Hello From Britain Guestbook


Support 004

We will keep an archive of ALL support messages we receive from our Shanghai listeners.

THANK YOU to EVERYONE who has left a message. We appreciate your support very much!

Please read our ARCHIVES too! There are almost 6000 messages!!!!








Never give up trying.I'll support you for ever!
PXS <pxsnet_cn@sina.com>
Huzhou, China - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 22:46:26 (BST)
Dear Brian and Maggie: ?到你们的来信真是我意外的惊喜,虽然它给我带来的不是一个好 消息,但由此知道你们还记得我,我已经很高兴了!谢谢你们! ?常遗憾你们那么好的节目竟然被停播了,害得我现在每到周末, 总是有种缺点儿什么的感觉。真希望你们的节目能尽快恢复!我会永远 支持你们! ?可惜我现在还只是一个大学生,可以说是ã没钱没势ä,对于你们 现在的处境无能为力。如果我能帮上忙就好了! May you be back earlier! And I will wait for you forever!
史庆 <ningzhu992777@163.net>
Shanghai, China - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 10:17:14 (BST)
你们好,我是你们的老听友,听你们的节目已有7年,我非常喜欢你们的节目. Brian说的很快,刚开始我有点听不懂,但现在已经习惯了,Maggie你一定是个很活泼的人,这点我从你的声音里听出来的. û会一如既往地支持你们的节目.
lvping <happysnower@elong.com>
Hangzhou, China - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 09:38:50 (BST)
ÌÀü>ÜÇÜÇ®òë¬ñÈñÈ«ëµÄµé«à£Â&Mac178;êæÇí൸ÄãÌǵĸòÄÀ£Áëñë»ÄãèêƒìË«&Mac215;ï…ÜÕœµÄŗÄæ¨á… Íæ…ÀµÄ £ÂáÇÒ£Íæ…ÀµÄ£Â Íæ…ÀµÄÓÈĆïôÍæ…ÀµÄ £ÂÍæ…Àµ¸&Mac185;ǵãµÄëæºò£ÁÜÈÜÈÄãÌǵĸòÄÀ£Á£Á£Á£Á£Á£Á£Á£Áëñº†ìÓȶTAKE THATµÄüè£ÂèäéÈèûÌÇñ„&Mac178;–¸‰ƒ¢çè£ÂµÇæÇ£ÂÄÇ&Mac178;–µäµÄȯ붣Âëñì£êûÀƒñï¡„èüèêü¿ÌÀñÈëÈ Å—î„¡üˬÄãÌÇ especially for DJ
wc&dj <djmail029028@163.net>
>&Mac185;…&Mac185;… , - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 09:34:07 (BST)
doingmm <chrisy.d@263.net>
杭州, - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 09:32:46 (BST)
wc&dj <djmail029028@163.net>
>&Mac185;…&Mac185;… , - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 09:17:26 (BST)
Hope it's not too late for me to show you my support now. I know your programme is off but I didn't know there's such unfair until I visited your website today. It is REALLY UNFAIR to anyone who love this programme, and especially UNFAIR to you - Brian & Maggie - who have been working so hard and bringing us so many things - music,friendship,and understanding between people from different background. I have been listening to your programme ever since it began. At that time I was only a high school student, and now I've been working for almost 6 years since graduation. HFB is just like a long time friend in my life, and my parents know you as well. Please don't be sad, we support you! Please don't give up! I am waiting for hearing your voice again!
Shanghai, China - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 09:01:52 (BST)
Phoenix Chen <xiaodizi6485@sina.com>
杭州, 中国 - Thursday, March 29, 2001 at 07:49:39 (BST)
Maggie&Brian, 们好,听你们的节目已经很久了,不过还是第一次来你们的网站坐客,虽然简单,但感觉很温馨.不过看了你们的照片觉得和想象的有很大差距,尤其是Maggie,没想到Maggie的样子这么斯文,而且是挺传统的女性形象,真是有点出乎意料. 直都非常喜欢你们的节目,不管是"雀巢咖啡音乐时间"还是"来自英国的问候",好象最初就是听你们的节目开始接触欧美音乐的,很喜欢你们那种轻松的风格,虽然现在电台的介绍欧美音乐的节目很多,但在我心中你们是最好的.不过以前只是坐在收音机前收听,从未想过要给你们写信,今天不知道为什么突然想给你们写信了.我很喜那首“天知道",名字应该是这样吧,我不知道演唱者是谁,可以为我播放这首歌吗,谢谢!我想把送给我同寝室的室友,我们就要毕业了,大家就要各奔东西,希望大家都有个好前程.
Christie <blueocean@sina.com>
杭州, China - Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 23:10:58 (BST)
i like u programm very much,i think it is very useful for me to learn english,then i hope your programm will be better and better and have more listener.last i want to make e-mail firend with you!wait for you letter!*^_^*
alice <huminghua123@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 06:57:17 (BST)
I'm lucky, because I still can enjoy the program here. However, I really hope it can be broadcast in other places. This time I'd like to listen the song "more than a friend" form Mltr's new album Bluenight. Can it be granted, Maggie? Thank you! God bless you.
james <james-lion@163.net>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, March 28, 2001 at 05:08:50 (BST)
×说你们的节目在上海停播,真伤心啊!不过还好我是在浙江收听浙江的电台,你们的节目,我非常的喜欢。 不知道你们的节目现在恢复了没有,希望你们的节目可以很快让我们听到。  们好运,我支持你们!
李娴 <jlife@263.net>
浙江桐乡, 中国 - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 13:20:01 (BST)
金鑫 <sterlingfarrar@sina.com>
ShangHai, China - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 11:18:16 (BST)
û非常喜欢收听你们的节目,她总给我带来无限的乐趣. ߰们的主持风格很特别,我也很喜欢.希望能点歌送给我的同学潘佾隽,住她能考入理想的大学. 谢!!
