (GMT)
I was so sad when didn't hear of your programme on the 1st day of the new century.I have waited for you for almost one month.But now,I am so happy that I have seen you on the internet,and have seen your notice.I'll support HFB forever!
Shinny <gxy16xun@chinaren.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 12:52:01 (GMT)
when i was looking at the black wood house,i can hardly belive that it contains many developed equipments! do you worry about being robbed when it has a good looking?
顾鑫(gu xin ) <alai_box@chinaren.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 12:32:18 (GMT)
hello very glad to say some words here. The best wishes for u! A better program is my great pleasure.
yyadong <yyadong@sohu.com>
Hangzhou, china - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 12:27:05 (GMT)
i like listening ur program very much,for i like forneign music.esp.i like the way u make the program,it is very different from those programs that we hear .i wish u every successin the new century. that is all. thanks a lot!
li kang <lklk0608@163.com>
YB, china - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 07:57:24 (GMT)
I like ur program very much,but I didn't hear ur program on Sundays recently. I am sure I set the radio right.What's the problem?
Lolly <lolly_2000@yeah.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 06:11:08 (GMT)
Patrick Alex <PatrickAlex@sohu.com>
jiangshu changzhou, China - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 05:21:59 (GMT)
It's a great radio programm.I like it. But i want to see more pictures of Brian and Maggie
Vivien <smalldogvivien@yeah.net>
杭州, China - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 04:38:41 (GMT)
papaya <kaliye@kali.com.cn>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 03:21:29 (GMT)
support u,HFB!!!come back quickly!!!!!
swallow <rolover@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 03:10:03 (GMT)
田宏胜 <samchina2002@hotmail.com>
SHANGHAI , CHINA - Sunday, January 28, 2001 at 02:29:21 (GMT)
I love the prom very much.
jianhualou <jianhualou1111@sina.com>
shanghia, chine - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 16:13:38 (GMT)
This is the second time to visit your webside in a day. At first I think the shed likes a palace, but after having visited it's garden, I think it also a fairyland. And I'v seen the photos of your, Brian & Maggie are very lovely in the childhood. Love, Yan
Yan <ccyan@public.sta.net.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 12:32:47 (GMT)
Here I have my friends,here I enjoy my friends. Music,I love you! "HELLO UK",my best wishes for you!
viva <doggy_me@citiz.net>
Shanghai , China - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 08:44:15 (GMT)
nothing special. just want to meet you again soon!
Sara Hu <sara-hu@263.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 07:21:57 (GMT)
hello, Brian and Maggie!!! I haven't heard ur program for almost four weeks!!! What's wrong??? I like ur program so much!!! So I miss you two very much!! Please regard me to Pigu!!! ^_^
Ringel <snoopy_rl@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 07:21:34 (GMT)
How a magic thing that the little wooden shed looks very worn but inside likes the palace. PS:Happy the Chinese New Year! :)
Yan <ccyan@public.sta.net.cn>
Shanghai, P.R China - Saturday, January 27, 2001 at 02:21:24 (GMT)
您们好! 是一名Taxi Driver,每星期日早上收听您们的广播已成一种习惯,(从您们开播时就开始收听)。您们的节目充满青春活力,使我感到又回到了年青的时候。 最近怎么听不到您们的节目,是否给我一个答案。谢谢! 非常非常非常非常......喜爱您们的声音!!!
杨金荣(Taxi Driver) <driver@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 17:32:05 (GMT)
I like you programe.I like you too.
haddy <pannjing@china.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 10:21:39 (GMT)
好久不见了 i miss you very much 看了你们的pictures 我放心多了 (悄悄地对maggie说)你比我想象的要成熟,有韵味哦 baby brian is very lovely, i like you very much that's all ,good bye! i hope you will be back soon!!!!!!!!!! i wait for you......
shanghai, - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 08:46:44 (GMT)
好久不见了 i miss you very much 看了你们的pictures 我放心多了 (悄悄地对maggie说)你比我想象的要成熟,有韵味哦 baby brian is very lovely, i like you very much that's all ,good bye! i hope you will be back soon!!!!!!!!!! i wait for you......
shanghai, - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 08:46:22 (GMT)
Your programe is so magnificant!
tanmy <tanmy_ren@chinaren.com>
shanghai, china china - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 07:58:50 (GMT)
网站很不错。Brain的花园很漂亮。 谁说电台主持人不漂亮。Maggie就很beautifully. 希望节目越来越好。 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
shanghai, china - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 07:39:02 (GMT)
It's a long time to haven't heard your voice !!!!!!!!!!! I will always missing you !!!!!!!!! You are my life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
张须莲 <kiss2goodbye@yahoo.com.cn>
太仓, China - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 06:03:11 (GMT)
Love Pop music(Savage garden,TLC,Five......)!Love HFB! Love Brian and Maggie!!!!!!!!!!!!
张须莲 <kiss2goodbye@yahoo.com.cn>
太仓, China - Friday, January 26, 2001 at 05:56:49 (GMT)
Hi| I listen to your programe about four years. Your programe is cool. I love it very much. I want to ask a question . It is what time your programe is? Please reply this question on your page.