Jack <hujun0814@sina.com>
Chink, HangZhou - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 11:02:45 (BST)
hey maggie and brian, Thank you for your efforts on letting us continue to enjoy the fun you bring to us on the air by the musice and your personal charms, I've been your listener for years at the beginning of your program broadcasting in hangzhou. I like the style of your show, and I think till now no other similar programs can be better than yours, in addition, I totally do not have the feel of your unstandard pronounce of Chinese and English. In some extent, I think the chinese pronouciation of Maggie is better than lots of professional DJ. So,I doubt if there is something wrong with someone's mind. In short, I work with you, love for you, and fight for you! Bye for now! Hope to hear some good news from you soon!
calvin niu <calvinniu@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 10:47:12 (BST)
I love this programme. I love Brian and Maggie.I will always support you .miss you!
rowena <rowena1997@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 09:26:28 (BST)
i hope your programm can add more contest ,especialiy some customs of foreign country.
daney <daney81@fm365.com>
zhejiang, hangzhou - Tuesday, March 27, 2001 at 02:51:41 (BST)
hi,Maggie and Brain,this is the second time I write to you. Are you still in unemployment? I wish to listen to yours again.Ah, my impression on your web is the content is little.You can increase some.Ok? Thank you anyway for your programme.
francishu <lovehuyuehua@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 15:44:03 (BST)
嘉兴, 中国 - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 13:27:25 (BST)
Hi .Maggie and Brian: Firstly I announce I am a girl.I love this music programme.I especially like Brian's voice, Oh!Maggie, I love your voice, too. Unfortunately,I'm in Hangzhou.Sometimes I can receive your programme,but I don't know the exact time in Hangzhou area.Could you tell all the friends again?I present all my best wishes for you two. Brian is really a gentleman and Maggie is very cute in your childhood. I will always support you !!!
Jackie Chen <kelan_chen@163.com>
Hangzhou, China - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 12:21:15 (BST)
听到你们的节目很偶然,但是非常喜欢Maggie和Brian的主持风格,让人感觉很轻松很快乐,希望在以后的日子里能够继续在音乐里听到你们幽默的话语。 ॲ祝你们的 节目越办越好!
fenniayan <hongchen1979@163.net>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 12:08:32 (BST)
Maggie and Brian:你们好!很遗憾,我的英文不好,只好用中文和你们交流了。我是来自天堂杭州的女孩,你们不知道我有多喜爱这个节目,从E-mail上可以看出:我、爱、你(拼音第一个字母),uk!真心希望节目越办越红火,永远不会消失!可以为你们点首歌吗?虽然不久我就要离开杭州去北方了,但我会想念你们以及屁股猫的。对了,屁股猫真是只猫吗?那它可真有乐感,我甚至都在学它的可爱的叫声呢,害得家人到处找:哪来的猫叫得介好听!
布丁 <wanuk@163.com>
杭州, 中国 - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 07:41:53 (BST)
hello from hangzhou . the http://hiphotoshop.yeah.net will hold out of you for ever.
righten <hfb_80@chinaren.com>
hz, china - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 07:24:25 (BST)
jimmy <god2000@263.net>
南宁, 中国 - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 06:54:17 (BST)
好久没有听到你们的声音了!好想Maggie&Brian and cat! ৎ支持你们forever!Good luck!
孙斌 <boney_sun@163.net>
上海, 中国 - Monday, March 26, 2001 at 05:17:27 (BST)
王建娣 <jiandi.1234@163.com>
浙江湖州, 中国 - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 18:58:24 (BST)
I think HFB is really a good programme. It has the best DJ Maggie and Brian. It is a sham, we can't heat your voice these weeks. My friends and I all want to hear your voices again. Anyway, we are waiting for your back.
Alan <jonestina@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 14:24:58 (BST)
Hi! 是第一次到你们的网站来,而且我也是这个节目的忠实听众,I want to say your programm isperfect and I love it very much! 非常喜欢BSB的歌曲,在我心目中他们是最棒的组合,希望你们可以多播放一些他们的歌!Thank you very much! :)
Justin <19ahen@china.com>
杭州, - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 13:27:09 (BST)
Maggie&Brian 会永远支持你们的!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SAMMY <无情妖月@FM365.COM>
shanghai, China - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 12:52:09 (BST)
Maggie and Brian:请你们相信正义终将能够战胜邪恶!你们的努力一定能够得到回报,我永远支持你们!原因很简单,因为我爱听你们的节目,它可以使我听到许多音乐,也可以让我提高英文听力!
blueskys <xinghuo79@hotmail.com>
杭州, 中国 - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 12:05:35 (BST)
To Maggie and Brian: ৎ非常喜欢听你们主持的来自英国的问候这档节目,借此机会对你们的工作和付出的劳动表示我最真挚的谢意! ल于有关部门的不理智甚至是有些官僚味道的做法,就我本人来说是非常反感的,对此我也深恶痛绝! ൲然我无法提供实质性的帮助,但是无论如何,无论在任何情况下,我希望我们的Maggie and Brian能够坚强地支撑下去,继续为我们听众工作下去。相信作为一个明智的领导,他们会从自己阴暗的角落里走出来的 !!! ࠧ次,祝你们工作顺利!
blueskys <xinghuo79@hotmail.com>
杭州, china - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 11:58:49 (BST)
Hi,Brian and Maggie I like your program very much ziyunsong
紫云松 <ziyunsong@sina.com>
上海, 中国 - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 11:39:07 (BST)
NEY BELL <XL4331@sina.com>
china, Hangzhou - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 11:23:17 (BST)
Heiio!主持人!!我是你们的忠实听众,我在此有一个小小的要求, 我想点一首歌!是那首《成长的烦恼》中第47集渡假中的插曲,不知道能不能答应我这个小小的要求!!!再此感谢!!!祝节目节节生高!! NEY BELL
N EY BELL <XL4331@sina.com>
中国, 杭州 - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 11:10:35 (BST)
grey <s9990@163.com>
HANGZHOU, CHINA - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 10:10:54 (BST)
hello,Maggie, hello, Brian. I write to you two for the third time, I didn't get any reply on my two letters sent to you before, I wish this will not get the same fate. I like the songs of savage gardon, will you broadcast a song of them for me, thank you
salty egg <alicechan003@sohu.com>
wenzhou, China - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 08:17:18 (BST)
Maggie以她的人格魅力深深的吸引着我,作为中国的留学生,她是我们的骄傲.Brian是个多么可爱的绅士,他是中国人民的友情一直怀着对在努力工作的,我爱他. ߒ什么中国的条条框框总是在制约着个性的发展?我会给中国广播电视总局写信声援Maggie&Brian,我永远支持他们! ߣ上是我给上海东方广播电台发的email,我希望喜欢Maggie&Brian的朋友们联合起来一起给上海东方广播电台和中国广播电视总局写信.
刘胜 <victorylou@263.net>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 07:39:43 (BST)
o my god!! i've been waitin' 4 a long time. is the mind of the employer f**ked up? now, just keep on working. n' i'll support u 4-ever
L'affie <grysboque@eminem.com>
shanghai, prc - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 07:37:56 (BST)
I have been listening this programm near 1 year ,I think it is a lively and relaxed good way in the radio ,I surport the broadcastting like before ,and strongly surport you - maggie and brian !
bluesea <xu_hf@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 04:15:03 (BST)
excellent work ,just keep on ,I hope ur voice could be heard elsewhere in china.HFB is cool ,isn't it???
Nigel <Nigel_Tang@hotmail.com>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 25, 2001 at 02:03:35 (BST)
KenshinLi <ajiong37@sohu.com>
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 23:45:51 (GMT)
Brain&Maggie: I'm here again and again.But the situation has not been changed.Foolish Dong fang Radio made a sutpid decision.As Maggie said , the reason why HFB was stopped are always unreasonable. I stick to support you ,support HFB forever. Looking forward yours back to us !!!
bravo <bravo128@21cn.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 19:32:23 (GMT)
bill <okfuture@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 15:11:05 (GMT)
I like your program very much which often bring a lot of good songs for us . I also like your voice which can get rid of my trouble . I like the songs of 98 cetigrede and SPICE GIRLS . Can you bring us some new songs of them? I want to send the song of "because of you"to all my friend,especially a friend outside china. THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!
amy <amy78128@china.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 14:32:10 (GMT)
哈哈,Brian & Maggie ,好久不见了,我发觉我现在越来越离不开《来自英国的问候》了,特别是maggie你和brian的主持风格沃行喜欢,不知道你们喜不喜欢听Eagles的那一首《hotel california》?我非常喜欢,我想把这首歌送给我的学姐赵娜和宋泉听,当然,也送给你们,祝你们的节目越办越好。
许广 <richterxu@sina.com>
南宁, 广西 - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 13:32:14 (GMT)
Pumbaa <Genie81@china.com>
Hangzhou, P.R.China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 11:38:42 (GMT)
I like it very much! I always love you!
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 11:18:32 (GMT)
Oh.my God! Hold on! There'll be tomorrow. We'll find the way!
james <james-lion@163.net>
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 10:37:14 (GMT)
Brian&Magie: how are you! !从听了来自英国的问候这个节目,我就不知不觉地爱上了他,他是如此的与众不同,令人禁不住想大声地喊:对,就是他,他正是我一直在 苦苦寻找的,今天我终于找到了!这其中的喜悦,我真想与你们一起分享。 天,我找到了你们的工作室。看到他令我想起一句古语:山不在深,有仙则灵,来自英国的问候因你们而动听。不过,我一直无法弄清楚你们节目的具体播出时段以致我错过了许多与来自英国的问候的约会,真的好可惜。
lumeo---卢 <无法无天444@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 10:34:55 (GMT)
Jacky <jacky1643@sina.com>
张家港, 中国 - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 10:13:58 (GMT)
i really like this program. but i don't know its time. brian speaks english so fast that i can hardly understand what he talks about.
jameslion <james-lion@163.net>
Hangzhou, - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 10:12:58 (GMT)
I like enjoying your music and your lovely performance in spare time.It really brings me much relaxation and happiness.Thanks a lot & best wishes!
qzking <qzking@sohu.com>
HangZhou, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 08:30:08 (GMT)
- Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 08:08:46 (GMT)
maggie,brian: 你们好啊 节目什么时候 恢复啊?! 我都快急死了!!听不到你们的声音很难很难睡着啊! 对了 为什么会停播呢 我还不懂呢。快点恢复吧 我受不了了!!!!!
谭涛 <tam8498123@yahoo.com.cn>
杭州, 中国 - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 07:20:29 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie&Brian Continue your Bussiness,God bless you for ever!
Ma Zhenggang <zgmhorse@mail.hz.zj.cn>
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 06:51:10 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie:I love your program very very much!!It‘s really a piece of terrible news for me。I don’t know what can I do if I can‘t hear your program。I hope I can hear it forever!
china, zhejiang - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 06:45:47 (GMT)
hello Brain, I'v got you mail ,but i'm so busy that i can't write back ASAP.i'm very sorry for that.I got some information from the front page why this programmer be closed down.i think that is unreasonable. How to make a foreigher speak fluently chinese though he had came to China for a short time who as you are.(Maybe here I make a mistake.) HELLO FROM BRITAIN this programmer is very lovely and interesting. The listerners can learn some useful things from it as well. Though I didn't used to listen but i'd listen if i had time. I wish i could hear good news in the near future.
Reny Qian <renyqian@sina.com>
Changshu, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 06:18:12 (GMT)
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 05:19:58 (GMT)
****ing dong fang radio
- Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 04:13:58 (GMT)
èóÑô <ice3824@eastday.com>
shanghai , china - Saturday, March 24, 2001 at 03:22:19 (GMT)
I love your program.Wish you have a good day and i will always support you!
stream <x_joan@china.com>
hangzhou, china - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 15:32:10 (GMT)
I really love the programme,I do not know the real reason for the matter,but i want the programme to go on forever!!