Ϻ, й - Thursday, January 25, 2001 at 13:50:53 (GMT)
恭贺新春! ~~~~~~~~~ *I LOVE YOU!!*
Jim Zhou <zhouby@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 12:44:32 (GMT)
New year's coming, I send my best greeting to you two, Brian & Maggie, " Happy New Year! "
Burr.Young <burryoung@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 07:12:15 (GMT)
I like your programme very much. I have not heard your radio-bracast on Sunday for several weeks. I wander if you can tell something about it or if it has been canceled.
Cindy Huang < shihong-liu@21cn.com>
shanghai, PRC - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 06:21:50 (GMT)
Where aare you?I have not heard your programme for three weeks!Best wishs and happy new year!嘿!我可以点一首歌吗? 要BSB的,曲目任意,谢谢谢谢谢谢!
zwq <www.jfdfskdk.com>
zhejiang, china - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 06:09:43 (GMT)
greyapple <greyapple@yesky.com>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 04:37:32 (GMT)
唉~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 春节这几天我不在上海过,所以无法听到你们的声音了,好可惜啊! 不过,祝福的话还是要说的:happy new year!
lucass <lucass@kali.com.cn>
shanghai, China - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 03:40:01 (GMT)
Happy new year!!!:)
施淳稣 <madonna2000@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Wednesday, January 24, 2001 at 01:27:51 (GMT)
When the new year's coming, I send my best greeting to you two,Brian & Maggie,'Happy New Year!' And I also want to send the greeting to my girlfriend - Ting. I will say to her, 'Happy Forever & Forever Happy!'
burryoung <burryoung@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 15:11:43 (GMT)
This is my first time here. But I'm an old audience of HFB. When the new year's coming, I send my greeting to you two,'Happy New Year!' And I want to send the greeting to my girl friend - Ting, I want to say to her,'Happy Forever and Forever Happy!'
Burr.Young <burryoung@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 15:08:07 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie,say 'Happy New Year!'to you two. When the new year's coming, I want to send my greeting to you first. And also send this greeting to my girl friend--Ting, I want to say to her,'Happy Forever and Forever Happy!'
杨赟 <burryoung@citiz.net>
上海市, 中国 - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 15:03:16 (GMT)
This is my first time here. But I'm an old audience of HFB.
Burr.Young <burryoung@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 14:52:21 (GMT)
ৎ是一名在上海东华大学念书的学生。在学校时,只要有时间就会收听“来自英国的问候”。现在放假回家了,不能听到这档节目,很想念BRIAN AND MAGGIE。希望很快又能听到你们的声音,还有你们的音乐! THANK YOU!
bonjov <bonjov@etang.com>
上海, 中国 - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 08:56:01 (GMT)
I haven't listened to ur programme for about half a year cuz I had to have my German class on weekend :( Now I'm back while heard the sad news from HFB,what's up? Maggie,sounds that u r just back from Europe,did u enjoy ur vacation there?and Brian,I like ur voice so much that sometimes I hope to learn Scottcized English from u instead of the American English. Anyway,hoping to hear ur voices soon!
Ava <ava_xue@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 08:49:01 (GMT)
hello maggie@brian rememger me ? i signed your guestbook last year.i mentioned the Peegoo.i'm very glad to hear its meowing. but i'm so sorry that i haven't listened to your program for a long time.now i'm back.will you forgive me ?
kitty <kitty0227@chinaren.com>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 07:56:38 (GMT)
Eris <erishermes@sina.com>
Shanghai, china - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 06:59:12 (GMT)
I love you all!
shanghai, China - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 05:47:32 (GMT)
Hello Maggie and Brian Your programme is very excellent.I have lessoned it for more than one year.In my opinion ,Brain is very hanson,but he is much older than I think.
Ϻ, China - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 05:09:08 (GMT)
Hi!I'm Ivy Guo.I am so surprised to see that Brian and Maggie's studio is so small. But I like you programme very much. I enjoy it every sunday morning. Brian, you are more headsome than I thought.First I think you are a very old person.But you look very young. I want to thank for your work and all the happiness you bought to us! 新年快乐!
Ivy Guo <aihcjbf@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, China - Tuesday, January 23, 2001 at 04:08:46 (GMT)
Eric <karlamy@sina.com>
上海, 中国 - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 17:59:18 (GMT)
I love your show. And I wish you a happy new year. Can I ask you to play a song for me? My favorate star is Madonna,and I'd like to hear some old songs of her. Thank you. I want you to know that I started to listen to your show many years ago , and it's become an important part of my life. Thank you for the music brought to my life.
dixie <dixie@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 14:41:57 (GMT)
Candy <anleng@eastday.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 13:04:36 (GMT)
I wonder why your programme has disappeared for so much time! You say you don't know the reason? That's terrible! How can Shanghai Dongfang Radio stop a wonderful programme without announcement and so unreasonablly?! Terrible thing in the year 2001! I hope all the audience of yours can support you.Let all of us write to or telephone the radio station to ask WHY . Hope to hear the HFB soon.