Judy <jingjingll@china.com>
shanghai, China - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 14:15:02 (GMT)
什么时候才能听到你们的节目呢? By the way, ഘ国有什么著名网站吗?能介绍给我吗?
Vivi <chiang@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 14:07:02 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie, I miss you so much! No matter what happen,i'll stand by you forever.
melanie <melanie_l@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 11:41:55 (GMT)
surpport you forever whatever you are
lily <shengyan@citiz.net>
- Friday, March 23, 2001 at 09:32:14 (GMT)
hello,这是我第一次发e-mail给你们。我很喜欢你们的节目。能点一首Mark Antony的when i dream at night吗?送给我的好朋友May ,祝她早日实现她的梦想。thank you.
sherry <tps2l@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 08:48:43 (GMT)
I think "HFB" it's cool very much! I love it very much!
Dominick Pastrana 曹梦初 <annahouse@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 08:15:51 (GMT)
太喜欢你们的节目,只是好失望她停播了。 ß礼拜天的上午十点到十一点,我只能对着收音机发呆。 &#望能早日再能听到你们的声音。
taicang, China - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 05:53:56 (GMT)
I think your programme must go on.I like your programme. I hope your trouble would pass soon. Maggie Best wish!
Alex <lodestar_74@chinaren.com>
hangzhou, China - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 05:24:37 (GMT)
亲爱的Maggie&Brian今天我又来到了这里,显然经过几个星期等待,结果依然没有什么变化,我不知道这种状况还要多久,只是没有你们的星期天是灰色的,灰色的,灰色的,Maggie信中的话说出了我想说出的一切,只是我们究竟还要等待多久?我不是一个偏激的人,因此我不愿在此说很多偏激的话,我只想说:Maggie and Brian是我的老师更是我深爱的朋友,这么多年来不论我经历了多少变故,你们始终在我身边陪伴我,支持我,我们还要分开多久?多久?
lala <yyylala@chinaren.com>
Shanghai, China - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 05:14:07 (GMT)
Brian and Maggie: i'm very happy for u to leave my comment.i was born in shanghaoi.And now ,i study in the Commerical Institue of HangZhou .i have been listening to the "Hello from Briten" since at senior high school. i'm exited to see your photoes.But your sound drew me more than your photoes.Although i live at 613 room .i'll tell my roommates "i bdlieve we can fly". i wish you can play "i believe i can fly". Thanks(33).
mi mi <chinacoll@eastday.com>
Hangzhou, china - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 04:35:56 (GMT)
虽然我是到上海念大学后(1998)才开始收听你们的节目,但你们是我所听过的最好的,有你们的sunday充满阳光,没了你们生活失去了很多色彩。 &#望你们早点回来!!! &#对支持你们!!!
沈阳 <spicecat@etang.com>
上海, china - Friday, March 23, 2001 at 00:25:38 (GMT)
amy <amy78128@china.com>
杭州, china - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 13:53:31 (GMT)
I am a student in university and am your listener for five years. Mar.29 is my birthday, and I hope you can send me a song on radio.Thanks.
lilyleu <lilyleu@sohu.com>
º¼Ö ¼ÖÝ, china - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 13:31:25 (GMT)
I love your program!but I can not write too much words because my english is very poor . but i will support your and your program forever and wish your continue your program as quickly as possible! i will stand by the radio for you!
ztchen <ztchen@fm365.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 10:38:19 (GMT)
Maggie,Brian!I like your program!一个字 ,棒!
慎洁 <sj0256@263.net>
江南, 中国 - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 07:50:30 (GMT)
I miss you Brian and Maggie.I love you your programme.
Jenny Cao
Shanghai, China - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 07:32:09 (GMT)
Hello,everyone!因为读的是日语,所以英文水平有待提高。不过这挡节目真的好棒(不是吹捧),I like English more than Japanese!:)
慎洁 <sj0256@263.net>
江南, 中国 - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 07:29:53 (GMT)
l want to see the time of your programme.l;m very fond of your voice ,best wishes.
wide <widerunner@sohu.com>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 05:29:51 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie&Brian,It's realy a piece of terrible news for me and for you.I love your voice!I love your music! I have listen to your program for years.It's one part of my life.So terrible they are! How can they take away one part of my life from me!! lt's terrible!So terrible!!Terrible!!!!!!
eva <cyeva@chinaren.com>
杭州, china - Thursday, March 22, 2001 at 03:51:39 (GMT)
Hello,Maggie&Brain.I like your program very much.I hope I can hear it forever!I want to order a beautiful song <> for my roommates.I hope they are happy forever!
mole <amoles@sina.com>
hangzhou, China - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 11:48:09 (GMT)
谭涛 <tam8498123@yahoo.com.cn>
杭州, 中国 - Wednesday, March 21, 2001 at 09:49:01 (GMT)
Maggic,你好,刚写了封Email 给东广,希望他们竟快恢复节目的播出。 会永远支持你们的节目!
Aska <aska82@hotmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 12:22:26 (GMT)
Dear Maggie & Brian: 天一上你们的网站就看到了这个荒谬的消息,实在是气愤!还好在杭州还能听到你们的节目。我只有衷心希望这一切会好起来,God Bless You!^O^
Amy <lizhuoye@163.net>
HangZhou, China - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 09:56:26 (GMT)
黄松华 <leo.huang@eyou.com>
杭州, - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 09:53:11 (GMT)
I will always support you!
Chris <chriszhj@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 08:39:25 (GMT)
小文子 <liverpoolman@chinaren.com>
shanghai, china - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 07:51:26 (GMT)
I like your programme,it's interesting! Can you play the song "What a girl wants"for me?
lollipop <lollipoplucy@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 05:13:25 (GMT)
Dear Brian and Meggie: I miss you all very much. Hope you will come back soon! We us all will be by your side forever!