Bob <shenxu2000@yeah.net>
Shanghai, China - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 11:55:31 (GMT)
hello HFB I am a fans of you 我想为在上海的朋友们点首歌 愿他们新年快乐! É们是:“小朋友”,“残疾人”,“王力宏”,“英雄”,“小浣雄”等等 &#他们都在新的一年里有好的开始。 &#时,也祝你们的节目越办越好! vincent
vincent <zhujiajun0627@163.com>
shanghai, china - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 11:52:58 (GMT)
hi,i am celine!!! i love your programme very very much. i signed the guestbook before,and Maggie played my song,i am so happy that i broke a glass.oh,my god!! this time,i want u to play Last Christmas(Savage Garden),can u??/ happy new year!!!
celine zhang <zhang_keyi@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 09:04:37 (GMT)
hello,first I 'd like to thank you for your marvellous,brilliant job,this is one of the best program I have ever heard.I like it very much!~~~~~~~~~~`
bruin <chenxiaosu2000@sohu.com>
hangzhou, china - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 06:40:43 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie &收听你们的节目已经四年了,是你们的忠实听众。 ø谢你们的节目给我们大家带来了欢乐,每个星期天的早晨都是那么美妙。 HAPPY NEW YEAR!
nicole <nicolemail@163.net>
suzhou, China - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 06:37:44 (GMT)
Grey Su <supeijin@su.com.cn>
嘉兴, 中国 - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 06:09:59 (GMT)
嗨!Brain & Maggie! 我是你们节目的忠实听众,最近因为功课太忙,漏了2期的 节目,终于到了放寒假, 可到了Sunday,当我满怀希望的打开radio,却没了你们的 声音,我快要急死了!是不是改时间了?快告诉我,不然我会很伤心的!!!!!!!! 还有,我永远LOVE你们和Pegoo!
Shanghai, China - Monday, January 22, 2001 at 04:24:55 (GMT)
I'd listened to you just one time,but I begin loving your voice.It's my birthday today,so I'm happy to write to you.They happy to me and I want you to share the joy! And thank you for giving us nice programme.
Vivian.Rosa <Fox000214@163.NET>
Jiaxing,Zhejiang, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 17:09:07 (GMT)
susan <zhangyijun912118@163.net>
常州, 中国 - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 16:13:41 (GMT)
- Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 14:26:00 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie and Brian 从初中起就开始听你们的节目了,它以与我相伴好几年了,如今我以读大一了,真的很感谢你们多年来一直能制作这么好的节目使我能度过许许多多个快乐的星期天。
龚振伟 <bbhhpp2000@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 14:23:16 (GMT)
I want to say,"your programme is break my heart!"It's so wonderful.
natasha <natasha9999@sina.com>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 12:02:06 (GMT)
Brian,you are so 成熟 that i can not beleive that there is a man who is cooller than I(just a joke). Maggie, i am not an old listener of yours.But when i happened to listen you and Brian,i would be a quiet baby.(i am 17 years old). well,my best wishes that you two become more and more heathy.Bye. can you e-mail to the girl i like to tell her that i love her,her address:lisian@citiz.net
季烨暐 richard <adjf@citiz.net>
上海, CHN - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 11:54:22 (GMT)
hello: i like the "hello from uk". wish you success!!!
asb <huming12@sina.com>
huzhou, china - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 09:38:07 (GMT)
祝Maggie & Brain新年快乐!
andy <andyhq@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 08:33:31 (GMT)
maggie&brian: happy new year!! &#祝你们新年愉快。在新的一年里工作和生活都如意。 想点一首BSB的<everyday i love you > 它送给我的亲人和朋友祝他们在新的一年里有好心情.
yucca <motherhead@cmmail.com>
huzhou, china - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 07:12:07 (GMT)
我是同济大学2000届计算机系的学生,这是我第一次上你们的网站,我觉得你们的网站办的不错。我是从97年开始听流行音乐的,而且我只喜欢听欧美歌曲,平时连做作业时也不肯关掉收音机。所以仅仅4年时间,我已经成为欧美音乐的资深歌迷了。我很喜欢听你们的节目,因为你们的节目播放的音乐很新,节目本身也很酷。我想点播一首destiny's child的independence women.
george_ma(马侨祺) <george_ma@263.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 05:55:10 (GMT)
I like your programme very much!
sd <destiny9442@sina.com>
shanghai, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 05:16:53 (GMT)
I like your programme very much. The pictures are nice. Hope to see you someday.
Sabrina <fayandangel@chinaren.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 04:07:26 (GMT)
Hello dear Brian and Maggie, I'm your fans, and I have been here twice, I like your programe very much,I can't live without you! I need you! And now spring festival is coming, I hope both Brian and Maggie will be happy! I'll love you forever! Love, Cindy **********
Cindy Xin <cindy_xin@fm365.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 03:01:03 (GMT)
I miss u very much. I am so sad these days because I haven't heared HFB for several weeks. Where are u and when will u come back, Maggie and Brian? I love u and hope u will come back or I think I will feel lost. Wish u a great snake year! Yours, Howegg
Howegg <howegg@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, January 21, 2001 at 02:24:09 (GMT)