Vicki <richmax@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, March 20, 2001 at 04:21:23 (GMT)
This program is very good!I like it. so i hope it can be go on!
液态氢 <killersw@fm365.com>
杭州, CHINA - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 14:13:29 (GMT)
MAGGIC的那句“天下没有不散的宴席‘使我挂念至今(NMT的最后的话)。 ৎ想和CALAR以及”来自英国的问候“永远都会是不散的宴席, ঍想在”来自英国的问候“里再一次听到NMT时的MUSIC BOX
卢华亮 < luhualiang@mail.hz.zj.cn>
hangzhou , china - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 12:19:51 (GMT)
天哪!没有来自英国的问候,天是灰的,海是黑的,空气是浑浊的, ஶ活更是黯淡的。我们整个浙江工程学院的大学生都会支持你们,直到 ߰们带来胜利的消息。 远的FANS CALAR AND LU
calar <lonneke@mail.hz.zj.cn>
hangzhou, china - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 12:11:18 (GMT)
I will always love u!!
Janet <janet2@elong.com>
上海, china - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 05:15:28 (GMT)
lightzhou <lightzhou@163.net>
hangzhou, PRC - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 04:43:33 (GMT)
Any attempt to stop HFB from being broadcat is definitely doomed to faliure.
Louis Liu <rjwliu75@hotmail.com>
Hangzhou, China - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 03:41:27 (GMT)
I like HFB very much .
cobblestone <ejzy@263.net>
hangzhou, china - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 02:48:49 (GMT)
上海不能做节目,就来杭州吧! ૜有你们节目的日子,生活过得好无聊!
LK <lklk0608@163.com>
杭州, - Monday, March 19, 2001 at 00:22:04 (GMT)
我是你们的一个新朋友,我知道你们的节目出了点问题。但是我相信很快就能听到 maggie and brian 令人兴奋的声音的。waiting for you
rattan <rattan@yeah.net>
杭州, 中国 - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 21:52:38 (GMT)
Maggic&Brian你们好,我认识你们是从那时的NMT开始的,我那时几乎每期都有听你们的节目,我喜欢极了。后来NMT停播了,我很难过,我还去www.cmnt.com看过呢,有一段时间,你们从我的耳旁消失,可是,后来我有发现了Hello from Britan 是它陪伴我走过了高考前的几个月。我很希望HFB能够被越来越多的听众所接受。最后,祝Maggic&Brian happy all the time .
gipsymoth <gipsymoth@eyou.com>
杭州, 中国 - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 16:53:21 (GMT)
i enjoy it
sunny <wit2000@sina.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 16:38:53 (GMT)
在心中默诵了无数遍: "我永远支持你们,HFB!" ஑在把这无数遍的真心话第n次送给Brian和Maggie, I love you for ever!
Vivi <chiang@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 13:26:18 (GMT)
Jodie <zhulinghangzhou@163.net>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 13:20:57 (GMT)
Hey, Maggie & Brian! This is the first time I made comments in the site, though I've been the listener of NMT for more than six years and HFB for about half and a year. I am so accustomed to living with your voice and music you have delivered that it is difficult for me to imagine a world without HFB surround me. I think everyone has the same story with me. So, please keep going, for me and for all your listeners. I love your program, always!
Jun <j_li@21cn.com>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 13:13:48 (GMT)
I like the program very much!!!!!!!!!!1
- Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 12:56:07 (GMT)
I like the programme very much. And now I am here, looking forward to your returning.
carol <carolshen@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 12:51:33 (GMT)
û很喜欢你们的节目,希望你们的节目越来越好。我 ঱点播一首:<<Nothing gonna change my love for you>> THANK YOU!!!
肖俊星 <x3132@sohu.com>
绍兴,  CHINA - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 11:37:29 (GMT)
Hi, This is my first time listening to the programme.I think the songs you play are generally nice.Say hello to the two DJ.And Brian,your voice sounds very young.I like the songs 'you are not alone'and'when you believe'very much.they are very special and i think they can bring you power when you listen.Can you play them so that i hope more people will know them.Thanks. By the way,where are you?In UK?or Shanghai? Jane
Jane <role@mail.hz.zj.cn>
hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 10:38:23 (GMT)
I'm sorry to hear the news.I like your programme very much! I hope that you will be back soon.
shanghai, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 06:50:19 (GMT)
I was used to turn on the radio to listen to program"来自英国的问候".I like the two hosts very much.I hope the program can be back as soon as possible.
Jerry <taolifangfang@fm365.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 06:15:55 (GMT)
吴昌提 <wuchangti@263.net>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 05:01:23 (GMT)
Good! Wonderful!
吴昌提 <wuchangti@263.net>
Hangzhou, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 04:57:12 (GMT)
Thank you for your letter. I know about this. I hope I will heared your progamme again.
Charley Sun <Charley07s@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, March 18, 2001 at 03:39:44 (GMT)
I'm very sad to know this bad news. Miss your programme very,very,very much!!!!!!!
Dale <dales@chinaren.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 18:06:38 (GMT)
It isn't only a radio programme. I like it very very much. I believe you're the best and you would make it better. I'll always support you. Good luck!
Jacqui <szy_jgg@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 15:34:42 (GMT)
Cheer up!You will soon success! I'm so glad! wait you coming back. In my life,can't without you.
Amanda <ziiyii@liu.com.cn>
china, shanghai - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 15:32:27 (GMT)
Maggie & Brian: No more to say,I love this programme,I love "HELLO FROM BRITAIN",I love you!
Jason <feiniujason@sina.com>
Hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 15:32:23 (GMT)
nice to meet you!
Chris Zhang <zluting@263.net>
shaoxing, shangyu - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 14:42:44 (GMT)
Hi, Brian&Maggie: The Sunday morning with you are always happy. Thank you for bringing me so much joy. No matter what happens, I'll be standing with you.
Ivan <1van@iname.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 14:29:56 (GMT)
hi,welcome back!U know i have waited u so hard!!! Love U!!! :)
lily <mienkki@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 12:43:22 (GMT)
I love you very much! I am missing you very much!And I like your programm very much!
kenhinli <ajiong37@sohu.com>
hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 11:04:21 (GMT)
My oicq:9287628.Anyone want to make friends with me ,you can add me!My hobby is very wildly,anyone likes to play the DDR?I like it very much!
cc <cayoxi@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 10:18:21 (GMT)
Hello!Maggie ,Brian!千分高兴又来这里留言了,这是我第二次来,第一次是去年.我每个星期都听你们的节目,我觉得BRIAN 的英文讲的好快呀,我很喜欢你的声音.我是学英语的,但现在水平还不够好,我想以后我会用英文给你们写一封长信的. ๢有啊,我的外教老师他的名字叫KEVIN,他是个美国人,他以前也是你们的同行.他现在在浙大里教外语,他很爱我们,我们也很爱他. 望你们天天开心!BYE!
cc <cayoxi@yeah.net>
hangzhou, China - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 10:14:24 (GMT)
pls come back to the air in shanghai every Sunday Morning, we need you, always
shelley <shelleyshi@online.sh.cn>
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 08:25:30 (GMT)
ICQ:95712515 OICQ:6582390 anyone wanne make friends with me??just add me on ur list!! esp.Mariah Carey and Eminem fans,let's be friends!!!!
spring <mariahcareyfan@hotmial.com>
- Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 06:34:45 (GMT)
Brian, Maggie: I will certainly support you forever and forever. Though Dong Fang Radio had done something unfair to you, as a supporter of your program, I can say that what you brought us was just your love, your care, and your interest in music but nothing bad. I agree with all of the things you said. And of course I will do all of the things I can to hear your voices in Shanghai again, no matter how busy I am as a senior three student. I have been wondered for a long time where you have gone until I received your email. And I must be sorry for not having visited your website because my mother do not let me to as she thinks I should concentrate myself completely on my study. Now I long to hear you chatting, talking about all of the things you like or dislike. I do not mind hear Brian saying how bad Mariah Carey is when I love her so much just as long as you are here with me. Believe me! I will do my best! Your true friend, Titan p.s. maybe you have received a same copy just before this,but as there are some mistakes in it, so i send it again.
titan <neonellneo@yahoo.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 05:39:51 (GMT)
I've read the report. I've also written to eastradio.I'll go on supporting you.
sherrill <lovelybaby_14@sohu.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 17, 2001 at 03:15:13 (GMT)
I love ur programme,and this is my third time here.I wish u can be more and more wonderful later.love u forever! :)
Alieen chen <sweetmouse@etang.com>
shanghai, china - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 14:49:09 (GMT)
祝你们节目早日复播出,我正期待着呢!I will love your programme very much and i miss you ,Maggie and Brian,you are so great!!!!
janey_蒋筱君 < janeyjxj@citiz.net>
shanghai, china - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 12:53:23 (GMT)
I love this programme. ๢是一朵特别的花,如果要她和别的花都开的一样,她就不再美丽了 ෿让东方的花园里,有一朵与众不同的花儿,我们都在看她盛开
赵扬 <yayamood@163.net>
shanghai, China - Friday, March 16, 2001 at 05:43:46 (GMT)
WangJingwen <flyingsnake778@8848.net>
shaoxing, China - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 11:04:14 (GMT)
i like your programe wery much!!but i can not listen it everyday!!because i often have class afternoon!! i like 911 and 98 degrees best!!would you please give me their songs in your programe?thank you!! wish your programe better and better!! yours:tonny.song
tonny song <tidesun@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 10:53:00 (GMT)
hello! ߐ位好!听了你们的节目觉得真的很不错!所以觉得你们的网站也应该很出色! ߡ天初次光临贵网站,真的令我很失望!实在是太朴素了!要是有点城市的繁华就好了!我的初步打算就是建一个聊天室,希望和喜欢该节目的朋友还有两位幽默的主持聊聊。。。。。。
杨柳 <xiyuannan@163.net>
杭州, 中国 - Thursday, March 15, 2001 at 02:24:54 (GMT)
Hello, brandson. It's a long time I havn't come to this web site. I have heard your letter twice. But i was busy looking for a job at that time. So I havn't satisfied your requitment. I appologize, sorry. Now I find a job. I will start my career, before long. If I have enough time, I will resort this web site. You can have my word, because I love your progame. You bring happines to me. Thank you. See you!
Emerson <juyong@etang.com>
Shanghai, China - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 14:56:02 (GMT)
Great work always has great listeners.And great listeners will never give in.
Lucano <jimmi@jkm.hotmail>
Hangzhou, China - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 08:54:57 (GMT)
Your program is more wonderful than I can say! So much I like it! Wish you success!
clare <clear@sohu.com>
zhejiang, China - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 07:33:01 (GMT)
DongFang Radio!!!.................... What a JOKE!!
spanky <spankyb@sina.com>
Shanghai, PRC - Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 04:59:12 (GMT)
dear Brain and Maggie: please remember, wherever i am, wherever you are, whatever happens, we will always support you!
jasmine <jasmine27@yeah.net>
- Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 04:26:38 (GMT)
- Wednesday, March 14, 2001 at 04:18:35 (GMT)
Hello,after looking through so many beatiful pictures i have found a wonderful world in front of me which is different from the radio.Here is a true and pure space,there on weekends is a charming one! Scotland is a wonderful country,i love it too! i want to be your friend,now and forever!if you wish,give me e-mail?Look forward a further touch!
helen <jojo1005@sina.com>
hangzhou, China - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 08:02:05 (GMT)
I like listen to your program,butI am not sure when it begin Thank you very much.
lao hua <www.laohuaxu@163.net>
hangzhou , china - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 06:51:38 (GMT)
I like your program very much. It's my good friend.I love AIR SUPPLY's songs. pleas tell me more imformation about them. Thank you. I'm sorry , my English is very poor.
Jane <lj1710@yeah.net>
Hangzhou, China - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 06:18:56 (GMT)
嗨,我又来了!!!我好高兴啊,我很仔细的看了你们的网站,不错啊。你们的工作室很有个性啊,周围的环境也很好啊,难怪你们的节目这么好啊,我喜欢!!! ৎ----一只远方的文子会永远永远支持你们的!!!继续努力吧----是指我和你们 ߌ起啊:)
cally <rosebear@yeah.net>
China, hangzhou - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 04:00:37 (GMT)
I'm a college student. I like English music very much!!! So I like your programme very very very much. It's my first time to write to you ,I like " air supply", could you help me ??? I want to know more about them!!! Thanks!!!!
cally <rosebear@yeah.net>
china, hangzhou - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 03:47:01 (GMT)
I'll always love you and support you!!!!!
Tequila Bomb <sindy4@163.com>
Shanghai, China - Tuesday, March 13, 2001 at 03:25:13 (GMT)
已经很久没有听到Brian&Maggie你们的声音了,我发现自己的生活中好象少了什么。以前每周我都觉得在期待着什么,如果哪一个星期没有听到Maggie那充满活力的声音,Brian的幽默的说话方式,我都会觉得很失落。 ஑在已经有三个月没听到你们的节目,我真的感到很失落。今天,我才仔细的看了Brian的history updated,看完后我有很多感想。每个人都有自的梦想,要想实现它,可能会遇到很多挫折,但是只有他有强烈的愿望,不屈的精神,还有足够的耐心,才可以make it.所以我想过不了多久,我们一定能够在上海的电波中相会。good lucky,Brian and Maggie!
小勇 <bravestone@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 11:18:05 (GMT)
等待,等待,漫长的等待。我们用了两个月的时间等来了一张传真,上海东方广播电台,是不是还需要两个月我们才能看到你们的下一个答复……对听众如此的敷衍,如此的漫不经心,这样的电台哪里值得我们去爱,这样的电台只会让所有热情听众感到心寒!!失去了听众,失去了我们,你们还能走远吗?!!那些有权利的人,我相信国家广电总局的规定你们应该很早就知道,如果真的是必须通过普通话测试,你们尽可以在去年,在更早的时候通知Maggie,让Maggie.Brian准备。如果你们在心里对广大听众有一丝丝的重视,一丝丝的尊重,决不会,决不会轻易地将一档如此受欢迎的节目停止,决不会像现在,节目被停播了两个月后,才出来解释理由,你们的这种行为是极不负责任的!!所谓的理由,真的是理由吗??通不通过普通话测试真的那么重要吗?那些有权利的人,请问你们是否知道,是否考虑过我们需要的,喜爱的,我们希望的到底是什么?我们并不是在学习语言,我们需要的仅仅是美妙的音乐,我们喜爱的是轻松,活泼的HFB,我们希望的只是在每个星期天的早上有快乐,惬意的心情,我们希望的只是能有Maggie,Brian的陪伴,就像从前……这很过份吗?这很难办到吗?为什么我们想拥有一档心爱的节目会这么难?而你们狠心地将它停止时,却那么轻而易举?!!那些有权利的人,请问在你们作出决定时,在你们决定开播或停止一档节目时,你们根本的出发点是什么?是不是想为听众提供更多更好的音乐?是不是像你们在节目中所说“扩展您的音乐视 ෈”?是不是想让东广的节目被上海的听众喜欢?是还是不是???如果是,那你们为什么将HFB停止?这些HFB都做到了啊!!如果不是,那你们作决定的出发点又是什么?仅仅是你们个人的喜好?!!仅仅视你们的心情来定?!!或者你们作决定根本不需要任何理由?!!!那些有权利的人,请给我,给所有热爱HFB的朋友一个真正能让人信服的理由,为什么要拒绝HFB?为什么要拒绝来自英国的友情传递??你们不是一直在说:“让上海了解世界,让世界了解上海”吗?难道这一切只是说说?!!要知道,一个国际大都市,并不是仅仅拥有摩登的大楼,闪烁的霓虹,拥有美丽整洁的道路就够了呀!!看到这座美丽城市后面,那些高高在上的官老爷们自以为是,霸道,蛮横地导演一幕幕闹剧时,我,还有每一个热爱这座城市的人都会感到深深地遗憾和心痛!上海不应该是这样的城市!!是的,上海决不应该是这样的城市!!!亲爱的Maggie,Brian请不要放弃,我们始终在你们身边,我们一起战斗!!我和我的朋友们始终相信你们一定会回来!!我们永远支持你们,支持HFB!!!
chenyan <selenchen@sina.com>
Shanghai, China - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 10:28:09 (GMT)
YOYO <lolo-ddm@163.com>
hangzhou, China - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 08:49:48 (GMT)
Your program is wonderful.I like it very much! And it is the first time I visit your webside. I hope there will be more content on it in the future. I want give my wishes to you as well.
yuanyongbo <yuanyongbo1@sina.com>
杭州, China - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 08:36:48 (GMT)
这是一档很棒很酷的电台节目 ࿝给和不澜恩 我爱你们 爱你们的节目
宣婷婷 <>
浙江湖州, 中国 - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 04:57:15 (GMT)
I love your programe very very very...... much!It makes me happy and suprised.And I love you,Brian and Maggie.
韦元 <weiyuan@zjpti.com>
Hangzhou, China - Monday, March 12, 2001 at 03:29:47 (GMT)
i really miss u,maggie and brian. how can my life be wonderful without ur charming voice on sunday?!
joe <joejoe4@etang.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 12:36:30 (GMT)
I'm a student in china .I like the Beatles.我想为我的朋友倪文冰,李左多点一首<<挪威森林>>,谢谢!我永远支持你们!!!
郭文杰 <goodguo@china.com>
hangzhou, CHINA - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 10:58:37 (GMT)
It's unfair that this program was stopped without a good reason,I think. Your program is the best English program I ever heard,so I feel pity for it.
阳 <muyirtian@sina.com>
杭州, 中国 - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 10:57:17 (GMT)
我非常喜欢你们的节目,我不能没有你们的节目。你们的节目伴我度过了近十年。在这个节目中,我和我的WIFE相识.相爱,但终于相分离。至今我还没能忘记她。她在英国,我在杭州。不知她能否听到来自杭州的<来自英国的问候>或<NESTECAFE MUSIC TIME>
FENGYONG <foundyou@163.net>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 10:49:38 (GMT)
Brian&Maggie: I want you to know that you are always the best in my heart!! I miss you so much,I will wainting for you forever BE BACK AS QUICK AS YOU CAN!! PLEASE!!
kitty <ktloveu@citiz.net>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 08:22:15 (GMT)
candy.pan <candybest@fm365.com>
HangZhou, china - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 07:06:22 (GMT)
I to get an Enlish song for our classmate at about 6:10in thursday.
chenyumei <chenyumei8328@163.com>
º¼Ö ¼ÖÝ hangzhou, zhejiang China - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 06:21:51 (GMT)
swallow <rolover@sina.com>
shanghai, china - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 05:33:02 (GMT)
I love that program.So I will surport it definitly!We should not refuse a good program just because of certain absurd rules!
Lei Lei <crimsonl@sina.com>
Suzhou, China - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 05:10:35 (GMT)
I like your programme very much!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sally <vivifish@263.net>
中国, 北京 - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 04:36:23 (GMT)
I like your programme very much, it bring a lot of very good music and joy for me,thanks for lots.but now I work in Hangzhou, I can receive your programme,but I couldn't understand why Hangzhou radio station play your same programme again and again, can you tell me?
Sun Xiangzhong <sunxiangzh@163.com>
Hangzhoou, China - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 04:30:30 (GMT)
你好! 一次收听你的节目觉得真的很不错。我很喜欢你俩富有异国情调的声音。 了你们的节目我受益非浅,渐渐地我想去。。。。
猪笨笨 <qjs125121@yeah.net>
杭州(hangzhou), 中国(china) - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 02:34:54 (GMT)
From the beginning of this year, when HFB was made to be off air, I began to feel that I had lost something in my music life. HFB was my favourite music programme on western pop music! I just hope that HFB will be back soon!
Daniel <yyoung_32@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, China - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 02:30:41 (GMT)
i like this programme,because the two 主持人 are very charming.i will support you always.
judy <judy.sj@netease.com>
hangzhou, china - Sunday, March 11, 2001 at 01:13:13 (GMT)
I love u and really miss u.I felt like crying when reading your statment.It's totally unfair and they are really inflexible.But anyhow I support u forever!
howegg <howegg@yahoo.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 13:59:56 (GMT)
I miss you very much!!! The weekend with out you is so dull. I will always be with you. please not give up!!
Lili Yu <leele1026@sina.com.cn>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 13:12:04 (GMT)
Maggie & Brian ,你们的节目办得太好了,你们主持得真是精彩,我很喜欢你们。 去年暑假在上海实习时偶尔听到“来自英国的问候”这个节目,真是太棒了,可惜在杭州只有星期六才能听到你们的节目,太可惜了。还好我就要到上海去当兵,以后可以经常收听你们的节目了,愿你们的节目(也是我们大家的节目)越办越好!我永远支持你们!
ChinaNavy <j-bond@163.net>
杭州, 中国 - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 13:11:27 (GMT)
i like ur gramma very much,but these days i can not listen in the radio.i hope one day i can recieve a mail from u ,thanks,and also ,i want to make a friend who is good at english via ur instruction,or u can call me.(0)13656663430.
gemki <gemki@163.com>
hangzhou, china - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 12:45:22 (GMT)
damnit,they dont have the right to delete HFB as long as the program is ok.*uck those stupid butt ugly a$$hole b|tch!!!!!!!!!!!HFB RULZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
spring <vivaspring@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, P.R.China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 12:14:42 (GMT)
spring <mariahcareyfan@hotmail.com>
shanghai, China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 12:02:00 (GMT)
all i gotta say is what the f*ck!!!!!!!damn those stupid a$$hole rules!!!!!!
spring <vivaspring@yahoo.com>
Shanghai, P.R.China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 11:59:52 (GMT)
I have been listening to HFB ever since the start of the program. I love it! It has been my best friend for a long long time! I will never allow anyone to tell the program off! I will never listen to Shanghai East Radio which is without HFB! I am keeping my promise now. Fuck off Shanghai East Radio!
Fu Lin <pierre@ynmail.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 09:55:15 (GMT)
i miss you very much,miss your programme.i hope you come back soon.
wangxia <wangxia-5@etang.com>
shanghai, china - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 09:54:01 (GMT)
Your program is pretty nice.I havent missed one since a year ago.
Ye Sheng <shguoding@hz.zj.cn>
Hang Zhou, China - Satur MT)
My dearest Maggie,Brian & Peegoo,my roommates & I love your programmes. All of us will support HFB forever!!!
a刘玮> <alb2046@sohu.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 03:18:37 (GMT)
在一个偶然的机会听到了你们的节目,从此爱上了它。在这里我可以听到许多我所喜欢的歌手的声音。特别是savege garden。春光明媚的日子,沐浴在阳光下,听着你们的节目,沉醉在音乐中这真是一种享受。我会继续支持你们的,另外,我很喜欢你们的studio,那儿的环境很美,好羡慕你们,每天可以工作在这样的地方,享受着大自然的气息,真棒!
lucy <lucyting@263.net>
杭州, china - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 02:11:49 (GMT)
I've thought of the cause,but I refered to believe it's not true.However...Maggic&Brian don't give up.i'll wait.I believe u'll be back.I love you so much.
Elvis Cai <shanghaiguy@eastday.com>
Shanghai, China - Saturday, March 10, 2001 at 00:46:01 (GMT)